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The Principles of Truth are 7; he who knows these, understandably, possesses the Magic Key before wh

About Me

Ron, when the bottom fell out of my world you were the only one of my friends to stick by my side. You held my head above water and gave me a reason to go on even though I fought you every step of the way. You waited patiently while I fell in and out of love because I was too blind to see that I was comparing them all to the perfect man and none of them could measure up because none of them was you. Through all the good and bad you were by my side. You are my best friend, my lover, and the center of my world. I Love You.... with all that I have and all that I am, heart and soul, with every fiber of my being.
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Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions, and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower- escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Remember always, student, that transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master. -The Kybalion

Myspace Glitters

I'm a Paranormal Investigator who works with a small team of trained professionals. We do house blessings, cleansings, spirit releasements, and spirit rescue. I also work closely with a demonologist, several Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters in darkness control (fighting demons).

Myspace Glitters

I'm just about finished with my 3rd degree in the Correllian Tradition of Wicca and it is through them that I earned my Clergy ordination. I'm also active in the mentor program where I currently teach 1st and 2nd degree classes along with some of the various healing modalities I've been attuned to.

Myspace Glitters

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Myspace Layouts at / Lavender Rose Angel

My Interests

Wicca, Witchcraft, Spirit Communication, Angels, Photography
Glitter GraphicsUsui Reiki, Shamballa MDH, Kundalini Reiki, Etheric Crystals, Seichim Reiki, Kundalini Yoga
Glitter GraphicsMeditation, Faeries, Flower Essences, Herbalism, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Crystal Healing, Atlantis Healing System, Angel Flames Reiki
Glitter GraphicsAngel Light Healing, Angel Reiki, Angel Reiki for Kids, AngelWings, Colours of Angels, Companion Angel Empowerment, Feathers of an Angel
Glitter GraphicsAll 14 of the LightWorker Archangelic Links, Angel Contact, Angel Stones, Angels of the Heart, Angel of Prosperity, Angels of the Heart Empowerment"

I'd like to meet:

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Toby Keith, Country, Native American, Rock, Soft Rock, some Rap, some Heavy Metal


ET, Gone with the Wind, Titanic, anything Horror or Suspense, Comedy, Sci-Fi


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Aradia, Gospel of the Witches, The Kybalion, Doreen Virtue, Sylvia Browne, Hans Holzer, pretty much anything on the paranormal, angels, Wicca, spirit communication, healing, crystals, etc...

My Blog

Demon of the West

Another wind comes from the West, this time more powerful, with vengance. Chasing me, as to tell it lives. All right then! I stand here for you!   Give me what you want, your desires. Show me the...
Posted by Amethyst on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:16:00 PST