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About Me

www.hostdrjack.comBeen a wytch about 30 some years. Just know Her Wytchiness is very laid back and doesn't want any negativity here. Life's too short, have fun! And, as a friend says: "Love and Peace!"LET ME SUSPEND MY THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE IN YOUR POWDER SWEAT AND SIGHS.
YULE Yule Yule, Yuletide, Winter Solstice or Christmas whichever you prefer, is celebrated by Pagans the 21st or 22nd of December. This day marks the end of the dark half of the year and the beginning of the light half. Starting the next morning at sunrise, the sun climbs just a little higher and stays a little longer in the sky each day.The Yule LogThe Yule log is the highlight of this festive season. The traditional wood used for the Yule log is Ash.According to tradition, this log is decorated with seasonal greenery, soaked with cider or ale, dusted with flour and lit with a piece of log saved from the previous year. The log used for the season must be cut from the yard or given as a gift. It is considered unlucky to buy your own Yule log.Once lit the log would burn throughout the night, then left to smolder for 12 days, before being put out. A small piece of the log is then saved to start the fire for the log the next year.Now that times have changed and fireplaces are not found in every home, some adjustments can be made for convenience.You could look in your yard, nearby wooded areas or park for a small log or branch of evergreen. You may need to flatten one side so it will not roll.Drill three holes in the top of the log/branch to hold 3 candles. Candle combinations include: Season - red, green, and white Sun God - green, gold, and black Goddess - white, red, and black.Decorate with greenery, bows, seasonal flowers, cloves, and dust with flour. Light candles and burn daily for 12 days. Save your Yule log for the following year.Symbols of the SeasonFoods of Yule: Cookies and caraway cakes, cider, cinnamon-ginger tea, fruits (roasted apples, clove studded apples and oranges), nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, spiced cider, wassail, ale.Colors of Yule: Red, green, gold, orange, silver, white, yellow.Incense of Yule: Ash, pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon, frankincense.Herbs of Yule: Bayberry, blessed thistle, cedar, evergreen, frankincense, holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage.Stones of Yule: Bloodstones, diamonds, garnets, emeralds, rubies.Activities of Yule: Burning the Yule log, caroling, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging presents, hanging wreaths, kissing under the mistletoe, honoring Kriss Kringle.
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SERVICES OFFERED: I teach WYTCHCRAFT. Wicca and Celtic. As an ordained minister and High Priestess, I offer handfasts/wedding, wiccanings, & crossing over/funeral rites.I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher providing chakra alignments and stress reduction.I also make wands & staffs for those wishing to buy. Each is handcrafted, cleansed, & consecrated before shipping. As soon as I can, I will post some pix of them.Email me for prices.
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My Interests

I am into the SCA, I figure skate competitively, and I love to bellydance. Some of you had the chance to see me dance LOL.I am an ordained minister and High Priestess thru ULC, TOW, and Pathways Sanctuary/Seminary of which I am President.I am a Reiki Master/Teacher as well as Holistic and Herbal Medicine.I am also tracing my roots. Trying to get back to Ireland and Scotland.

CURRENT MOON lunar phase

I'd like to meet:

Most definitely, ROBERT PLANT! I came close in 2005, I got to belly dance with him! That was beyond description. His music has touched my soul in many ways. It goes beyond his obvious sexiness. He writes songs with deep spiritual meaning as well. His music style is so diverse, it makes one look forward to a new cd each time he creates one. I am also a fan of his for his behind the scenes stuff--like his commitment to Mother Earth.Blackmore's Night--Love their music!

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Led Zep, Robert Plant, Pink Floyd, Rush, Roy Harper, Janis Joplin, the old blues like Muddy Waters, Woglemut, Turku, New Age Celtic, Loreena McKinnett, Lisa Lynne.
I am currently working on my 1st music cd. It is a combination of New Age, Meditative, and Pagan music.


Lord of the Rings, Rob Roy, Braveheart, etc. I loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, too. An old movie called "The Others".I like the old black and white horror flicks with Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, etc. I really like the Vincent Price movies. He could play a part like nobody else could or will.
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I love my Steelers, Penguins hockey, ice skating, nature shows, some of the music channels.




The children and the families of those children that I take care of for a living. I am a nurse and I take care of mostly terminally ill kids. They live each day fighting battles of one type or another. Some of the kids are on life support and are hooked up to more machinery than the BORG. The families push on each day, facing the unknown.

My Blog


                       SAMHAIN Samhain, (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) means "End of Summer", and i...
Posted by Beth on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 05:45:00 PST


In Ireland and Scotland, the beginning of summer was known as Bealtaine, meaning "fire of Bel." This was probably a reference to the Celtic solar god, Belenos, who was venerated throughout Europe. As ...
Posted by Beth on Sat, 05 May 2007 06:18:00 PST


IMBOLC This is when the Wheel Year turns to Brigid, the Light-bringer. It is the time which refers to the lactation of ewes. The promise of flowing milk and the return of spring and all which gives l...
Posted by Beth on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 08:51:00 PST

OF Flora and Fauna...

With so many of us pagans out there, I thought it would be nice to have a place to share knowledge of our plants, herbs, and animals. It can be an herbal recipe for medicinal purposes, wytchy wor...
Posted by Beth on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:05:00 PST

Welcome Friends!

Welcome friends!   Welcome to my own Mysty Mountain Grove, my own little corner of the internet, where the spirits soar.  Come in, relax, and have a drink or two with me.  We can t...
Posted by Beth on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 09:38:00 PST