songbird profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts For Girls Only -
Girly Myspace Comments
what to say about me......
wow. that's a big question and reminds me of the "friends" i may have who i don't actually know... and i can't imagine what "about me" they might like to know. i'm always open to questions and i'd rather talk over a beer, but i'm just as likely to excuse myself and disappear while you are still here...
headed up the mount to release myself and found myself quite clear, knew i was a mountain mama with nothing in the world to fear. couldn't live without music and good stories to pass the time. not real sure how far i'd get if i didn't have the chance to climb. life's not much good without water, limbs need the chance to swim and when everything i need's upstream, i can take a good gospel hymn...
life seems full of possibilities and nothing much gets me down. a good green man with a gentle hand is so good to have around. live music and good lovin are what i need to breathe and just enough of silence to keep my soul at ease...

My Interests

raising my children. our future. the evolution revolution. spirituality. deep, transformational healing.

good people who believe in balance and embrace life. green politics and following the lead of true and balanced leaders. changing the world.

making records. men who make music for a living and believe women share the right to rock. traveling the world with my children and creating a legacy for my grandchildren.

day to day general interests include homeschooling for joshua and public high school for ian. child development and adolescent psychology. human dynamics, especially in groups.

alternative healing and preventative medicine, particularly Reiki and cellular release therapies - from deep tissue to vibrational essences.

tools of awareness from body language to clairsentience. non-fiction and numbers. organic textiles and food, alternative energies and conscious consumerism. painting, sewing and writing.....

and silliness...

i also dig numerology, tarot, animal guides, heart centered hypnotherapy and graffitti...

I'd like to meet:

people ready to sing and dance to the music of life. here is alan watts on the subject:
MySpace Tracker

more people who live in solar powered houses, earthships and green renovations. people who drive hybrid cars. vegans and yoga freaks.

more musicians, dancers, photographers and techies - folks who would like to build a world tour. someone who might serve as a guiding force in my life and career...

people who believe..... in laughter as the best medicine and children as the future. speaking of laughter and children....
Get this video and more at MySpace.comalthough i missed meeting mr. carson, i still dream of a late night circuit with dave and the boys....

tina turner, maya angelou, rosanne cash and susan surandon.

perry farrell, steven spielberg, henry rollins and jack white.


before my children, music was the only thing that ever saved my life. the complexity of something, juxtaposed with the simplicity of something else. the full bodied experience of ecstasy from only one sense..... in darkness and stillness, without flavor or odor, the brain becomes ecstatic and the heart and body will follow. a well of emotion surfaces and electricity unites the scalp to the fingertips and toes. emmersed in sounds, memories and visions.....

there are millions of amazing musical occurences to appreciate that continue to remind you where you came from while pushing you on. forward march. forever flight.......

this weeks favorite:

"the reason why..." by rachel yamagata


making them would be best.


kill your television. i believe that's the best thing to do...


all the time. every day. let the words light your way.

tom robbins is my favorite author and of his collection of titles, jitterbug perfume is my favorite. and racing for second are another roadside attraction and skinny legs and all.




a few books that changed my life:

the fountainhead by ayn rand

living in the light by shakti gawain

a wrinkle in time by madeliene l'engle

the celestine prophecy & the tenth insight by james redfield

conversations I, II & III / friendship with god by neale donald walsch

illusions, bridge across forever & jonathan livingston seagull by richard bach


ian, joshua (aka - the wonder twins) and, of course, wonder woman.

you can't go wrong with invisible transportation and a lasso of truth.

free thinkers and conscious consumers. people unafraid to speak out and stand up for what they believe in. those strong enough to share their past experience in order to create change for the future of others. kermit the frog and YOU!

My Blog


perhaps i'm just clearing cobwebs tonight. this morning.i will not end up like her, this woman who i relate to so fiercely at times. this woman who haunted me as a young woman. her poetry defies he...
Posted by songbird on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 02:50:00 PST

a fairy tale

once upon a the a land faraway...called here and now.and so, in a moment, everything can change...and a prince arrives on his majestic stallion with his love for music and his resp...
Posted by songbird on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:55:00 PST

it’s true.

when life gives you lemons, you really can make lemonade.and if you're clever, there's always a twist.we are creatures of habit, but i'm a firm believer in change. i am changing right before my very ...
Posted by songbird on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:29:00 PST

something about...

...californication..."'rome IS burning', he said as he poured himself another drink, 'yet here i am knee deep in a river of pussy'.here it comes, she thought, another self-indulgent, whisky soaked dia...
Posted by songbird on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:39:00 PST

there is a god!

my patience and perserverence have been rewarded. no, i didn't get the guy, but there is such a thing as transference and songbird is driving a new set of wheels! for those of you who know me off li...
Posted by songbird on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:26:00 PST

alter @ the altar

so this morning, being a brand new day, as tomorrow always is... begged for a better beginning than yesterday... going online and feeling betrayed and abandoned. god bless myspace, right?anyway, tod...
Posted by songbird on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 07:38:00 PST

how does it go around again?

life is lived for the silver linings, am i correct?what happens when the clouds dissipate after the storm and you're left with rain running down your cheeks? no silver lining.... still searching for...
Posted by songbird on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:11:00 PST

use your illusion

if it motivates you and makes things happen. good things. if it is fuel for your fire, keeps you sitting up straight and smiling... then let it. believe what you want, even if it's just for a minu...
Posted by songbird on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:28:00 PST

let it be...

if we are lucky, life is long.if we are foolish, we wish it i'm feeling foolish. this week has brought many realizations after such a transformative weekend at deerfields for ONE WORLD. i...
Posted by songbird on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:27:00 PST


i am one.solitary and strong.but where do i belong?i was witness to one of the most beautiful festivals i've been to this weekend, but i choose the word witness as it seemed only in fleeting moments t...
Posted by songbird on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:15:00 PST