¿What is What?
Jellaludin Rumi * Kabir * Queen Rania of Jordan * Andy Partridge (lead singer of XTC) * Maezumi Roshi (dead, but still...) * Suzuki Roshi (another dead one...) * Bjork * Tori Amos * Stephen Colbert * Peter Gabriel * Shigeru Ban * Parker Posey * Naomi Watts * David Lynch * Alan Ball * Jack Black * Oprah (yeah, that's right, I said OPRAH) *
Is there anything that is NOT music? "Listening" and "music" are redundant. Wake up and hear the coffee.
Use your I-balls. It's all a movie. You're playing a role. You are not your character.
Some horizontal, some vertical.
I have read books. I have written books.
My wife. Our dot.