About Me


My Interests


Member Since: 1/26/2006
Band Website: realdiehl.com

Influences: You may not enjoy my music. You may not like some of the symbols I use in my art. But please do not assume that you know anything about me or what I stand for. Everything you see on this site is just filler and fluff.
Do not be a dum ass and assume that when you see a star of fucking David on my site that I am a Goddamned Zionist.Do not assume that because I have some pictures of Buddha on my page, that I am attempting to represent Buddhists.Do not assume that because I say some shitty things about Jesus that I do not like the mother fucker.Do not assume for a minute that just because I am singing about beer, that I am selling it.Do not assume that just because I am ranting about fucking and sucking that I am advocating an agenda to transform the world into a great big fucking orgy.Do not assume that the rainbow on my Drill Sergeant Badge represents gay fucking pride.Do not assume that I fancy myself as some kind of wizard or fucking magician just because you see a Goddamned red hat flying above my fucking shield.Do not assume that I want to feed all the starving fuckers in Africa just because you see a ONE logo.That Bono fucker should be handing them condoms instead of food. If they'd stop breeding like fucking rabbits, their fucking kids would not be starving.Do not assume for a second that I represent anything that any of these fucking symbols usually stand for.This site is about chewing up all of the shit that has been force fed to me by the fake fucking media and vomiting it back out into myspace for whomever wants to look and listen to it.If you don't like it, then click the fucking BACK button on your Goddamned browser. Nobody invited you here, and nobody has spent any fucking money to draw you to the page.If you don't like it, just don't look at it, and don't fucking listen to it!It's that fucking simple!Because the only real reason I even showed up on myspace to begin with was so that I could find a free place to tell "Big Brother" and the shitty Republicans and Democrats to suck my Airborne Cock.On December 12, 1985, 248 Airborne fuckers died on a shitty plane crash in Gander, Newfoundland. My only motivation is to let the scumsucking pigs who were running this country and the world in 1985 know that not all Amerikan soldiers are drunken little idiots who get out of the service, get drunk, and dissapear into oblivion. Some of us look at things a little differently than the cookie-cutter drones our media seems to be creating nowadays.I get a kick out of those who stop by my fucking page for a few minutes and use their own fucking tunnel vision to view it; and then send me a shitty fucking email to let me know that I am a disgrace to white people, a disgrace to Amerika, a disgrace to Buddhists, etc.HOLY FUCKING SHIT, PEOPLE!I do not belong to any political parties, clubs, organizations, or affiliations whatso-fucking-ever!This is an independent effort.This is just one stupid fucking asshole ranting after 20 years of waiting for some fucking truth to be told about a plane crash that killed 248 soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division.Democrats and Republicans collectively covered that shit up!Media whores covered that shit up!And I have been dedicating a full time effort ranting about it for three fucking years.You don't like my genre?You don't like my blogs?SO FUCKING WHAT!You don't have to look at it!And I have not spent a dime to brainwash you with my ideology or agenda.I just think it is fucking pathetic that all of you mother fuckers out there in Amerika who claim to hate the government have never figured out a fucking way to really let them know how much you despise them without getting yourselves locked up in fucking prison for doing stupid shit that doesn't solve a Goddamned fucking thing.Personally, I think they are all a bunch of shitty fucking whores, but I do not hate them. I just want the mother fuckers to tell the Goddamned truth about the Fucking Gander Crash!It's my fucking axe, and I'll grind it if I want to.And the next time the United States government covers up a plane crash that killed 248 fuckers from your Army unit, then I suppose you'll be able to tell me that you can relate to my fucking situation.Until then...go fuck yourself if you don't like this page!There...I said it!Now...if you read all of the above and are interested in what the fuck the Gander Crash is all about...click on the fucking dove...

Otherwise...Thanks for dropping by, and have a nice fucking day.Sincerely,DSD
Sounds Like: ONE:

Look out, Florida! Hurricane Tommy is coming through!

Record Label: www.realdiehl.com
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Shame on you, Joe the Plumber

The other night during the election "debate" between our two fuck knob partisan choices, the two ass-hat politicians kept referring to "Joe the Plumber". Joe the Plumber this; and Joe the fucking Plum...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 07:07:00 PST

Debates? Is that what they were?

So,  Amerikan idiots! Did you do what all the other sheepies in this fucked up Kuntry did on Wednesday night? Did you turn on your boob tube and sit down on the couch to watch the fucking "debate...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 09:39:00 PST

Rock star fuck knobs that have whored themselves out to Obacka Barama

I was reading another fucked up news story this morning.  It seems that another rock star fuck knob from New fucking Jersey is threatening to sue Johnny Mc-Fucking-Pain for playing a song at a ca...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 05:55:00 PST

Obacka Barama Cannot Save your Stupid Black Ass from Yourself

Here ya go, Negroes! Don't take my word for it! Take it from Bill Fucking Cosby... And I quote... " 'They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 08:02:00 PST

One benefit of the economic bust!

I dunno, fuckers! I don't like economic collapse and bust any more than anybody else, but perhaps there are some benefits to such things. For instance, our society has been rewarding nigger rap-star a...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 08:00:00 PST

The Coming Conscription of Your Spoiled Slacker Amerikan Brat Children

The fuckers in Washington D.C. have reached a level of rhetoric that cannot be tamed. These wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are far from over. The fuckers who supported Bush and his war mongering rhetori...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 10:37:00 PST

Idiot Slacker Morons from Hell

In the Kult of Amerika, we are witnessing a record turnout of idiot slacker morons from hell registering to vote this year. Most of them are showing up because they've been SOLD the idea that voting f...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 06:39:00 PST

Our Fake Democracy

A couple of years ago, I put myself on the email distribution lists for both parties.  Yep.  On a daily basis I receive a hefty bombardment of propaganda from both of these two fucked up pol...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 08:04:00 PST

Signed Sealed, and Delivered! We are yours!

Congratulations, Amerikan idiots!  Another nail has been placed in the coffin of your financial freedom! Dubya and his mob of Senators and Congressmen have signed, sealed, and delivered another ...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:18:00 PST

A Financial Pearl Harbor

Warren Fucking Buffet says that the current financial "crisis" is "an economic Pearl Harbor"! What the fuck does that mean? FDR knew ahead of time that Pearl Harbor was going to get fucking blasted. D...
Posted by DRILL SERGEANT DHARMA on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 12:35:00 PST