TampaBayMusicScene.com Is a site dedicated to promote the Bay areas music scene. The site features thousands of links including area bands, music venues, music resources and much more.
A site highlight is the music calendar. Stated as the nets most comprehensive listing of Tampa Bay shows , it gives the music fan an easy way to see what is happening around the bay.
The site offers a huge multimedia section ( Over 4 gigs ) with mp3s, videos and interviews of monthly featured artist. The site has its own internet radio station TBMradio. . Visit TBM radio at www.tbmradio.com.
TampaBayMusicScene.com has been on the net since 2001. An aggressive promoting effort has the site in the top ten of every search engine. The site receives some 1000+ visits daily.
See for yourself why this site is a favorite of many musicians and is growing continuously.
The site administrator Ken Thomas assures that the effort to promote the scene will be his main focus for years to come and only ask that site visitors check out the sponsors who keep the site free for all to enjoy...http://www.tampabaymusicscene.com
If your a muician or band in the Tampa Bay area let us help promote your music and or business.
Im not here for the sake of just gaining freinds . I am here to gather information about Tampa area bands. I will use this information to enhance the TampaBayMusicScene.com website.
If you have no need or desire of promotion , please do not sign up as a friend.