Goldie profile picture



About Me grew up in the Sunny Okanagan Valley, Somewhere between Love, and Heaven.Our home was always full of,God,Love,Music,Joy,laughter, and a whole lot of Sunshine!!! I had two very wonderful Parents,who showed,and taught us all, What the true meaning of life,is all about..How to Love,and care about one another,and always show kindness,and compassion towards other folks,no matter what.. I am the youngest child,out of five children.. Four older brothers, then me,The only girl. Growing up with olders brothers,was a joy.. They taught me many wonderful things..Thats how I learned to, Hunt, Fish,Drive,Drag Race,and shoot Pool..They even taught me how to play in the mud,with cars and trucks.Our homestead was surrounded with beautiful apple orchards. At the break of dawn,in earliy spring,a warm breeze always swept across the valley,caressing our brows,like a gentle Angel's touch. We could smell the sweet fragrance of the apple blossoms,and hear the soft cooing songs of the morning Doves,in the apple trees.. Those treasured memories will forever stay,in my heart.As time passed,I grew!,and built a life,for myself. I am truely blessed,because the greatest gifts the Good Lord as ever givin me,are Himself,my Life,my two Boys,Family, Loved ones,,and Many Dear Friends.. These are the greatest gifts,Indeed!"My Hometown Of Kelowna B.C." The Early Native Settlers, Named It "Kelowna", Meaning Great Bear! "SWEET APPLE BLOSSOM"!

My Interests

I Love Music: Sunshine: Warm,Summer Rain: Butterflys & Rainbows: Sitting by,Lakes,Rivers,and Creeks: Hunting,Fishing,Camping: Nature & Wildlife: Hiking through forests,and natural wilderness Parks: My Favorite Season is,Autumn: I enjoy,Cooking,Gardening: Interior decorating: I like Hockey & Baseball. Classic Cars & Trucks: Motorcycles: Car & Truck,racing: Demolition Derby's: Rodeos,Horses: Farms & Ranches:{"FRIENDS"} Are Angels Who Lift Us Up, When We Believe, Our Wings Have Forgotten How To Fly. !"MY VERY SPECIAL TOP FRIENDS!"

"Friendship Quote",,For The Week"!Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.”

I'd like to meet:

Green PeaceSave Our PlanetGreen EnergyMake Trade Fair

Stop WhalingReal RevolutionNormalSave the Tigers

Wild Dolphin FoundationWildwood PreservationSave the WolvesOne Campaign

Wilderness SocietysOcean LegacyInconvenient TruthMake a Difference

Win Animal RightsStop Child AbuseHungry ArtistsShackles Womenkind Enchained

Stop Global WarmingAir AmericaDefenders of WildlifeStop the War

Snow Lion Cry Death Row Ministry Go Biodiesel!!!! Save Darfur Coalition

Ocean DefendersOceanaNational Environmental TrustRAK


I Love Country & Bluegrass music,, the most..Both old,,and new.. Country & Bluegrass Gospel.. Celtic,,Irish,,and Folk.. Most all,,Classical.. Rock & Roll,,From The 50's & 60's.. Some Rock,,from the 70's & 80's.. My Favorite Rock Artists,,are "ZZ Top".. I love to dance to,, Old time Counrty Music.. If the right Rock song is playing,, I Love to,,Rock the house down!