~~~pulled by the threads of eternity~~~ profile picture

~~~pulled by the threads of eternity~~~

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an extremely open minded, strange, quiet sort of person. I'm always daydreaming, or thinking of off the wall, philosophical shit. I believe in reincarnation, and that our souls choose the body and life it will have before reincarnating. The only hell is the hell that you make for yourself in your physical life. Instead of thinking"why is this horrible shit happening to me!" you should be thinking, How am I supposed to learn and grow through this. Everything happens for a reason, the reason may not be apparent at first, but eventually, you should get it. I love cats more than I love people, they understand me better. I love being challenged to think more deeply. I cant stand to be around judgemental or shallow people. I am very clairvoyant, a lot of times I can read peoples minds, and that sometimes makes me feel like I'm crazy. I beleive that we are all connected in the threads of eternity. I did not graduate high school, but that doesnt make me any less intelligent than you. My knowledge comes from the eye in my eternal soul, and I believe thats where it really counts. I cant stand people who sit around and talk shit, go look in the fucking mirror! I'm kind of reclusive, I dont like crowds of people, they give me a weird nervous sort of feeling because I naturally pick up on their energy and feelings. Overall, I am a caring, loving person who is always running away from commitment and love(I dont like to get hurt). I cant stand people that are constantly lieing, why are you so ashamed of the truth? Ive had a very crazy life, but I'm pretty much settled down(for now). My moods change constantly in a very crazy, uncontrollable manner but I love myself, even though I'm a nutcase! I feel a deep connection with the wind, and desperately wish that I had wings, so that I could just fly away, whenever, wherever, to any time. I'm a very good listener, and I think that I give wonderfull advice......so, if you need someone to talk to(whether I know you or not)I am here. I pinky promise not to tell your secrets, if you dont want me to.I do not judge you, for you are on your very own journey that I know not of. I also expect that you do not judge me, for you have not walked my shoes. So, unless you have the rare gift of perfectly pure empathy, then you cannot know what I have felt, what I have been through and why I make the choices that I make.You cannot force someone to see your point of view. You can try to enlighten them, but they have to decide for themselves what the best choice is for them. Without freewill, there would be no spiritual growth...To anyone I have ever hurt: I'm truly sorry, my intentions were never malevolent. I'm very sorry for anything i may have done to cause your spirit harm. And I hope you can let go of past negativity, in order to further yourself spiritually.(((HUGS)))To anyone who has ever hurt me: I forgive you. I know that you are on your own journey, with your own mistakes and problems to work through. Everything happens for a reason!(((KISSES)))I am going to add to this section now... Ive been spiritually progressing at an alarming rate over the past few months. it has been very difficult and very rewarding all at the same time. I KNOW so much that wasnt known to me just a few months ago and it has been very difficult for me to take it all in, yet releiving at the same time... Did you know that you can warp time and space? well, you can. You people have NO IDEA what you are capable of... your abilities have been hidden from you through the blinding fabric of false religions and the upheaval of your DNA, by those who wish to suck off of your energy and use you. They feed off of fear and have created our society into what it is now. Fear, Class, Money, Separation, Judgement, Religion... they use these things to pit us against eachother so that we dont realize who we really ARE, so that we dont find out about our true connection with nature and all that is. WE ARE ((( O N E ))) Do you have any idea what can be acomplished through opening your hearts and minds to transcend all boundaries and FEEL UNITY!? To ((( L O V E ))) everything unconditionally because deep down we are ((( O N E ))) with everything! WE ARE EVERYTHING AND NOTHING ALL AT THE SAME TIME! what a paradox :) And Did you KNOW that we have telepathic abilities? WELL, YOU DO! you need to trust in yourselves and beleive that anything is possible (because it is) throw away what you think you know and what youve heard... GO INSIDE YOURSELVES! The truth is there and it will set you FREE!Im just adding this, something just came to mind... I realized that I dont have a will! Not that I have anything to leave behind, but that is just my point. Let it be known that I will NOT ACCEPT a funeral. I FORBID IT! I will not accept you people crying over me when I am going off to a better place AND I do NOT want my body buried! It is just a dead body, I will no longer be that dead body... so, does it really make sense to spend all of that hard earned cash on a burial?! Im on the organ donor list and they can just donate the rest of the body to science and put that shit to some good use instead of putting it into the ground to rot LOL! Its ok if you have a party to celebrate my life though, just make sure there are lots of mood elevating drugs there though because i dont want any boo hooing on my account. If you do not do as I wish i will come back to haunt your asses! hehe :) Free gothic layouts at funerella.com

My Interests

Daydreaming, Art, Reading, Searching the net for spiritual shit, Nature walks, Singing loudly when I think nobody is around, meditating, communicating with animals, looking at the stars, taking trips to new places in the universe, people watching, and telepathically communicating with beings of another place.
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...And you will remember things you didnt know you knew!

I'd like to meet:

Stephen King, Wanda Sykes, & David Blaine, and anyone who wants to sit down and have a deep philosophical conversation."The degree to which the World Management Team gets away with murder on you'r planet is in direct proportion to which you do not trust yourself to be creative" - The Pleiadians Star Race.When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of Truth and Love has always won. There have been Tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall .. think of it, ALWAYS. - Mahatma Gandhi.


I ((( L O V E ))) All kinds of music

May Your Day Be Filled With ~Wonderous~ Beauty


My favorite is the notebook. I cry like a baby every single time I watch it

Myspace Graphics - At Myspacejunks.com

From: Pass the PeAcE
Date: 20/02/2008

Moon Touched
"In the still hours of night
As I drifted from dream to dream
Lost in a sparkling mist of unshed tears
Your enchanted caress awakened me
Your translucent glow that shimmers
Like the lost scale of a mermaid
And keeps me spellbound in your magic
My every thought focused on you
And your touch upon my heart
As you flood every chamber
With your gentle brilliance
Warming me in the chill of night
As I melt in the glow of your embrace"

By Loreleimist

~Open Your Heart and Your Mind Will Follow~



I dont watch tv. Im sick of seeing all of the exploitation of women and children and the human race for that matter. All they are doing is conditioning your mind with Lies and bullcrap and you just lap that shit up like starving dogs. Do they even show real people on the mind control box anymore, because all i see are fake breasts and fake people trying to sell you lies. and whats worse, all of the makeup they are putting on these little girls and all of the touch ups that they do with teh end result of something unreal that makes the children watching this shit feel that they could never compare... its a fucking travesty. That shit is NOT REAL, not even the news. turn your TVs off and go outside people. and thats all I have to say about that.


Anything and Everything... I even read the shampoo bottle when Im bored~I giveth to you my heart~
she has served me well but alas... I have come to the realization that she cannot be of any more service to me without giving her away to all of those who surround me :) I hope she serves you well.((( L O V E )))


My precious little sisters and MYSELF... those are my heroes
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Hot Myspace Glitters - Dezrum.com
Hot Myspace Glitters - Dezrum.com Always Follow Your Heart...

and the trail that you tread upon will come ~ALIVE~