.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Zionism Threat Level Alert --
.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- End Zionism Threat Level Alert --
I don't think I even need to argue the issues because as far as issues go we all want Ron Paul. The biggest PROBLEM we have it this bullshit line of the LESSER of TWO EVILS. This is all I have to address.
Your basic phiolosphy is oh people are too stupid to vote for someone good so ill take the lesser of the many evils. Guess how many people say that. Then you ghet manipulated by the media like everyone else. It is called the lemming effect. The media creates this idea of what the majority is even though it is fake, then people give up thinking it is hopeless to fight the flow and they go with it.
There is a crowd of people who believe that this election is only between Hillary or Obama and they choose Obama (because Hillary is THE worse one by far).This is just not reality. This is the reality only of the MSM. Falling for the propaganda of Edgar Brofman Jr is just as stupid as believing in the lies from Fox News.
What are you doing? Are you comparing Obama only to Hillary as Edgar Bronfman Jr. covertly stuck in your head by running the two of them on the headlines of AOL and on TIME and NewsWeek magazines. He did this back in December when families were together and would talk about it.He has run irrelavent polls asking babout sex and race and is America ready for it as if by not voting for one of them you are either a sexist or a racist. This election is not a choice between Obama or Hillary as you seem to think it is. The mass media LIES. isn't that an understatement. This election is about more war or no war. The Iraq War is Dead its Iran that they have their targets set on.
First off for the few totally blind party following idiots let we establish that Obama is a Pro-War Zionist just like Hillary.
You are not a realist or an idealist. You are just a fool that thinks they can wish things into being. Obama is a Zionist and he wants war with Iran.
Obama supports war with Iran (he sees the civil war in Iraq as actually a war with Iran)
Obama more of the same pro-war pro-israel bs
Obama votes with Israel on Lebanese invasion
Obama support for Israel
Obama would consider missile strikes on Iran and Pakistan
Obama admits to drug use (I know that many people don't care about this last one, but some people do, so consider this just extra FYI)
What does it matter when you are just going to vote for a Zionist anyway. "Realism" depends on what you believe. If you refuse to vote for someone because of what the Zionist media says about who can win then that is a self fulfilling prophecy. You have at least a Chance to change Zionist policy by voting for an anti-Zionist. You have ZERO chance of changing shit when you vote for a Zionist.
I have an actual argument as to why we should vote for who we want instead of who we think can win between people we hate. The two war parties win even when the majority of the country is anti-war because the media the propaganda ministry has told you LEMMINGS that an anti-war candidate is not electable by the sheer power that the media will not give them attention.
Let's look at other web Vs the Media things. The Media never said Iraq had no WMDs they never said 911 was an inside job. They never said anything about the AIPAC spy ring. They did not mentin the Libby trial until it started and even then it was a whisper and they didn't mention the Niger forgeries. But the web did and how many Americans think 911 was an inside job now like 80% How many knew they were lying about WMDs the whole time. A LOT of people knew because of the web. If you let the Propaganda ministry dictate who you will vote for then you have lost. Everytime you open your mouth with that lesser of two evils bullshit you are assiting the administration.
They try to kill things with silence and they will so long as you can only accept things as true or possible if they are on the "news".
When Nader ran I gave out nameless questionairs based only on the issues but I removed Bush and Kerry's names. Nearly eveyone we gave them to and I mean thousands in a red state as well. Voted for Nader. Many Kerry supporters did not even know what Kerry really said and though his answers were Bush's. The only reason and I mean the ONLY reason they had not to vote for NAder was htinking that other people would not vote for him. They had absolutely NO political arguments with the policies.
Ron Paul is not Ralph Nader. Ron Paul has already been elected to congeress. He has served in congress longer than Hillary and Obama and Edwards put together. Ron Paul is anti-war. Unlike Hillary, Obama, and Edwards, Ron Paul voted against the military commissions act.
Lesser of two evils bah, what a great idea continue to vote for Zionist pawns because you think they can win and just ignore it if a new Thomas Jefferson comes along.
The Left has a psychological problem. They think that only Democrats can get elected and only Zionists one because the TV says so. They dont know how to vote based on issues instead of by party.
You know they said Perrot could not win either but he was taking 20% of the vote even after dropping out of the fucking race. The hardest arm against the thrid parties (aka the anti-war party) is the Left. You see they think it takes votes from THEM when there is another non-Republican. No one votes for them they vote against Republicans you see. But it is NOT taking votes away from a Pro-War Hawk to vote for an anti-War candidate. The Left is the ones stealing votes. All these people morally and consciously want to vote anti-war but because of fear of the Republicans winning they force themselves to vote for someone they mistakingly think is a tad less pro war. You are a Sheep and a loser.
As a Republican (an actual conservative not a Neocons, but a ess government fiscal responcibility Republican) Ron Paul will only be running in the primaries against McCain and Giuliani and neither of them have a chance as they are also both pro-war and pro-torture. If you vote in the Republican primaries for Ron Paul then we will have one Anti-War cadidate Vs one Pro-war candidate from the Left.
If Ron Paul is allowed into the debates he will eat them ALIVE.
I know it is a year away but we have to attack this lesser of two evils shit right now. The last 8 years has been like that the left had its chances. It is time to vote ANTI-WAR and stop this ganbling of votes. Vote for who you want dont vote for the person you hate the least vote for the person you want!
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