Destroying the 9/11 lie!
Anybody who'd be willing to listen and take the time to investigate with us, to uncover the real perpetrators of this terrible act, and people who are willing to investigate the truth and let the peices fall where they may. Freedom lovers, patriots, questioners, liberals, conservatives, constitutionalists, political dissidents, politicians, policy makers. Justice WILL be done, freedom will NOT be lost. The tyranny must end!
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas JeffersonBasically, We are here trying to network people in the Boston area to wake them up to the terrible unanswered questions of 9/11 and stand with us to help get this message out to the brainwashed masses! Let's face it: 9/11 is constantly being used as a pretext for illegal wars and takes away our personal freedoms. We stand with the original 9/11 victims families pressured the government heavily to have an investigation only to get a half baked farce that only answered 30% of their questions. Vital questions into government prior knowledge and possible involvement, or simple ones like what happened to building 7 of the World Trade Center complex, that wasn't even hit by a plane. Why does the media never replay footage of building 7 ? 47 steel-framed stories of a massive building which had sporadic fires on two floors collapsed at freefall speed?! We need people to be daring enough to ask the tough questions (not only to themselves, but to the public, officals, canidates running for office, and the media! kinda like this lady: ). We NEED to make it the big issue, or America may soon forget the need for answers. Not just the 3000 dead on 9/11, but the other thousands killed by toxic dust, the hundreds of thousands killed by our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continues with no mercy from the government; only escalation. The government keeps trying to control us with fear while simultaneously incrementally taking away our liberties. We are looking for people to join us in the fight to take our country back from the soon to be total corporate empirical superstate!! Viva La Revolution in this Information War!oh, yea, and Congressman Ron Paul!
Click here to check out
The Boston 9/11 Truth!
9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, The 9/11 Comission Report: Omissions and Distortions by Dr. David Ray Griffin,