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Boston 9/11 Truth

A Comittee designed to destroy the lie that was 9/11 and the official 'conspiracy theory' by promoti

About Me

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My Interests

Destroying the 9/11 lie!

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who'd be willing to listen and take the time to investigate with us, to uncover the real perpetrators of this terrible act, and people who are willing to investigate the truth and let the peices fall where they may. Freedom lovers, patriots, questioners, liberals, conservatives, constitutionalists, political dissidents, politicians, policy makers. Justice WILL be done, freedom will NOT be lost. The tyranny must end! "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas JeffersonBasically, We are here trying to network people in the Boston area to wake them up to the terrible unanswered questions of 9/11 and stand with us to help get this message out to the brainwashed masses! Let's face it: 9/11 is constantly being used as a pretext for illegal wars and takes away our personal freedoms. We stand with the original 9/11 victims families pressured the government heavily to have an investigation only to get a half baked farce that only answered 30% of their questions. Vital questions into government prior knowledge and possible involvement, or simple ones like what happened to building 7 of the World Trade Center complex, that wasn't even hit by a plane. Why does the media never replay footage of building 7 ? 47 steel-framed stories of a massive building which had sporadic fires on two floors collapsed at freefall speed?! We need people to be daring enough to ask the tough questions (not only to themselves, but to the public, officals, canidates running for office, and the media! kinda like this lady: ). We NEED to make it the big issue, or America may soon forget the need for answers. Not just the 3000 dead on 9/11, but the other thousands killed by toxic dust, the hundreds of thousands killed by our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continues with no mercy from the government; only escalation. The government keeps trying to control us with fear while simultaneously incrementally taking away our liberties. We are looking for people to join us in the fight to take our country back from the soon to be total corporate empirical superstate!! Viva La Revolution in this Information War!oh, yea, and Congressman Ron Paul!
Click here to check out
The Boston 9/11 Truth!



9/11 Press For Truth

An excellent documentary about the families of the victims of 9/11 and their fight to uncover and expose the truth about what happened that day and their utter disgust of the 9/11 commission report and the complete lack of questions that got answered, like only 30%. We need a REAL investigation! Not some Bush commissioned CFR run whitewash! An INDEPENDENT investigation! DEMAND one now!!!

9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality)

This film here completely disassembles the official "conspiracy theory" of 9/11, and the physics of the collapse of the twin towers and building 7. It's a must watch for all freedom loving Americans. Jet fuel could not possibly have caused the collapse of the twin towers, or more interestingly, building 7, which was not hit by a plane.

Building the World Trade Center Towers

For those who think "Jet Fuel" and gravity pulverized that concrete and 47 interior steel columns. Educate yourself and you'll see 9/11 was a planned demolition and WTC Tower 7 collapsed with no plane striking it.

TerrorStorm Deluxe High Quality (Alex Jones)

Did you know that in 1962, the Joint Cheifs of staff dreampt up a plan to hijack planes and blow them up over Cuban waters to justify military pretext for a war with Cuba? They also said in this same document that they could start a "Cuban terror campaign" to further justify military intervention in Cuba. It was called "Operation Northwoods", and was declassified in 2000. This film goes into not just that, but all the other declassified examples of state sponsored terror. TerrorStorm goes into documented cases of government sponsored terror before exposing the 7/7 bombings as an orchestrated event and brings another update on the current state of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

WTC 7 9-11-01

A 4 min. video about the collaps of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9-11-01.

Olbermann: "Habeas Corpus, 1789-2006"

Habeas corpus is your principle defense against imprisonment without charge and trial without defense, now thrown away for no good reason, with the president's signature yesterday on the Military Commissions Act of 2006.Furthermore, the president is empowered to pick and choose which parts of the Geneva Convention he will obey, i.e., torture is now "legal."God help you if you are one of the detainees.As Senator Feingold said, "We will look back on this day as a stain on American history."Keith Olbermann discusses the details with George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley.

Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (Alex Jones)

This is the film mentioned in the song playing on this page towards the end of the song. If you think you knew everything about 9/11 think again.Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State was filmed primarily during the Republican Party's 2004 national convention in New York City. The Republican Party's choice to hold the event there drew both strong praise and strong criticism. Alex Jones' clear intent was that the people who were truly guilty of planning and carrying out the events of September 11, 2001 were coming back to the scene of the crime. In the film, Jones shows what he believes are signs of a growing police state: constant surveillance, a defined military presence, a militarized civilian police force, mass roundups and arrests of protesters, detention in a makeshift facility laden with asbestos which one interviewee called a "concentration camp", and threats of arrest for constitutionally legal activities. Many different views are presented, including one semi-humorous confrontation with a group of American communists.This video is copyrighted, but Alex Jones has permitted and encourged the distribution of these videos for non-profit, educational purposes. If you would like to help Alex Jones and/or have a hard copy, buy one from him by going through his website. It can be done online or through his office.


9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, The 9/11 Comission Report: Omissions and Distortions by Dr. David Ray Griffin,

My Blog

Boston Tea Party PARTY and Regional Strategy Session

Boston Tea Party "PARTY" and Regional Strategy Session at the Conspiracy Cafe, September 16 Boston 9/11 Truth is hosting a "Party" and Tea Party strategy session at the Conspiracy Cafe on Sunday, Se...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:13:00 PST

Come to the Conspiracy Cafe Sunday September 2nd

The Conspiracy Café provides a casual atmosphere to browse new books, stock up on books and DVDs on your list, or eavesdrop with your gourmet coffee on the many interesting conversations taking place ...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 07:05:00 PST

9/11 Truth Boston plans for September 11th

..>9/11 TRUTH BOSTON ..> ..> Tuesday, September 11, 2007 , 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM Category: Announcement. Added by: admin Tentative Schedule for...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 03:53:00 PST

History Channel Hit Piece: Dirty Tricks, Malicious Lies & Journalistic Fraud

History Channel Hit Piece: Dirty Tricks, Malicious Lies & Journalistic FraudThe real story behind Brad Davis, NBC, Popular Mechanics and the History Channel - media whore...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 12:08:00 PST

20 9/11 Questions History Channel Didn’t Touch

thanks! I Have Woken UP!Date: Aug 21, 2007 1:00 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: JerryDate: 20 Aug 2007, 21:36ThanksFrom: Iconoclasm (Wake up, America. The Matrix has you.)D...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:07:00 PST


Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:03:00 PST


A compilation of the Boston 9/11 Truth actions. Included are the Boston Tea Party in December, Faneuil Hall, the 4th of July, The Conspiracy Cafe, and the August 11th street action on the Boston Commo...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 08:48:00 PST

Webster Tarpley Strongly Endorses Impeachment NOW, to Stop the Next False Flag Attack

IMPEACH OR FACE A NEW ROUND OF SYNTHETIC TERROR THIS SUMMER TO KICK-START THE WAR IN IRAN Only impeachment and Removal, or a General Strike, Will Stop the Next False Flag Attack The greatest threat no...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:54:00 PST

Saturday, August 11, 2007 , 8:00 AM - Park Street Station on Boston Common *video*

Saturday, August 11, 2007 , 8:00 AM - Park Street Station on Boston Common Please, come and join Boston 9/11 Truth this Saturday, 8/11, for a 9/11 Truth Outreach. We will begin meeting...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 03:28:00 PST

Come to the Conspiracy Café August 5th!

The Conspiracy Café had its preview opening on Sunday, June 24 and by all accounts it was a successful day. A comfortable mix of activists and people new to 9/11 Truth enjoyed the Café environment, c...
Posted by Boston 9/11 Truth on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:41:00 PST