Allow me to preface the content of this site by stating emphatically that, with the exception of preserving our liberties, I have no investment whatsoever in undeservedly condemning specific individuals or political parties, Republican or Democrat. What I seek to promote is the truth, what I strive to discourage are groundless yet well-maintained ideologies or falsehoods based on ignorance, prejudice, spin, and black-and-white thinking. I do not profess to have "cornered the market" on truth where politics are concerned, and no doubt error exists at both extremes of opinion, yet I can say that I have and continue to research the issues at hand analytically and, as much as is possible, without bias, and I believe that to ignore the evidence at hand is to do so at our peril.
“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth… Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not..? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know.. it — now.â€
- Patrick Henry, 1775.
The Alarm is Sounding, Yet the Masses Sleep
It’s time to wake up, America, and heed the warnings. Our nation is rapidly becoming a fascist Police State. While corporate-controlled media strategically manipulate our opinions and influence our emotional responses, elite members of government have systematically dismantled the the Bill of Rights under the pretext of Homeland Security, in effect threatening to eliminate fundamental liberties and the principles upon which this nation was founded.
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The Pretext for Perpetual War & Homeland Security - 9/11
Growing numbers of researchers from all sectors of society now concur that members of the U.S. government had prior knowledge of the 911 Attacks. The following are a sample of facts and unanswered questions regarding September 11, 2001:
Suppressed documentation substantiates U.S. involvement in recruiting, training, and funding terrorist networks.
The previous administration under President Clinton perplexingly ignored intelligence data and failed to respond to Sudanese offers to arrest and extradite Bin Laden. Why?
Witnesses report unprecedented power downs and evacuations of the WTC on the weekend preceding 9/11.
Immediately prior to the 9/11 attacks, a perplexing series of financial transactions and insider trading transpired. Who profited?
The evening before the attacks, Pentagon officials mysteriously canceled flight reservations which indicates some form of tip off.
On the morning of 9/11, NORAD stood down .
while, under Dick Cheney's command, the U.S. Air Force conducted drills simulating hijackings involving the "coincidental" crashing of airplanes into buildings.
Perhaps the most concrete confirmation of falsified data arises from physical, and scientific evidence which belie the official story surrounding the collapse of the WTC buildings, particularly
WTC BLDG-7 and the BBC's report of WTC-7's collapse nearly 30 minutes prior to its actual occurrence.
Strange that Marvin Bush, President George W. Bush's brother, handled security for WTC, Dulles, and United Airlines.
WTC-7 tenants include the CIA, IRS, DOD, and U.S. Secret Service. Inconsequential?
Who let the Saudis go free?
We only need to examine history to subdue the strong denial which rises in defiance against the assertion that one's government is willing or capable of such atrocities. Throughout history, governments have employed crises to implement tyrannical laws and to wage war upon sovereign nations.
If You Were Deceived, Would You Know It?
It is time to stop assuming your beliefs about the world are accurate and justifiable simply because Pastor Jones or John Q. Public say so. Scrutinize and hold your opinions accountable to the truth. With regard to our government and American history, suspend bias. Think critically. Demand fair journalism. Seek out varied sources of information -- mainstream media rarely presents a neutral account or analysis of historical or current events.
"My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6
Don't Take My Word For It
I challenge you, humbly, to unplug your televisions for one afternoon and research 9/11 Truth, analyze the Military Commissions Act, physics professor Steven E. Jones , the agendas of CFR, UN, IMF, WTO, FEMA Police, PNAC (Project for a New American Century), Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius , Population Control , Eugenics & the origins of Planned Parenthood, Prescott Bush & his dark affiliation with the Nazis. Consider the thirty-year reign of the Bush-Clinton Dynasty . Examine the declassified Northwoods Documents, Bush's affiliation with Skull & Bones Society, the Bilderberg Group , The New World Order.... What do you stand to lose? Everything.
And Lastly...
If you're still unsure of the relationship between government-sponsored terrorism, the New World Order, and the future of America, refer to a quote by Henry Kissinger, cited below.
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil... When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."
-Henry Kissinger, Fmr. US Sec of State, May 21, 1992
Please read:
War & the Police State: Complicity of the American People