Would love to meet people from all cultures and share with them that Jesus loves them and let them know how special they are and just love them with Christ love especially those precious angels in Darfur!..Please support Israel as I do!..Loves of my life..My Children and Grandchildren..So glad to be back home in Iowa so we can be with Family!!..Can't forget Michael!..Love ya you bad boy!..lol..Your in my heart!..Just as Jesus is!! He is Lord over our Family!!..Thank you for sacrificing your life so that we could obtain the gift of Salvation!!..Special Note: If someday millions are gone and the your loved ones including me and my family are missing..We have been Raptured!..1 Thessalonians 15-18..Please do not accept the abduction by alien theory!~That is a total lie from the pit of HELL!~The missing are with JESUS!!-HE and only HE is the true Messiah!..If anyone else claims they are..That person is the Anti-Christ!~Do not believe his lies and false miracles and promises of peace!
Guardians Tag Ministry
Guardians Tag Ministry
I'd like to meet:
I would love to meet some very special people..Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour..(Thank you for your gift of salvation..May we all share with others that same gift so that we can all meet someday in..Heaven!), Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins (my favorite authors),Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp)..My best friend Punchy wants to be your first mate.. Reese Witherspoon (great role model and mother), Robin Williams (you are my favorite comedian), Katie Holmes (also a great wife, mother and role model) She holds her head high even when the press attacks her!..Katie, Sweetie Your Great..Especially I would love to meet my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus whom remain steadfast in love and friendship..Even though I never met any of you I am so blessed!..Our baby grandson Blake Michael (Love And Miss You Angel Baby)..Grandpa and I send you lots of love lil guy!..Miss you more than words can say!!~Someday!!
Guardians Tag Ministry
Guardians Tag Ministry
Love Hillsong!..My best friend Punchy introduced me to their Music!..How Annointed!..Praise And Worship..Wow!.Just a small taste of heaven!!..Mariah Carey and Boyz2Men (One Sweet Day)..Thanks for the Music!..Please View This Video: Midnight Cry!!..I Hope It Touches Your Heart Like It Does Mine!..Jesus Is Coming To Get His Children!!
Sleepless in Seattle, Green Mile, (Yes, Tom Hanks is cool), Holocaust Mini Series, Schindlers Lists, Anything from that Era.Thanks Steven Spielberg for giving us the gift of the Shoah Foundation so that we may never forget the 6 million who perished.R.I.P. my Jewish Bretheran..PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO!!..LEFT BEHIND:CLIP FROM THE TRIBULATION FORCE~THE WITNESSES!!
..Interested In The End Times?..View This Short Video!!Please View This Video!~" In The Sky"~Be Blessed!~Very Uplifting~Lots Of Great Christian Artists!!~He Is Coming!!~
The Left Behind Series!..Authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins..(Thanks Guys..May God Bless You Both)
My Mother Maggie!..What a treasure!..She taught me how to love and except people where they are at..How to embrace life..My Mother also was dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ and a firm believer in the Rapture!~Pre-Trib!!..Not Mid Trib Or Post Trib ..She taught me to pray whenever there is a need to be met, people hurting and most of all bring the Good News Of Salvation to all who do not know him..Thank You for leading me to Christ and others as well..Mama, please take care of our angel baby..Blake Michael!..Miss You My Sweet Mama!!..PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO: THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGS!!..MAMA YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE MY HERO!!
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