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The Christian Rapture [Millions Oddly Dissapear]


About Me

!!!!The Shocker Of Shockers!!!!
I've maintained a deep fascination with the pre-trib rapture. I don't recall when I first heard of the rapture, but I do know I instantly realized that this event would someday demand the world's attention. Modern-day society has witnessed some rather distressing events over the past century. We've seen the assassination of world leaders, national and international wars, and disasters of every sort. All of these events have left deep scars on the psyche of humanity. However, I think these events will pale in comparison to the panic that will be caused by the pre-trib Rapture.
The rapture will someday give a new meaning to the word shock. For the U.S., the attack on Pearl Harbor and the September 11 terrorist attacks currently rank as the most startling events in our nation's history. When the rapture takes place, I am convinced it will be 100 times more shocking than Pearl Harbor and September 11 combined.
In the past, no single event has managed to touch each individual on a personal level. For example, very few people in 1941 had even heard about Pearl Harbor, let alone knew someone involved in the incident. The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon fall into the same category. Everyone saw the calamity on television, but it's unlikely that more than 1% of the US population knew any of the victims who worked in the Twin Towers or the Pentagon, or who were aboard the commercial airliners hijacked by the terrorists.
On the other hand, after the Rapture takes place, everyone left behind will know someone who was mysteriously taken away. It could be a neighbor, a distant cousin, or a person's entire immediate family.
Some prophetic commentators have tried to predict that there will only be a few halfhearted questions like, "Where did everybody go?" Simple logic dictates that the people who find themselves left behind will be absolutely terrified by what has taken place.
I can only guess at the level of interest the press, government, and public will pay to the rapture, but I'm sure it will be immense. As a result of the catching away of the Bride, I believe many individuals will turn to Christ and become numbered with the tribulation saints.
It's So Near
If it looked like the pre-tribulation rapture was going to transpire 100 years from now, there probably wouldn't be a pressing need for me to quickly assemble a website devoted to the subject. However, I believe we are getting very near to the end of what is called the Church Age, so I have been rushing to put together a comprehensive site on Bible prophecy.
Because the rapture is an event that will take priority over all other aspects of our life, it is very important for us to be mindful of its nearness. Death is the only other comparison one could use to describe the type of impact the rapture implies.
The rapture has always been an imminent event, but we now have the luxury of being able to look at history and realize there were a number of key end time prophesies that required several years to evolve into where we see them today. Before May 15, 1948, we only had hope that Israel would once again become a nation. It wasn't until the late 1990s that China gained the ability to field a 200-million-man army. Jan 1, 2002 stands as the date the Revived Roman Empire reestablished the practice of having a common currency.
I keep a close watch on dozens of prophecy-related categories and in the last few years I've noticed an exponential increase in the rate of prophetic progression. In many cases, I can clearly see we have already arrived at the point of fulfillment--no waiting or further development is really required. The final implementation of those end time factors is the only thing lacking.
The Great Transformation
When describing the rapture, most prophetic writers like to focus on the negative consequences of the event. Yes, if the driver of a car were to suddenly vanish, the vehicle would spin out of control. The tribulation is said to be a time of unparalleled distress, so I doubt a few traffic accidents will amount to any lasting significance.
As believers, we will have more important things with which to concern ourselves. Our main focus should be on the heavenly realm. Once we get to glory, we will be confronted with a world of absolute splendor.
Jesus said each believer will receive his own heavenly mansion. If we each have a spacious estate waiting for us, I see no reason for a Christian to strive to build an earthly mansion. I find it rather odd that so many well-known preachers spend large sums of money on ritzy housing and fancy cars. If they had a true understanding of eternal value, you would think they would buy modestly so that they could reinvest their financial gains into the spreading of the Gospel.
"But as it is written, 'Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him'" (1 Cor 2:9).
"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14:2).
Losing Everything; I Mean Everything
I once took a tour of the United States Air Force's Strategic Command Post at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. The center is charged with tracking the movements of anything that could deploy nuclear weapons: missiles, aircraft, or ships. It's the first layer of command that would order a nuclear counterattack. The command center would obviously be the prime target of any potential enemy.
While I was in the control room, I asked the sergeant giving us the tour, "What would you folks do if you knew a missile was headed in your direction?" His reply was, "I guess we'd open the snack bar up to all takers." I was struck by how true it would be in that situation in which money would have no value. A standard 10-megaton nuclear device exploding over the base would leave nothing but a giant hole in the ground.
For Christians, the rapture will bring devastation similar to that wrought by a nuclear war. When the trumpet sounds, all followers of Christ will instantly lose all of their worldly belongings. As a believer, you might have $20 million in the bank, a fancy home, a yacht, or your own prosperous business, but come the rapture, you can wave all that stuff goodbye as you soar skyward.
The Christian community holds wealth that is easily valued in the $1 to $2 trillion-dollar range. Knowing the total funding for global evangelization efforts amounts to a few hundred million dollars each year, our priorities are certainly in need of reevaluation.
I can testify that I have personally put my own money where my mouth is. During the most recent one-year period, I estimate Ive spent $4,000 on this Rapture Ready site. Because I know the money I allocate to the site is being deposited in my eternal bank account, I view the funds as going to a blind trust fund.
I don't expect to be around to see Social Security, so it doesn't trouble me whether or not predictions of its distant future insolvency turn out to be true. Whenever oil prices zoom up, many people worry that we're going to either run out of gasoline or that it will become prohibitively expensive. At the end of each episode, however, the supply and the price always manage to return to more reasonable levels.
Because we don't know exactly when Jesus is coming for the Church, I believe it is wise to make long-term plans. The key, I believe, is not to allow ourselves to be distracted by trivial issues. We should concern ourselves mostly with today, and let tomorrow take care of itself.
When the catching up takes place, I expect to be flooded with a number of regrets over things I should have accomplished. It's the realization that our good deeds are the only possessions we will take with us that motivates me to keep pressing ahead.
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal" (Mat 6:19-20).
The Benefits Of Being Rapture Ready
One of the most obvious benefits of being ready for the rapture is not having to suffer through the tribulation. Here are four passages that indicate that believers will not be left to suffer the outpouring of God's wrath:
"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21:36).
"And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come" (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:9).
"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth " (Revelation 3:10).
If you're included in the rapture, you will be taken to heaven--the place that is a synonym for happiness. The Bible tells us that in heaven there are no health problems, moral failures, economic hardships, or marital difficulties.
The most important benefit of being included in the rapture is the chance to finally meet the Lord of Lords face to face. It's hard to envision what that experience will be like, but seeing ones Creator certainly has to be the ultimate fulfillment of a person's existence.
"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" (2 Tim 4:8).
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure" (1 John 3:2-3).
Mockers And Detractors
Whenever an unbeliever sends me an email message that attacks or mocks the pre-trib rapture, I always think of the irony they are imposing upon themselves. Someday, the rapture will take place, and these folks will be dumbfounded.
Even when I get some rather nasty letters that condemn me to the fires of hell or that label me as a raving lunatic, it doesn't bother me because I know it would be punishment enough for anyone to miss the rapture. I see no need to take the attacks personally. I think after the event, these folks will be blaming me for not trying hard enough to convince them of their folly.
Once the big event takes place, there will be no more arguments over the rapture's validity. I try to set people up to be reachable after the Church is taken home to glory. Because I believe most of my detractors are still searching for truth, I don't return fire by saying things like, "Say hello to the Antichrist for me" or, "Save me one of those 100 lb. hailstones in your freezer. When I get back, I'd love to see what one looks like."
End time scoffers are actually doing me a valuable favor. The Bible says doubters will be one of the signs of the last days. Their strong opposition is what helps drive my fascination with the rapture.
"Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts. And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation" (2 Pet 3:3-4).
Get Ready, Jesus Is Coming
You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. In the Book of Luke, Jesus used a weather analogy to highlight how people failed to use simple logic to recognize the time in which they were living.
The folks who lived in the early part of the first century failed to realize that they were about to witness the revelation of the Messiah. Their error resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Today, people are making an even bigger mistake by not comprehending that this is the generation that will see the fulfillment of the end times.
I've always found it interesting how the salvation issue, both before and after the rapture, is so well balanced. Before the rapture, people need to use faith to overcome the lack of physical evidence for that event. After the rapture, there will be plenty of physical evidence of the event, but then a person will need faith to overcome the trials of the tribulation.
"And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?" (Luke 12:54-56).
"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:34-35).
I believe that Gods nation and people Israel have a wonderful future in store for them after the storm clouds of the tribulation are past. Some wayward Christian teach that national Israel is a historical "has been," and is finished in history. If this is the case, then Bible prophecy is obviously wrong. However, the Bible says she clearly has a future and world events will revolve around that tiny nation at the center of the earth (Ezek. 5:5). Bible prophecy is not wrong and we will be able to see during our November trip there that such is the case.
The world's focus already is upon Israel. God has preserved His people for a reason and it is not all trial and tribulation. History is progressing along the lines of God's ordained plan for Israel as we see God setting the stage in our own time for His great end-time drama. Come and visit the apple of Gods eye and see for your self, how our Lord is bringing His chosen people back to the land that He owns and has given to them. Maranatha!

My Interests


-((The following will happen in similar order after the rapture))-

*Total chaos will rule for a time. (Lk. 21: 25)

*Governments will get control through sometimes-harsh methods. (Rev. 17: 12-13)

*One world government will come together. (Ps. 2: 1-3)

*A one-world church will form. (Rev. Ch. 17)

*A world leader from Europe will step to the forefront and take charge of the peace process. (Dan. 9: 26-27)

*Israeli government and Israels enemies will sign an agreement of peace that ensures peace and safety. (Dan. 9: 27; Isa. 28: 18; 1 Thes. 5: 3)

*Peace will not last, as a coalition of nations--led by Russia--will invade the Middle East. (Ezek. 38: 1-12)

*God, himself, will destroy all but one-sixth of the invader forces. (Ezek. 39: 1-5)

*Much of the world will be hit by the deadly effects of the invasion. This will possibly include chemical, biological and nuclear aftereffects. (Ezek. 39:6-7; 11-16)

*The world leader will solidify his power following the Russian-led coalitions destruction. (Dan. 8: 23-25; 11: 36-39)

*Two Old-Testament-type prophets will come on the world scene and preach about Christ while condemning the worlds evil. (Rev. 11: 3-6)

*Meanwhile, God will put His protection upon 144,000 Jews who have converted to Christianity so that they can begin to preach Gods saving message to the people of the Tribulation. (Rev. 7: 3-8)

*At the same time, God will allow strong delusion to come over all who heard the Gospel before the Rapture, but, fully understanding the offer of salvation, refused to accept Christ. These will believe Antichrists and Satans, lies. (2 Thes. 2: 11-12)

*Antichrist, after months of trying, will finally murder the two Old-Testament-type prophets. But they will come back to life and be taken into Heaven while the world watches. (Rev. 11: 11-12)

*Antichrist will receive a supposedly deadly head wound. (Rev. 13: 3)

*He will appear to resurrect from the dead, being then possessed by Satan. (13: 3-4)

*Antichrist will stand in the Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. He will claim to be God, and demand worship. (2 Thes. 2: 3-4)

*The false prophet will direct all worship to Antichrist, and will erect an image of him. (Rev. 13:11-17)

*Antichrists regime will institute a computer mark and numbers system. It will be both to control the worlds populations, and to cause all to worship Antichrist, whose number in all of this is 666. (Rev. 13: 16-18)

*Those who refuse to accept Antichrists mark will be murdered. Beheading will apparently be the regimes chosen method of offing these traitors. (Rev. 13: 15; 20: 4)

*Antichrist will begin a systematic genocide against the Jewish race that will make Hitlers Holocaust look mild by comparison. (Rev. Ch. 12)

*He and the false prophet will also have all the new believers they can find, rounded up, tortured, then murdered. (Jhn. 16: 2; Rev. 13: 8)

*While Antichrist hunts down and murders people by the millions, Gods judgments will begin to fall directly on the rebellious people of Planet Earth. (Rev. 6: 17)

*Millions upon millions will die while Gods wrath pours out in a series of three types of judgments, each consisting of seven specific judgments, for a total of 21 judgments. (Rev. Chpts 6through 18)

*When all is said and done, more than one-half, possibly as much as two-thirds, of all human life on Earth will die of the plagues. (Rev. 6: 8; 8: 8; 9: 18)

*God will prepare, and the Jewish remnant will flee to, a hiding place, probably Petra, the ancient city carved in the rose red-colored rocks of the Jordanian wilderness. (Rev. 12: 6, 14)

*Antichrist and his forces, led by Satan, will pursue the Jewish people and try to murder them, but the pursuing forces will be swallowed up by the Earth. (Rev. 12: 15-16)

*While the Jewish and many of the Gentile people still alive remain safely protected, Gods wrath will fall in greater force. (Rev. 16: 1)

*The sun will go partly dark, while at the same time heating up to seven times hotter than normal. (Rev. 16: 8-11)

*A great object will fall into the ocean from space. Its impact will kill life in the sea, and most likely will destroy coastal areas with tidal waves. (Rev. 8: 8-9)

*Another asteroid or other mass from space will strike Earth and will poison much of the planets fresh water sources. (Rev. 8: 10-11)

*Great, unprecedented earthquakes will happen simultaneously all over the Earth. (Matt. 24: 7; Rev. 16: 18)

*People will be so frightened they will have heart attacks, just from the things they see are yet to come. (Lk. 21: 26)

*A supernatural plague of huge insect-like creatures will be released from the abyss, and they will sting all who have the mark of the Beast. Men and women will try to commit suicide because of their great pain from the stings and bites of these demonic creatures. (Rev. 9: 3-6)

*God will then move in the minds of all military forces on Earth to gather in the valley of Jezreel, the plains of Esdraelon, near the ancient city of Megiddo. This is Armageddon. (Joel 3: 14; Rev. 16: 16)

*The Kings of the East, a huge army out of the Orient numbering more than 200 million troops, will invade to make war with Antichrists and the other worlds forces. (Rev. 9: 15-16; 16: 12)

*Jesus said of this time, that if He didnt come back, everyone and everything would die because of the fighting about to take place. (Matt. 24: 22; Mark 13: 20)

*Jesus will return with the armies of Heaven. His armies consist of the mighty angels and Jesus Church, which will have been raptured at least seven years earlier. (Rev. 19: 11-14)

*Antichrists armies and all others will try to prevent Christs return. (Rev. 19: 19)

* Jesus will simply speak, and all armies on Earth will be rendered helpless, most killed. (19: 15-18)


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My Blog

Post Rapture Survival Guide

by Kurt Seland The purpose of this manual is twofold: First of all, it is to warn those who receive this manual prior to the rapture of the events that will take place in the last days as foretol...
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A letter...

Memorandum Date: (Unknown) To: Everyone else  ..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> From: Those who have vanished   Re: The truth about what happened   This is to tell you exactly what is involved...
Posted by The Christian Rapture [Millions Oddly Dissapear] on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:21:00 PST

The Coming Tribulation

by Britt Gillette The bible states that in the time just prior to the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, the world will experience a time of unprecedented trial and tribulation. This seven year per...
Posted by The Christian Rapture [Millions Oddly Dissapear] on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:13:00 PST

Seven Major Prophetic Signs of the Second Coming

Sixth Annual Year End Update 12-30-06 There are seven major prophetic signs of the Second Coming, and for the first time in history all seven are in some stage of fulfillment. As in years past, I'll l...
Posted by The Christian Rapture [Millions Oddly Dissapear] on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 01:44:00 PST

Understanding Bible Prophecy -know-to-understand-end-times-prophecy-part-1...
Posted by The Christian Rapture [Millions Oddly Dissapear] on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 05:18:00 PST

Ezekiel's War   Biblical proof of Isreal about to be ganged up on
Posted by The Christian Rapture [Millions Oddly Dissapear] on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 04:08:00 PST


I have some observations of my own to make about the Antichrist. First of all, I have no idea who he is. When you examine history, people who become well known on the world stage often have been large...
Posted by The Christian Rapture [Millions Oddly Dissapear] on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 12:55:00 PST