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red pill

There isn't any hate on this site, only information, so relax and spend some time here; research the

About Me

See how deep the rabbit hole goes...
Please focus your attention on the Christopher Bollyn Trial

One of the most important whistle blowers of all time. Please listen to What Benjamin Freedman has to say. Israel's Mossad

There are no theories here, just allegations and established facts.
The mainstream media is under complete corporate Zionist control.
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre." -Frank Zappa.
The world is quickly waking up to these facts... What is taking you so long?

The attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 were all part of an Israeli/USA conspiracy! We now have to become very critical of the ADL and AIPAC. They may be an accessory to these heinous crimes and need to be thoroughly investigated!
We are a large group of people from Eastern Canada that has discovered ground shaking information brought to us by It has been accepted for quite some time now that religion and politics are not to be discussed; too much arguing… Well it’s high time you start discussing it because none of us are going to have the life we think we are if we don’t act now! There isn't any credibility in the mainstream media, It is obvious that our Journalists are failing to do their job. You have to use your own common sense now. (Use your own wisdom to draw your own conclusions.) Why are all these laws being put in place to protect the interests of Zionists, when there are no laws for any other philosophy or religion? Why does the United States and Israel have the exact same interests regarding foreign policy? We know this new legislation is very suspicious. We know our civil liberties are at risk. We now need to think about this. We must try to free ourselves, and especially the Jewish people, from this obvious Tyranny! There is no such thing as a self hating Jew.
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My Interests

The twin towers were brought down with explosives.
Here is all the evidence you will need.

If you are still not convinced, watch this analysis of
the 911 Commission Report by Dr. David Ray Griffin.
The real truth about the attack on the USS Liberty
(1967) All the evidence you need.

The Israel lobby (AIPAC): a danger to the world

Zionists attacked Palestinian Protesters by an IDF helicopter

I'd like to meet:

daryl bradford smith / the french connection 1daryl bradford smith / the french connection 5Daryl Bradford Smith Interviews Dr. Sahib Mustaqim Bleherdaryl bradford smith / the french connection 7
Kay Griggs blows the whistle Part 1
Part 2
zionism .. width="425" height="350" ..What the world should know .. width="425" height="350" ..Eustace Mullins: The Neo-Zionist Order (please listen to what this man has to say)Christopher Bollyn Speaks OutPainful Deceptions (Eric Hufschmidt) A Must See!

The Real Terrorism by Zionists - Doctrine of Judaism - ( Goldstein Massacre )


The Killing Zone (The truth inside Gaza)

The truth about Depleated Uranium

If Not Now, When? (A Jewish perspective)

Irgun the first 20th century terrorists. Even the officail story
of the attack on the King David Hotel in 1946 is chilling
What is not shown on CNN (The truth behind the scenes)
(Rev.Ted Pike) The Other Israel
( A Christian perspective)

Jimmy Carter on Israel's apartheid and Jewish lobby

Who Controls Our Children ? (Public Education
Dumb Down Kids Deliberately)


The truth about the money we use everyday
and a coming depression we can not avoid

Some great health tips (Diseases don't just happen)

Typical Faces Of The Gun Control Lobby. Some of
those in the front row include: Rahm Emmanuel,
Izzie Schumer, Debbie Feinstein, and Babs Boxier

Dr. Norman Finkelstein - Is Criticism of Israel Anti-Semitic?

Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda


Click on all the picture links below

The Real truth investigators are: Chris Bollyn, Eric Hufschmid, Darl Bradford Smith, Jim Condit Jr., David Pidcock, Mohammed Rafiq, Barry Turner, Ted Pike, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Texe Marrs, Myron Fagan, and many others.Some of the hardest working truth researchers on Myspace:

Be very suspicious of these characters below:

My Blog

Help us expose the Bollyn trial

Help us expose the Bollyn trialIf they get away with putting Christopher Bollyn in jail, why wouldn't they continue to arrest the rest of us who they regard as potential threats?here...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Mon, 07 May 2007 05:59:00 PST


by Christopher Bollyn 24 April 2007In the same way that the 9/11 relatives have been denied access to the evidence of the THE BOLLYN TRIAL The Destruction and Withholding of Evidence "crime of the cen...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:49:00 PST


by Christopher Bollyn 24 April 2007In the same way that the 9/11 relatives have been denied access to the evidence of the THE BOLLYN TRIAL The Destruction and Withholding of Evidence "crime of the cen...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:49:00 PST

Another deceptive agent identified! Curt Maynard!

Another deceptive agent identified! Curt Maynard! Listen to the way he tries to discredit Daryl Bradford Smith but fails to give any factual information or any other evidence about his claims. This se...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 09:58:00 PST


BOLLYN TRIAL POSTPONED UNTIL MAY 31The Christopher Bollyn trial date, which had been scheduled to begin on Monday, April 23, has been postponed until Thursday, May 31, 2007. The trial is now set to b...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 10:22:00 PST

Infensus Mentis - All Roads Lead to Israel.

All Roads Lead to Israel. The Israeli lobby in Washington (AIPAC - American Israel Political Action Committee) has the United States government by the nuts. The Neo-Conservatives (many of whom are dua...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:30:00 PST

Another school shooting or more False Flag operations?

The Columbine Massacre From Donna Taylor's perspective The mother of Mark Taylor updated 19 June 2006 with Dr. Deagle info by Eric Hufschmidhere ...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:13:00 PST

Please watch the Bollyn trial

Please watch the Bollyn trial. We will soon post phone numbers and e-mail addresses for you to let the Chicago police and courts realize they we are watching them, and that this is getting serious.her...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:53:00 PST

Bollyn Prosecuted for "anti-Israel" Views

MALICE EXPOSED - Bollyn Prosecuted for "anti-Israel" Views by Christopher Bollyn 14 April 2007 The Bollyn Trial: The Malice Shows its Facehere ...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:02:00 PST

Daryl Bradford Smith talks with David Pidcock

David Pidcock lays bare the financial conspiracy of the Jewish Mafia. Pidcock explains the "City of London" is Zionist, not British, and many of Hitler's top Nazis were Jews. The Zionists control the...
Posted by red pill - Support Chris Bollyn on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 01:03:00 PST