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Presenting: Treyn Frazier Denbow Kellish
Anup Shah, Causes of Poverty ,, Last updated: Monday, July 02, 2007
Presenting: Treyn Frazier Denbow Kellish
Anup Shah, Causes of Poverty ,, Last updated: Monday, July 02, 2007
life, health, love, food, and shelter for everyone- death to the dollar bill.
"Yes, we'd better stop everything for a while, including our killing economy, which has enslaved and tortured more of us, killed the spirit in us, more than we can think of—our violence-brewing economy, our violence-brewing religions and violence-brewing schools. Yes, we must stop the raging, speeding madness and look with love to one another to save everything, just as the prophets have told us through our centuries of human violence and abuse... wasting our energy, they said—on pain—when we could be using that same energy to gain more, expanding our precious life energy and truly come through for our children and future ages." -Arol"425" height="350" ..
"The fact is that now-- for the first time in the history of man for the last ten years, all the political theories and all the concepts of political functions-- in any other than secondary roles as housekeeping organizations-- are completely obsolete. All of them were developed on the you-or-me basis. This whole realization that mankind can and may be comprehensively successful is startling."-Buckminster Fuller, Utopia or Oblivion
anyone who gives a rats ass about ending the
Come to our open mic!!!
Images and words come to me—images and words about genocide in the Sudan—images heartbreaking almost unbearable. Words—wrenching, sincere, pleading —and all the while a sense of impotency inside myself. Images and words—an American mother crying for a dead child—hers—killed in a war about oil. Images of her in front of rows of coffins draped in American flags, other dead children come home to their mothers and fathers—the words plead, implore, sorrow wrings from her—and all the while a sense of impotency inside myself. Everywhere—men torn from their homes, incarcerated, killed, tortured or sent to die in the name of some false patriotic or religious phrase foisted upon them by the perpetrators of the war for oil. My impotency roars into rage and anger, flares up inside of me and then dies to immense sorrow. In all the images and all the words no mention of the power sought through control of the oil—for who controls the oil controls my country and their country. Everywhere I turn—lies, competition, strutting power mongers and where it is sincere, where those who believe in the human spirit and despair for this country’s dying democracy, I hear the words of long dead ideas—of socialism, of anarchy, of communism and other old political philosophies to solve the problems. And I long for fresh air, for the killing, torturing, raping and pillaging to end, to stop, to cease to be. I feel my fear for the lives of my grandchildren and all grandchildren everywhere on my beautiful planet, this lovely Earth of which I am part. I long for images and words of hope, of cleanliness, untainted by the old dying Democrats and Republicans long bought and sold in the big money game.How much does it take to represent me to my government? A million, 2 million, a billion dollars? Is the price to save the people in the Sudan too high, the profits too low? But not in the Middle East—oh, there the profits are so high and our leaders and the leaders of oil rich nations meet behind guarded eyes and sunglasses—dressed in expensive suits and ties or hoods and robes—how they resemble each other. It makes my blood run dry—they look so alike. You can’t see their eyes. Have you noticed? You see they have eyes, but you can’t see them can you? Shielded and guarded are their windows into their souls. But they have no souls, do they? Their souls are long gone into the money madness as they send thousands of young males to their deaths, thousands of young females to be raped and their children slaughtered. Sound familiar? Thousands and thousands year-old stories as they modern-day go on with it.And here I write this morning to relieve my pain and sadness but also because I know there is hope inside myself. I know, as well as the majority of my countrymen and women know, that the free enterprise democracy fiesta is over. Didn’t work, won’t work. The competitive nastiness is too cruel—it flies in the face of the best within us and we are the majority. The religious and political fundamentalists run by lying political power grabbers are the minority—we, who long for peace, for some sane political way to go, who long for a beautiful world for our children and grandchildren, free of the dark ages within which we now reside, those of us who reach out to each other world-wide through the freedom of the world wide web—we, who believe in the human spirit and reach out to each other in spite of our governments’ clamp down and wars for oil—we are the majority in this world and we long for, need, desire, must have change. The change is called Ecolibrium and we need to get used to hearing that word. It’s the word of the future, it’s the word of hope and cleansing, it’s the word of honesty and integrity, it’s the word of a true democracy, a true one on one democracy, not the free enterprise democracy rip-off of resources, lives and souls. Yes, the word is clean—free of the past and concerned for now and the future.
No, they all tell us, we must “stay the course†in the Middle East or there will be civil war and we can't abandon "democracy." What they really mean is the wrong people might get the oil and then control us. But the wrong people have the oil anyway and we all know that, truly, we don’t need their oil, its only that we must protect our leaders’ personal fortunes, our leaders’ profit margin and their leaders’ profit margin and on and on ad nauseum. No, I’m afraid the Democrats won’t change anything. No, I’m afraid the Republicans won’t change anything. They will continue on, obeying their masters while our children are torn and blown away. I’m afraid we have to bend in another direction, Aikido style, create a new form of democracy—it’s called Ecolibrium—we need to find out what it’s about and go for it. My impotence leaves and hope comes back to me. We do have hope!Onward...
"In Ecolibrium everyone has their role, their function, their dignity.The shoemaker has his work. The editor has his work. The doctor has her work. Everybody has their work. And yours doesn’t mean anything unless you can have as much respect for theirs as they have for yours. I don’t care where you are in the supposed societal hierarchy. A society is a group. It’s not one guy against all of us. There’s nothing competitive about it. And that’s what the world has to learn, cooperation works, competition doesn’t. The ultimate outcome of competition is war. Racism, sexism, nationalism, one religion against another —they’re all forms of competition. Ecolibrium ends this. Ecolibrium is: We’re all in it together. Whatever our IQ’s are, whatever our heritage, wherever we were born, we’re all in it together. We can all contribute just as much as any other person. It has to be learned. It has to be learned in every country. Until there are no countries anymore. Until we love and respect the differences in us. It’s exotic. It’s lovely." —Wulf Zendik from talks on Ecolibrium
9/11 and war photo montage (jonny Cash-Hurt)
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Don't Go! (Anti-War story)
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The Immortal Technique ft. Mos Def & Eminem - Bin laden
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United States Terrorist Network
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-Wulf Zendik
wulf zendik and all who make zendik live
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