BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL profile picture


If you drive, please boycott Exxonmobil & Shell!

About Me

Why Boycott Shell?
Since the Nigerian government hanged 9 environmental activists in 1995 for speaking out against exploitation by Royal Dutch/Shell and the Nigeria government, outrage has exploded worldwide. The tribunal which convicted the men was part of a joint effort by the government and Shell to suppress a growing movement among the Ogoni people: a movement for environmental justice, for recognition of their human rights and for economic justice...
Why Boycott Exxon-Mobil?
ExxonMobil is suing Greenpeace aimed at silencing us from exposing Exxon's corrupt environmental policies...
Here are five reasons why ExxonMobil is worse than other oil companies.
1. ExxonMobil tries to convince the public that global warming isn't happening even though ExxonMobil is one of its main causes. It spends millions of dollars on misleading propaganda every year.
2. ExxonMobil has played a leading role in sabotaging international attempts to stop global warming. It would rather sell more petrol than protect future generations.
3. ExxonMobil doesn't believe renewable energy has a future. "With no readily available economic alternatives on the horizon, fossil fuels will continue to supply most of the world's energy needs for the foreseeable future." --Lee Raymond, ExxonMobil CEO, 1997
4. ExxonMobil is the biggest oil company in the world - its profits totalled more than US$12 billion in 2000. If anyone can afford to help stop global warming it's ExxonMobil.
5. ExxonMobil was one of the main financial contributors to George Bush's election campaign. As soon as George Bush became president, he announced that the US would pull out of international agreements to stop global warming - exactly the position that ExxonMobil was promoting. For further information, download our briefing document The Case against Exxon (PDF file 41k). Also see Decade of Dirty Tricks (PDF file 230k), Greenpeace 's latest report on Exxon's attempts to sabotage the Kyoto Protocol.
Why Boycott Chevron-Texaco?
From its purchase of drilling rights in Nigeria from a British government of conquest and colonization, to its partnership with military dictators, to calling in soldiers during nonviolent protests, ChevronTexaco's business strategy has been clear. ChevronTexaco tries to maximize profit through operations that undermine the health of local communities and ecosystems and by ignoring calls from increasingly impoverished communities to share the wealth taken from their land.
Why Boycott BP/Amoco?
Human Rights Groups to Boycott BP-Amoco for Investment in PetroChina “Slave Stock"
March 27 – The American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG) today unveiled a national boycott of Amoco gas stations in response to BP-Amoco’s coming stake in an oil project that fuels slavery and genocide of blacks in the Sudan. AASG President Dr. Charles Jacobs stated the boycott "unites a diverse and powerful coalition of activists, from the black church to labor to Free Tibet." (BP Amoco funnels American capital to China, oppressor of Tibet.)
BP-Amoco seeks to invest $1 billion in PetroChina, subsidiary of the China National Petroleum Company (CNPC). CNPC has been linked to war crimes in Sudan: Africans are cleared off oil-rich land with slave raids, and Sudan's fundamentalist regime – deemed “genocidal” by the US Congress – bragged that oil proceeds fund its war.
Do people really get killed so that oil companies can make a profit?
People do.
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------IS THE ANSWER A SURPRISE?

My Interests

Passing out anti-Shell flyers, putting "Don't Buy" after the words Exxonmobil, making sure all my friends don't support genocide when they get gas

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone who agrees to boycott Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Texaco, Shell, BP, Amoco because of their human rights abuses (i.e. murder of indigenous people), collaboration with governments to murder indiengous people and environmental activists protesting pipelines through their farms and homes, and lobbying against environmental laws (Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by Western Countries by 10% by 2005, higher fuel efficiency standards in Bush's energy plan).

The following places sell gasoline but do not KILL PEOPLE, please, if you MUST BUY GAS, don't drive an SUV, and buy gas from:
Any independent place NOT secretly owned by Exxon or Shell


Rainforest Action Network

Amazon Watch

Wetlands Preserve NYC


Free Speech TV


Ken Sara-Wiwa (indigenous environmental activist MURDERED by Shell in 1997 because he organized the Ogoni people to rise up against environmental racism)

My Blog

High level officials warn of false terror attack

High level officials warn of false terror attack Written by henri cole Friday, 02 May 2008A variety of current and former high-level officials have recently warned that the Bush administration is at...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Sun, 04 May 2008 01:36:00 PST

Sign LEGAL Petition to Arrest Bush for 9-11

Re-Open 9-11 Ballot Initiative Youtube Cliip - Sign petition if NYC resident!9-11 Ballot Initiative Youtube Clip - Send to everyone in NYC, put it in your youtube fav's, give it 5 stars, post it on me...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:34:00 PST

Why GUNS are important. A history lesson...

Why GUNS are important. A history lesson...This is for all my fellow democrat friends. Although I used to be a democrat and big supporter on gun bans, I was also apparently historically inept in this...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:32:00 PST

Conspiracy of Silence & The Franklin Cover-Up

Conspiracy of Silence & The Franklin Cover-Up ..Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3 1994. This...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:35:00 PST

Google "Bush and Clinton Satanic Rituals": 13,200 results!

Chavez was not off the mark when he linked Bush with satanism. In addition to the numerous crimes committed by the Bush regime, it appears that Bush and many government officials believe in the occult...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:48:00 PST

Wesley Snipes Is Acquitted of Tax Felonies: Proof YOU Don’t Have to Pay Income Taxes?

Wesley Snipes Is Acquitted of Tax Felonies The Snipes case is the fourth significant loss by Justice Department prosecutors who brought felony charges against peo...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 04:27:00 PST

NH Recount: 7.5% Vote Discrepancies Found

NH Recount: 7.5% Vote Discrepancies FoundNH Election Contest Update: 7.5% Vote Count Discrepancy Found in Nashua, Ward 5 for Clinton, Edwardshttp:/...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:36:00 PST

End the IRS - Feb 1st - Here’s How...

The government is sending us tax-rebates back soon; $500-$800/per person or something... dish out the money now to get Ron Paul elected and you'll never pay an income tax again.Pledge today at:http:/...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:32:00 PST

Feeling Safe vs. Being Safe: The Undebatable Facts Speak for Themselves

Every day millions of licensed Americans legally carry concealed handguns in movie theaters, office buildings, shopping malls, banks, churches, etc.Numerous studies show that concealed handgun license...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:21:00 PST

Secret Government Testing on American Public?

Secret Government Testing on American Public?"It turns out, until 9 years ago, the government had the right, under U.S. law, to conduct secret test...
Posted by BOYCOTT EXXONMOBIL on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:10:00 PST