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About Me

I am making a difference in this world by redusing reusing, recycling, respecting, and conserving energy and water. I love plants and trees. I hope to make a differencby informing those who do not know! Its very easy to do these things!!! Its all connected,everything, in the world, the animals, the trees, the pollution, global warming!Stop Cutting the Trees! The Rainforest is the worlds natural Climate Control Center!! If we cut all the trees we wont have no air to breathe! I know if we all work together and do our part this world can be a better place. I eat only natural foods, nothing premanufactured or mass produced filled with garbage and perservitives.That stuff is so so bad for a human body!! So I cook and prepare all of my own bread, pizza dough, soups, pie crust, etc. It is time consuming but I want to eat my "own" food. I am a Florida native and I really can tell the difference in the heat over the years, It is getting worse, hotter and hotter. I know this 'cause I have lived here my whole life. Thats why we need to DO SOMETHING about this global warming, I know all those little things we can do but I am not satisfied with this, it isnt enough! We as a human race have become spoiled and we consume way to much and waist to much. We use up our natural resources way to fast!.Demanding for so much that it usually just ends up in goodwill or a garage sale or even worse a landfill! What I am trying to say is that we need to use less~ Reuse what we can~ Recycle everything we can~ Contact our local mayors and government offices and find out what your city officals are doing to fight global warming?If A Tree Falls Why Preserve Rainforest Habitat? Rainforests are some of the world's most ancient and complex ecosystems. They cover a mere 2% of the Earth, yet more than half of all plant and animal species live there. The rainforest is home to creatures as famous as the jaguar and poison dart frog, as well as lesser-known and even unidentified species.These ecosystems are an amazing resource that is quickly slipping away. The rainforest is where many modern food staples originated, including tomatoes, corn, and chocolate, but we use a mere fraction of the edible plants available there. In addition, one quarter of modern medicines come from plant species that were first used as traditional remedies. Western science has analyzed less than one percent of rainforest plants for medicinal compounds, and the indigenous tribes that use these plants are rapidly disappearing.To complicate matters more, the rate of species extinction in the rainforest is undeniably high. As the forests are burned for short-term farming, grazed, and harvested for wood and other compounds at an unsustainable rate, we are swiftly losing the very species that may someday provide needed cures or disease-resistant crops. With them, we lose an extraordinary number of unique creatures found nowhere else in the world.Help us save the rainforests by clicking every day. The benefits to humankind and to the world are incalculable, and it costs you nothing more than a moment of your time. A click a day can save the world!**Facts and figures from: The Rainforest Alliance, World Health Organization, and the Rainforest Foundation.Rainforests are characterized by hot, humid weather all year long, which creates an environment conducive to an abundance of growth.Hundreds of years ago, tropical rainforests encircled the globe, much like long green arms, hugging the equator and covering 20% of the earth's land surface. Reduced to a mere 6%, the diminishing rainforest shelters more than half of all the plant and animal species living in the world today. Rapid deforestation has endangered the splendor of this tropical paradise.Today's changing world has created new challenges for the survival of the rainforests. New forces, man-made, are in conflict with each other and with the existence of the rainforests. This conflict becomes important as people gain awareness that changes in one area of the world have an impact on all areas of the world. There are several points of view as to how to best manage the rainforest:The local government agencies that are concerned with the economic development of their countries. The logging industries that need wood for lumber and paper products. The medical community who rely heavily on the plants and insects of the rainforest. The indigenous peoples who are being affected by the changes and at the same time are causing some of the changes. The environmentalists who are concerned with the long term impacts of deforestation. You will complete research into the activities of each of these groups--all having a stake in the survival of the rainforests.

My Interests

all natural food, AGAINIST ANIMAL TESTING, beaches, clothes that are air dried, coral reefs, conserveiving water, energy efficient light bulbs,envoironmental issues, global warming is REAL,Hybrid cars, RAINFOREST ARE THE CLIMATE CONTROL CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, recylce. reduse. reuse. global warming, Get this widget!

I'd like to meet:

People who want to make a change in this world and fight Global Warming! Lets do it for the future~ For our children, grand children and great grand children, and many, many more generations to come! Peace and Love to you~


Tree of Life Sm

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I care about the planet!.. With this Bulb~ We can HELP SAVE THE PLANET! FONT FACE="palatino linotype"


People that care about the world and want to make a change and those that "Do Something" to contribute to perserving the Earth!

My Blog

Homemade Pizza and dough recipe~

I would love to share with you a great homemade pizza  recipe. Now keep in mind you can add whatever you'd like on top your pizza~ But heres the basics for the crust itself~ Enjoy~ PIZZA CRU...
Posted by ~Care4Creation~ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 03:02:00 PST

Global Warming Facts~

Anyone watching world news today will be only too aware of the calamitous events happening worldwide with ever greater frequency. Hurricanes tornadoes monsoons tidal waves tsunamis earthquakes etc are...
Posted by ~Care4Creation~ on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 01:57:00 PST

Ways To Fight GLobal Warming

Top Ways to Fight Global WarmingSome not-so-inconvenient steps you can take to combat climate change.By Bret SchultePosted 7/17/07 on the U.S. News & world reportYou don't have to stage benefit co...
Posted by ~Care4Creation~ on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:26:00 PST