all natural food, AGAINIST ANIMAL TESTING, beaches, clothes that are air dried, coral reefs, conserveiving water, energy efficient light bulbs,envoironmental issues, global warming is REAL,Hybrid cars, RAINFOREST ARE THE CLIMATE CONTROL CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, recylce. reduse. reuse.
global warming, Get this widget!
People who want to make a change in this world and fight Global Warming! Lets do it for the future~ For our children, grand children and great grand children, and many, many more generations to come!
Peace and Love to you~
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I care about the planet!.. With this Bulb~ We can HELP SAVE THE PLANET! FONT FACE="palatino linotype"
People that care about the world and want to make a change and those that "Do Something" to contribute to perserving the Earth!