Groovin60sChic *Birdi* profile picture

Groovin60sChic *Birdi*

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im a blessed mother of 3 children. My youngest was born with special needs. She has brought so much love & joy to my life. Every person should have the chance to spend one day with a physically challenged, mentally challenged, or a terminally ill child. Children like this have so much unconditional love to offer. And we too can learn so much from them. I want my daughter to always feel loved and accepted by others. Im also blessed with 2 beautiful grandchildren...that also fill my life with love and happiness.I'm a blonde in every sense of the word. I'm a very caring, warm person and a romantic at heart, I love sunrises, holding hands and long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners,watching the sunset and gazing at the stars. I also like cookouts, picnics, going to the park and movies. And Im a really big animal lover :)If you're just on here to pick up women...please don't waste my time.I can't always do things right... BUT I can always do the right thing. People are quick to condemn what they don't understand. It's important to remember that the only person we need validation from is...ourself.I am the owner of my karma. I inherit my karma. I am born of my karma. I am related to my karma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create... whether good or evil...that I shall inherit.Just remember,its pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterday. The way to make life's circumstances a postive learning lesson INSTEAD of a cause of regret, is to only can i put this to use today?There are two ways of meeting difficulties. You can alter the difficulties, or you can change yourself to meet them.If you keep doing what you've always done, You keep getting what you've always gotten!I believe that courage is not demonstrated by domination of others, but in mastery of our deepest emotions!!!I believe the most prized possession is integrity....The greatest loss is one's self-respect!!!I also believe that hope sees the invisible,feels the intangible and achieves the impossible!!!How about joining my blog! do not have to look like each other, we do not have to believe what each other believes, we do not have to share each other's culture or values respect each other.We are different but we can find kinship in knowing... that we are all part of this big and wonderful world. And working together we can build towards understanding, acceptance, and peace on earth. Remember...always blessings :)

My Interests

The worst kind of blindness is the blindness you cause yourself by not wanting to see.

My heart is in Haiti :)

I'd like to meet:

Check out "My Organizations" under my pics. Im a child can be one too! Let's all reach out in love...Deronette Espwa Fe Viv Foundation Street Kids, INC Aid to technical problems, I had to reconstruct my site. If your name didn't get put back on the guestbook. Would you please resign it? Im sorry for any inconvenience, but I sure would like my friends to sign :)


The 60's oldies rock! The Beatles! I also enjoy Reggae, Rasta, Calypso, Salsa and Hawaiian music.


The Agronomist,An Inconvenient Truth,The Secret,The Last Samurai,Beyond Borders,Imagining Argentina,Amazing Grace,Ten Canoes.


Cesar Millan, CSI, Law and Order, CNN, MSNBC, TAPS-Ghost Hunter, John Edward, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Ghost Hunters International are some of the show that I like.


Knowledge is the key to changing circumstances, through awareness and understanding.The Bible, Science of The Mind, books by Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Doreen Virture, Esther & Jerry Hicks~ ~ You Can Heal Your Life Heal Your Body


Jean Leopold Dominique-- "You cannot kill the truth with a bullet." Michele Montas-- put her life on the line to expose political corruption, human rights abuses & state-sponsored violence in her country. Nelson Mandela-- To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Louise Hay-- "If we want love, we must think loving thoughts." If we want peace, we must think peaceful thoughts. William Wilberforce 1759-1833-- He strongly advocated for the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of enslaved Africans in the British Empire, prison fellowship and the prevention of cruelty to animals. Mohandas Gandhi-- The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience. Martin Luther King -- "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

My Blog

The Power of Emotions

Blessings Always~Birdi...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:56:00 PST

St. Assisi Prayer

LORD, make me an instument of your peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, let me sow pardon;where there is discord, let me sow union;where there is error, let me sow truth...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:09:00 PST

Some Prosperity Affirmations

There is limitless supply and it is mine I release my need for financial insecurity I am financially secure I am surrounded by loving, giving people I release my need to feel needy I have everything I...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:30:00 PST

I really needed to read this today

Gosh, I really needed to read this today. I already knew it, guess it just got put on the back burner of my brain :) We are the creator of our own reality, and so we are not in jeopardy.&nbs...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:37:00 PST

Emotion of Appreciation vs. Attitude of Gratitude

Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 12:23:00 PST

Im trying gratitude...

Have you ever felt like everything around you is negative, hopeless, desperate and there is no positive solution? That everything and everyone is going against you? We all have, including myself....
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 09:20:00 PST

Get Along Better with Everyone

Proven Ways to Get Along Better With EVERYONE 1. Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself 3 things:1> Is it true?2> Is it kind?3>Is it necessary? 2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithf...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 08:46:00 PST

Good Morning !!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning and good blessings....absolutely!I am continuing my studies on having an attitude of gratitudeas the anniversary of the death of my soul mate approaches.He was murdered. A senseless ...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 07:51:00 PST

Repetition LOL

Repeat what you say.  Repeat what you say.  Repeat what you say. In theory, you should agree with what I said.  Studies show that repeating what you say increases the chance that someon...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 08:30:00 PST

Hate and Violence

I was thinking about my neighbood and the world AND- It is often said, that when people are raised around hatred, that violence comes naturally. And that it is an act of blame. And believing that one ...
Posted by Groovin60sChic *Birdi* on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 01:04:00 PST