View my page on angels wings
View my page on Spirit Path
I paint and draw, sew, garden, write poetry, read, play around with photography and do all kinds of crafts. I also have a special love and connection to animals. The most important thing in my life is my Creator and I yearn for a closeness beyond all imagination.
Violet Flame Is . . .
Breath of God inside each cell
I AM the Violet Flame
Pulsing out the cosmic time
I AM the Violet Flame
Energizing mind and heart
I AM the Violet Flame
Sustaining God’s creation now
I AM the Violet Flame
With all love, With all love, With all love
Shimmering in a crystal cave
I AM the Violet Flame
Searching out all hidden pain
I AM the Violet Flame
Consuming cause and core of fear
I AM the Violet Flame
Revealing now the inner name
I AM the Violet Flame
With all Peace, With all Peace, With all Peace
Flashing like a lightning bolt
I AM the Violet Flame
Stretching through the galaxies
I AM the Violet Flame
Connecting soul and Spirit now
I AM the Violet Flame
Raising you to Cosmic Heights
I AM the Violet Flame
With all Power, With all Power, With all Power
..Exploring the world so freely given
From the one that is your being.
For Gaia's gift of rebirth
To all the souls of this earth
Will burst forth in bloom
Causing the heart to swoon. ..
Howard Semones©
A wee rock lay before me, as alive as you and I,
with all the brilliance of many magical eons.
It breathed my name, and more, in a tiny whisper
of choices that were mine to make.
and questioned me intently on how I
would teach what I have learned.
Would I tell wild stories of hard won gains,
and how I had been strong enough to overcome?
Or would my tales be those of
love, and compassion
for those who suffered as I, and more.
"The choice is yours" I heard the tiny voice say
in that now familiar whisper.
"For I am only a stone who whispers,
but you are the creator of your life."
Written by C. Semones 1/31/08
I dreamt that I was a butterfly, flitting around
in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?
----Chuang Tsu.....
from Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das...
There are many paths to enlightenment.
Be sure to take the one with a heart.
- Lao Tzu
This video is called "The Drum". Enjoy it.
Learn about the this video (beautifully done)
Glitter Graphics for Orkut, Myspace, Friendster
Glitter Graphics for Orkut, Myspace, Friendster
When I have seen a yellow butterfly...
On a flower that I have grown,
When I have fed a starving kitty...
And found it a new home,
When I have felt the rain on my head...
And the sun on my face,
When a snowflake has landed on my tongue...
And melted from the heat of my mouth,
When I have pet my dogs...
And they have licked my face,
When I have looked into my loves eyes...
And have seen his love for me,
When I have laid in my bed...
And felt the warmth of my comforter,
When I have felt the cold in my hands...
And found my bright red mittens,
When my husband has placed my wedding ring...
upon my waiting finger,
When I have held my love in sickness...
And allowed him to care for me in mine,
When I have seen a newborn baby...
And watched it grow day by day,
When I have seen the affects of war...
And decided to live for peace,
When I have been helpless to abuse...
And decided to live my life in kindness,
When I have scooted away a fly...
And talked it into going outside,
When I have said a special prayer...
And watched a miracle unfold,
When I have held a stunned humming bird...
And then watched it fly away,
When I have tried a new recipe...
And had it turn out great,
When I have felt pain upon awakening...
And got out of bed anyway,
When I have listened to a friend...
And let them listen to me,
When I have had a broken heart...
and learned to love again,
When I have been so low that I thought I might die...
And decided to live another day,
When I have faced my worse fear...
and come out the other side,
When I have seen a tree cut down...
And planted another,
When I have called someone I love...
Even when I didn’t want to,
When I have tried to teach my dog...
and realized that he is teaching me,
When I have stood before my God...
And felt so completely inadequate,
And stood before my God...
And felt that I was made in a perfect way,
When I have questioned all that is...
And found my peace in being a student,
Only then have I lived long enough,
Only then have I lived well enough.
By Cheryl Semones
If you would like to see this poem in video form see below. YOu can see more of my videos on YouTube under the name Sene2000.
The Butterfly
Behold the splendid metamorphosis.
The translucent veil;
The one which is you.
Representing you wholly.
Shrouding, encapsulating me.
A most vibrant caccoon.
A prom night tuxedo.
And know this-
All who look into my eyes
know your name, whisper it softly.
The wind tunnel imprint
I make walking
shows you...
Your sculptured silhouette.
The butterfly.
Wings meticulously patterned
like sand mandalas
created by Buddhist monks.
The surreal ponderance.
Who am I, worthy enough
to wear such a gift?
A poem by Randy from Humanity Healing
Approximately 8-12 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year and approximately 5-9 million are euthanized (60% of dogs and 70% of cats). Shelter intakes are about evenly divided between those relinquished by owners and those picked up by animal control. These are national estimates; the percentage of euthanasia may vary from state to state.
Less than two percent of cats and only 15-20% of dogs are returned to their owners. Most of these were identified with tags, tattoos or microchips.
25% of dogs that enter local shelters are purebred.
Only 10% of the animals received by shelters have been spayed or neutered. 75% of owned pets are neutered.
The Mystical Realm
The mystical realm arises from a different mode of perception than one we are used to.
The human race now stands on the brink of a historic transformation, with new eyes, new ears, new minds, and new hearts emerging from the cosmic drama of human evolution.
As an embryo becomes a baby, we are becoming a new, more spiritualized version of our selves.
A New Order of the Ages
There is a principle in A Course in Miracles stating that it is not up to us what we learn, but only whether we learn through joy or through pain. In a universe that is, quite literally, the ongoing evolutionary impulse to love -- the spiritual process through which Love extends itself throughout space and time -- the individual's only true assignment is to learn to actualize the love within.
Wherever in our thinking we are bound by fear, the universe is invested in teaching us the transformative and freeing power of love.
Where we are judgmental, the universe is invested in teaching us the ways of forgiveness.Where we are harsh, the universe is invested in teaching us how to be gentle.Where we are competitive, the universe is invested in teaching us the value of co-operation.Where we are ambitious, the universe is invested in teaching us the ways of inspiration.Where we are irresponsible toward our material resources, the universe is invested in teaching us the art of stewardship.
Where we are defensive, the universe is invested in teaching us the power of defenselessness.
Where we would attack, the universe is invested in teaching us that we are one with all, and therefore can only attack ourselves.
Marianne Williamson
Lightworkers are everywhere these days. You've probably met a few without even knowing it.Who are the Lightworkers? They appear to be ordinary people, going about their lives just like the rest of us. In reality, they are souls with a critical mission -- to spread their healing energy and prepare the Earth for transition to a new era.Despite their origin, they are bound to the same pain and disease as ordinary humans. They must learn to understand suffering on a personal level in order to provide comfort and guidance to others.Lightworkers are natural healers, teachers, and role models. They are seekers of wisdom, constantly trying to understand why they feel compelled to help others. They have an inner glow of compassion that radiates and envelopes the people around them.They may not know yet that they have a divine ancestry and a glorious destiny. Some of them aren't yet fully aware of who and what they are. The memories of their origin and mission may not be fully activated, and so they go along like ordinary people, seeking healing and wisdom.The difference is, they carry inside them the full knowledge of their divine nature. Even if they don’t realize or understand it, Lighworkers can’t help but radiate compassion, comfort, and wisdom.How can you spot them? It won’t be difficult. Think about the times your spirit has been lightened by a friendly store clerk or a stranger who helped you gather up packages you’ve dropped. Think about friends and acquaintances who can help you see more clearly with a gentle word of advice. These are the Lightworkers, sharing their divinity without even realizing what they do.Keep your eyes and your heart open. Take note of the times when you get a sense of calm and peace from someone who may not appear to be doing anything special. You are most likely in the presence of a Lightworker.Devora Sage
A Poem by Mark Seebach
Hello my friends
I've gone insane
I care not
for fortune or fame
Or the price of gas
nor the price of bread
but the price of ignorance
is my concern instead
And I seek not
to be kept in comfort
nor coddled and kept
and in that way supported
By those who would control
how I would feel
how I would think
who would cause me to steal
and make my heart shrink
Others land, others gold
others minds, others souls
I choose instead
to give all that I have
To all who would have it
all that would live
Yes, my friends
I've lost my mind
and found my heart
For it is time
I've looked in the mirror
Seen the good and the bad
and accepted it all
the happy and sad
Taken responsibility
for that done in my name
not to assign blame
not to bring shame
But to stand tall
accepting it all
and writing these words
to bring truth to you all
for I am you
and you are me
and in accepting ourselves
we are finally free
when we heal others
we heal ourselves
in the way of the Masters
in the way of the One
So, as you can see
I'm quite insane
hope you are too
just a little poem
which I think now, is done
. . A free person lives in Spirit, just as a wizard does, and is able to do far more good than can ever be done outside Spirit. This viewpoint isn't yet acceptable in society, because you and I and everyone else we know have been conditioned to believe otherwise. We are attached to everything and believe that attachment is what make our lives work.
Our sense of attachment begins with our relationship to this earth. Mortals, the wizards say, are under the illusion that they own the world or control its fate. As the wizards see it, the world has a spirit that oversees our welfare; we live sheltered within her spirit and are allowed to shape our own fate. But Spirit can never be owned or controlled. "You want to have the whole world, don't you?" Merlin asked Arthur.
"No, I don't think so," replied Arthur.
"Oh, you do, believe me. You mortals are like a spark that will one day set a whole field afire. The spark looks tiny, but it spreads and spreads."
"Do you mean that we will destroy the world?" asked Arthur.
"That depends. Spirit cannot be destroyed, and if you come to see yourself as Spirit, you will join with the Spirit of this earth. The alternative is to ignore Spirit, and if you choose that way, you will have no regard for the earth. Her pain will seem remote to you."
Merlin pointed to a large rock. "Kick it," he said. Arthur did as he was told.
"Ow." He winced.
"Strange," commented Merlin. "The rock got kicked, but you're the one who cried out."
"What's strange about that?" grumbled Arthur, half suspecting that the wizard had made him kick the rock harder than he'd planned.
"This was a lesson about Spirit. When you kicked the rock, it was yourself you hurt. The rock didn't protest, because the earth never does. She is secure in her spirit. Security in spirit is what the earth has to teach you mortals. But if you become enraged at your injury, which the rock merely gave back to you, you will be tempted to ignore spirit. You will want to crush the rock, destroy it, and turn it to your uses, all because the earth is kind enough not to cry out when you kick her."
It is in the nature of Spirit not to protest. There is no harm you can really do to spirit, and although humans have inflicted appalling harm on the earth, the final result is always that we harm ourselves. We don't respect our own Spirit. We regard ourselves with fear and anger. "You have lost faith in faith." Merlin said. "You no longer seem to trust in trust." What this means is that the qualities of Spirit, which include love, faith, and trust, must be known and experienced before they can do much good.
Most people struggle against their will; they resort to fear and anger because they feel that these paths have been forced on them. Willingness to live in peace depends on not being directed by these negative energies, and that can only happen by adopting the wizard's way. "If you want to do good for the world, be completely unselfish and become a wizard," Merlin said. "If you want to do good for yourself, be completely selfish and still become a wizard." This may sound like a paradox, but ultimately all Spirit is Spirit. You walk the earth as an individual, but you also walk it as part of the earth. Therefore, you regain yourself, you regain the world ... page 137, The Way of the Wizard by Deepak Chopra.
I'd like to meet:
There is but One Body, One Heart, One Mind, One Breath,
One Voice, One Energy, One Vibration and Consciousness
of Pure Divine Love expressing as Life. I am just one child
of God serving on behalf of Humanity and all life evolving
on this blessed planet at this time. I am the clearest instrument
of God's Light for I have come here vowing to be "the open
door no one can shut."
In the outer world, our unified Lightwork manifests as a plethora
of groups and activities. Each and every one of these groups and
activities of Light are vital and necessary to the success of the
unfolding Divine Plan. No group is more important or significant
than another, nor is there any group more spiritually elite, elect,
select or more favored in the eyes of God. As is the case within
the cells of any body, unity in diversity is vital to the health and
life of that body. The various cells and organs in the body perform
a variety of very diverse functions, all of which perpetuate the survival,
the evolution and the Divine Plan of the body. The power of this particular
God-Self as a collective is the glorious and perfect expression to bring
about unfathomable Oneness and Truth.
At last our moment is at hand, and it is the most rewarding thing we,
The One, will ever do! The full magnitude of Divine Love is now
ablaze in our hearts. We are the sons and daughters of God,
empowered with the full potential of our God Parent! Yes! And so it is.
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These four candles I light for my friends and family who are going through difficult times right now.
My brother Jim who is recovering from cancer; My husband Howard who is experiencing health problems; My friend Lara who is going through difficult times and my new friend Ralph who is experiencing health problems.
Say no to carbon based fuels. Say yes to Geothermal, wind and Solar Power
I love all kinds of music. Josh Groban, The Fray, Rob Thomas, Sarah McLaughlin, James Blunt, Evanesence, Enya, Hayley Wenestra and many many more.
My favorite movie is South Pacific, but I love all musicals, love stories and action films. I am a sap for a happy ending. Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire are my favorite movie dancers. I love all movies from the 50's. Flashdance is also a favorite. James Bond movies are also great to watch. I just purchased the original Casino Royal that was on TV in the 50's with Barry Nelson and the original Casino Royal movie that was at the theatres with David Niven. Most people think that Shawn Connery was the first James Bond. I love the action movies of Bruce Willis (DieHard), Tom Cruise (Mission Impossible),and Mel Gibson (Lethal Weapon).
Viggo Mortenson is the sexiest man alive with Jake Gyllenhaal as runner up!Patrick Swayze and Sam Elliott aren't too shabby either.
Please say a prayer for Patrick Swayze to recover from pancreatic cancer!.Favorite Movie Quote: "Oliver, this is your life now. It doesn't wait for you to get back on your feet." from A Lot Like Love.If you like a good murder mystery you must see Perfect Stranger.
I never miss Grey's Anatomy, NCIS, 24, House, and Boston Legal. I also love the summer series Burn Notice with Jeffrey Donovan and Gabrielle Anwar
"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.†...Mark Twain
I often am reading several books at the same time....
Sacagawea by Anna L. Waldo is one of the best books I have ever read. I highly recommend it. It's the story of Sacajawea, child of a Shoshoni chief, the lone woman on Lewis and Clark's historic expedition. It's a long book, about 1400 pages, but worth every page.
I am currently reading Cuts Like a Knife by Michael Murphy (A Casey Bannister novel
I just finished reading The Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Gregg Braden and The New Earth by Eckert Tolle
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Alice Stokes Paul
an American Suffragist Leader
If you have never seen the movie Iron Jawed Angels, about how women won the right to vote, please do.
Bobby Kennedy