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Peak Oil

Oil the lifeblood of industrial civilization

About Me

Dear Reader,Great change is coming to industrial civilization as we know it. The earth contains a finite amount of oil, and the rate at which we extract this oil is defined by a Hubbert Curve - essentially a bell curve the top of the bell curve is peak oil.The demand for oil is growing, not shrinking; and the world population is growing, not shrinking, while our conventional oil reserve is nearly 50% depleted. All aspacts of modern industrial civilization is dependent of oil. Many people think it only affects what you pay at the gas pump, but this is not the case. It has far greater implication then this. Oil use is not limited to food production, in which approximately 10 calories of fossil fuels are required to produce every 1 calorie of food eaten in the US. Modern medicine, industrial processes ,water distribution, and national defense are each entirely powered by oil and petrochemicals. Oil is entirely used to make petro-chemicals, which in turn is the backbone of plastics, the precurser to alot of consumer goods. Not only that all is pegged to our GDP, which our economy is dependent on it for growth.The peak of global petroleum discovery was about 1962 -- we cannot extract more oil than has been found.A couple years ago, the world burned 4 barrels for every one that was found.2003 was the first year when no new major oil fields (over 500 million barrels - one weeks’ worth) were found. On a PER CAPITA basis, peak energy was reached in 1979 and food production per capita is currently in decline..................................................... .............................................. While there is renewable energy will do little to ameliorate the situation. Oil has a superior energy return on energy invested (EROEI) this is the amount of energy invested to obtain energy. While the EROEI of renewable sources barely breaks even. Solar, Wind, Nuclear, Geothermal, Hydro,Biomass: Mainly used to generate electric power, not power transportation. Hydrogen has a EROEI that is nagative, therefore it's not an energy source, but only a carrior just like electricity. It’s hard to substitute one form of energy for another coal, oil, hydro, nuclear, solar, wind are difficult to mix'To sum it up, peak oil is inevitable, it's a matter of when? It is not after running out of oil, it is running out of cheap oil. During the 1970s oil shocks, arabic countries set an oil embargo. This was due to poitical reason and the shortfall is only a few million barrels, yet this causes an economic recession. Imagine as each year oil production declines 2-3% a year after peak, while our demand for oil keeps rising 2-3% a year, producing a 4-6% shortfall each year. Runaway inflation will soon set in as our system is dependent on growth, each year it will keep declining, and imagine the market shattering effects year after year. If industrial civilization does not figure out how to survive and thrive without cheap fossil energy, then technological civilization will be a short blip in the history of our species, hence the Olduvai theory. As we slide into the dark ages, the stone age is just around the corner.

My Interests

I'm oil, I formed from the buried remains of organic matter from millions of years ago. Industrial society is dependent on me, as I power every aspact of it. I'm a fossil fuel providing 40% of the worlds energy. I power 90% of all the transporations. Not only as a fuel I'm also a building block for everyday consumer goods from plastics which has an unlimited array of uses. I also help make industrial agriculture possible, fueled by the green revolution, there's a increasing dependence on fertilizer and pesticides made from petroleum, which helps substantally increase the food production, therefore raising the world population to over 6.2 billion people, and proving Thomas Malthus wrong. The U.S burns about 20 million barrels of me, and the world burns about 84 million barrels a day. The demand just keeps increasing because increasing oil demand from Asian economys like China, etc, but the shortage will come soon, as I'm a finite resource.

I'd like to meet:

People who are Peak Oil Aware. People who understand this urgent impending crisis, this is the turning point for mankind and humanity as a whole. People who are interested in taking action. Fellow activist trying to make this world a better place. Feel free to add me if you want to.


Don't watch T.V.


Dr. M. King Hubbert, Dr. Colin J. Campbell, Matthew R. Simmons, Michael C. Lynch, Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, James Howard Kunstler, Richard Heinberg, Julian Darley, Dale Allen Pfeiffer, Professor Albert Allen Bartlett.

My Blog

Peak Oil Flash Movie

Flash movie on peak oil, with music. It takes some time to load. If this dosn't work go here. Enjoy -PO...
Posted by Peak Oil on Tue, 30 May 2006 04:37:00 PST

List of peak oil links

Life after the oil crash Dieoff End of Suburbia Oil Empire Peakoil Forum ASPO (association for the study of peakoil&gas) Petro Pulse HubbertPeak Energy Bulletin Oil Depleti...
Posted by Peak Oil on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Peak oil related quotes

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860) In a way, t...
Posted by Peak Oil on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST