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PURPOSE - People United Rightly Protecting Our Sacred Earth - Today, polar bears are threatened by G

About Me

PURPOSE – People United Rightly Protecting Our Sacred Earth – Please join our cause and ask others to join us. Here is a way to show you care. Help us inform, educate, invigorate kids, parents, students, educators, politicians, leaders… to instill passion into the public psyche about the importance of saving and protecting what is most sacred to us… this one big village where we all live called Earth. This passion to protect and save each other and all life on our planet needs to become a way of life for all of us.
The main goal for PURPOSE is to inform, educate, and to try to find a way to change the way we live, to incorporate recycling, peace and other great ideas so that they become habit, something we just don’t think about, but something we actually do without having to think about it. PURPOSE may just become the purpose people need.
We're sure you have a lot of good ideas on how to promote “Living with a PURPOSE.” Become one of our "MySpace Friends" and let’s discuss these ideas here. Let us know what issues we should be looking at to help protect our sacred planet. Together we can make a difference.
To learn more abut PURPOSE, click on one of the following links:
PURPOSE Website at FreedomExpress.net
PURPOSE Books and DVDs
PURPOSE MySpace Group

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

You... where ever you may be in the world...

You have been marked on my Sacred Earth map!

" Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Read their report on
" Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis ,"
a "Summary for Policymakers"

Stanford Medical Magazine - Spring 2007
Code Green: A Cry From a Sick Planet

More to Explore…
How Global Warming Works
How You Can Fight Global Warming
Surprising Results of Global Warming
Emerging Environmental Technologies
The History of Climate Change Science
Scientists Say 2007 May Be Warmest Yet
Strange Weather's Loose Link to Global Warming
Global Warming or Just Hot Air? A Dozen Different Views
Climate Change: Winds Blew in Reverse During Last Ice Age
113 Nations Agree - Climate Change Caused by Humans
Report: Global Warming's Smoking Gun is on the Table
Ten Top CEOs to President Bush: Protect the Climate
White House Misleading Public on Global Warming
Carbon Offsets: The Trendy Climate Thing to Do
U.N. Chief Asked to Call Urgent Climate Summit
Melting Alps: 'The Future Looks Rather Liquid'
Record Warm Year for U.S. in 2006
Ice Cracks at North Pole
PURPOSE is part of the Freedom Express network. Check out our other Freedom Express websites...
Freedom Express - FreedomExpress.net

Universal Nexus - Secret Notes on the Sum of Life
I’ve written a new book and created new websites on spirituality for both non-religious and religious people yearning for more out of life, new-age companion websites and publication for any religious book of scriptures. Learn about Universal connection and energy, the danger of discrediting religion and how God is really one Universal power with many faces. This new website and book will teach you about the force and spiritual power of right thought, the importance of celebrating life with laughter and humor, and using the three steps to happiness. You’ll learn about the importance of love and gratitude, what to think, say and feel, and how to put a spiritual plan into action. Find out how these steps will lead to good health and wellness, wealth and prosperity, world peace and love, and true happiness. For more information, visit the following sites:

Universal Nexus Amazon.com Book Store
Universal Nexus MySpace Blog
Universal Nexus on MySpace
Universal Nexus Cafe Press Shop


Melissa Etheridge music video and comments: "I Need to Wake Up"

Watch "If Everyone Cared" and other Nickelback videos!
Listen to Jim Colyer's song "Save the Planet"


"An Inconvenient Truth" movie trailer
The Blue Man Group's message on
Global Warming
"The Great Warming"
movie trailer
Dr. Kevin Danaher on: Green Festivals and Green Economy Revolution (YouTube)
Bill's Bellflower vidcast:
"The Solution to Pollution Begins With You"
Leonardo DiCaprio's short film "Global Warming"
Leonardo DiCaprio's short film "Water Planet"
PBS Promo for:
"Global Warming: The Signs and the Science"
Hosted and narrated by Alanis Morissette
PBS Now: "Climate Change, Oil Industry, and U.S. Politics"
ABC 20/20 Special: "Last Days on Earth" (Part 1)
ABC 20/20 Special: "Last Days on Earth" (Part 2)
"Who Killed the Electric Car?" - movie trailer
UK government video clip: "Climate Challenge"
Climate: A Crises Averted
Goldilocks and the Greenhouse
What makes Earth habitable? This LiveScience original explores the science of global warming and explains how conditions here are just right.
Convenient Truths: A Green Video Contest
Green Day + NRDC: Be Part of the Solution
Green Day + NRDC: Moving America Beyond Oil
New York Times Video: Climate Report Predicts Rising Seas
American Association for the Advancement of Science report on Global Climate Change
Native Energy movie


For some truly great TV... You need to check out this historic speech by Barack Obama...
The Weather Channel's "One Degree - Climate Change"
The Weather Channel's "Climate Code"
Outside the Box with Peter Coyote: Thinking Beyond Big Oil
Outside the Box with Peter Coyote: Willie Nelson and Bio-Diesel
From Global Warming: Bush's Climate of Fear
End of Oil: The Peak Oil Debate with James Wood
End of Oil: The Bush Agenda with Antonia Juhasz
Crude Impact: Proof of Peak Oil with Richard Heinberg
Crude Impact: Oil, the Earth and Humanity
Crude Impact: The Sixth Great Extinction
Link TV: Television Without Borders
Earth Day Network Television
ABC News Videos on Global Warming


Check out our...
Books and DVDs for PURPOSE...

My Blog

The Earth is what we all have in common!

Posted by PURPOSE on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:17:00 PST

Hugh Western Antartic ice chunk, seven times the size of Manhattan, collapses

Western Antarctic ice chunk collapsesby Seth Borenstein A chunk of Antarctic ice about seven times the size of Manhattan suddenly collapsed, putting an even greater portion of glacial ice at risk, ...
Posted by PURPOSE on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:07:00 PST

Alliance for Climate Protection unveils the We campaign

The Alliance for Climate Protection recently unveiled the We campaign, which they say will ultimately be the largest mobilization campaign ever on global warming. Please be sure to check out the new w...
Posted by PURPOSE on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 03:05:00 PST

Together, we can stop global warming

The world’s scientists are calling for immediate and urgent action on global warming. The good news is that we have the science, technologies and policies necessary to stop it. What’s need...
Posted by PURPOSE on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 02:37:00 PST

Join millions on Earth Day in a Call for Climate!

Earth Day 2008 will be the biggest yet! From the national Mall in Washington, D.C., to thousands of events from Togo to Buenos Aires, plus 1,000 college campuses and religious partnerships, join milli...
Posted by PURPOSE on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:31:00 PST

Attending Obama’s Church

Todd is a friend on our MySpace page and recently shared his experience attending Barack Obama’s church..."My name is Todd, and I live in Chicago. I am a white guy. For the sake of admitting my ...
Posted by PURPOSE on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 01:36:00 PST

Barack Obama - A More Perfect Union!

I truly believe this is the best speech by a politician that I have ever heard... You need to check out this historic speech by Barack Obama... http://my.barackobama.com/hisownwords All...
Posted by PURPOSE on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 03:37:00 PST

Democratic Primary  Election Math 101

Prior to March 4, according to CNN, Obama had earned 1,165 pledged delegates and Clinton 1,010. These numbers do not include superdelegates. There were 370 Democratic delegates at stake in Tuesday's c...
Posted by PURPOSE on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 02:18:00 PST

New Barack Obama campaign gear for Environmentalists, Tree Huggers and Green Voters&

New Barack Obama campaign gear for Environmentalists, Tree Huggers and Green Voters& Not only does Barack Obama have great environmental ideas and positions, he inspires people to take act...
Posted by PURPOSE on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 04:55:00 PST

Obama the best environmentalist choice - help us raise $1 million

Not only does Barack Obama inspire people to take action, which is truly needed if we are going to defeat global warming, but he has the best chance of beating McCain, giving environmentalists the bes...
Posted by PURPOSE on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 02:17:00 PST