one click profile picture

one click

Happy New Year!!

About Me

Click To Donate sites worldwide...
A few of these links aren't working since MySpace changed the way they code links to external sites. So if you get stuck, copy and paste this URL into your browser and donate from there instead:

One single click donates to a portfolio of charities at once

WARNING: USE THE BULK DONATE BUTTONS AT YOUR OWN RISK - THEY ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR THOSE WITH DIAL-UP CONNECTIONS OR LIMITED SYSTEM RESOURCES. Additionally, because these are third-party sites, we cannot guarantee that all their links are current.

Where did the Daily Charity bulk donation button go?
See Known Issues (below).

See what you're giving - and to whom donates on your behalf
to the Hunger Site and these popular causes:

** This award-winning site is now offline after seven years, so I have removed the donation buttons. If it returns I'll put them back. Otherwise, all we can do is send thanks and goodwill to the people in Hong Kong who set the scheme up back in 1999 and who made it possible for so many others to do their bit to help the lives of individuals they had never met.In the meantime, please keep checking, and please visit as many of the other donation sites featured on this page as you have time to. Many thanks!**

Looking for something?

And for heaps more opportunities to save the world without really trying.....

(The original one-click site)
(over 70 individual click sites including
many listed here and a whole lot more)
And for yet more easy options, travel beyond click-to-donate with
and Charity Banners


1. Some of these donation links, including several at, contain aggressive pop-ups - you are strongly recommended to use an adequate pop-up blocker to protect your computer.
2. If you get an error message saying the page contains a script that may cause your computer to run slowly, simply click the option blocking the script and the donation will go ahead just fine. This is not a virus and it is not dangerous, it's just a bit of javascript coding that doesn't work properly with some browsers. Care2 devs take note - this javascript issue has been unresolved for a while now and may put people off donating to causes they believe in.
3. Both bulk donate links are still referring donors to multiple pages at, which is currently offline.
4. Links to Hungrychildren, Matercare and Solvepoverty are not getting through from the Wise Up page - you can reach them individually from here (above).
5 - Hunger Site link is now fixed, but just in case, here it is again...
6 - Links to the following sites have been corrupted by myspace:
[a] - The Solar Site (converting your click to 1kw of solar energy)
[b] - Pro Menor (providing food, clothing and health care to street children in Brazil)
[c] - DAILY CHARITY BULK DONATION PAGE (donates to many charities at once on your behalf)
Please copy the relevant text links and paste into your browsers manually to connect to donations pages.
Or simply go to this website and donate from there:

Talk to other clicksters
Help spread the word

This profile is a work in progress as I'm figuring out how to do this as I go.

By the way, I'm not affiliated with any of the above charities other than as a click donor.

My Interests

Saving the planet and making it a nicer place for the people on it to live.

Getting more people to click more of the buttons on this page.

Playing FreeRice

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to help make the world a better place, and anyone who has any more one-click links that can help that to happen.

A philanthropic geek who can hard-code better than I can.


Please tell people about this page and invite them to come and click on things here.

It would be ever so nice if you felt like adding me as a friend too - thanks!

If you're already a friend, thanks so much - keep clicking and please encourage others to do the same.

And if you aren't a One Click friend yet, just click the "add to friends" button on this page and it won't be long. Or simply just click. Being a friend isn't compulsory, but it's kinda nice. :-)

Be a Facebook friend too

Join the Facebook group and help spread the word

HTML is disabled so please don't try posting code.
Also, however well-intentioned they may be, any cookie-cutter comments that are blatantly spam, advertising/self-promotion (rather than genuine communication) or just very long (put it in a bulletin, fer goodness' sake) run the risk of deletion.
Repeat offenders and ringtone/enlargement/survey/affiliate/profilewatcher etc sales reps will be (regretfully) blocked from making further communication. Just use a bit of common sense.
Many thanks for understanding.
Relevant picture comments are still very welcome here , however.

View/Edit All of My Comments



Great, aren't they!! Click them to see more.


Why not turn off the television and do something useful instead?

In the USA:

In the UK:

In Australia:

In Canada:


.."Arial, Helvetica" size=2PLUS


If you're already a friend, thanks so much - keep clicking and please encourage others to do the same.

If you aren't a One Click friend yet, just click the "add to friends" button below and it won't be long. Being a friend isn't compulsory, but it's kinda nice. :-)

If you feel like putting a clickable link to us from your profile page (or anywhere else for that matter), here's the code to make it happen like this:

or like this ...


OK, so this isn't a book at all....
We've been nominated for Best Political Cause in the MySpace Profile awards!

Not really expecting to win anything here but it's a great opportunity to raise awareness about the One Click profile and get more people over here to raise money for free, so if you fancy just One More Click once you've made your regular donations, please vote for us!!! Just click the picture below (you will need to register but it's quite painless).


Bob Geldof, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Chad Varah, St Francis of Assissi, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Bono and millions of other less famous people who make things happen every day because they believe they can make a difference.

My Blog

Dear Tom

Gee, thanks "Tom". I tried to post this as a comment on your blog, the one about why you have decided to put a warning page behind every external link except for RockYou and Youtube, but my comment d...
Posted by one click on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 07:01:00 PST

Helping some of the people some of the time

Clicksters - I'm puzzled.First off, I can't tell you how impressed I am to see that after two and a bit years, One Click is going strong and people are returning again and again to donate. You are all...
Posted by one click on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:55:00 PST

I dont normally do this, but this is a special case

I don't normally respond to voting requests, but this one is different.Please vote for our partner Mercy Corps to win a MySpace Impact Award.In case you aren't familiar with their work, Mercy Corps ha...
Posted by one click on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 07:07:00 PST

Food For Thought

This is one of the most interesting e-mails I've received in a long time. Notice not only what is eaten, but how many are being fed.Germany: The Melander family of BargteheideFood expenditure for one...
Posted by one click on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 10:27:00 PST

New Click - feed a hungry child

Thanks to clickster Black Cicatrice for bringing this one to our attention! Please click generously.Don't forget to click the other buttons too - adults and children from all over the w...
Posted by one click on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 07:58:00 PST

Play Free Rice

Thanks to Sound Aid for alerting us to this brilliant new game.It is quite compulsive to play.Give it a go!...
Posted by one click on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 11:26:00 PST

Please join One Click on Facebook

Hello Clicksters - One Click is now on Facebook.  It's all part of a cunning plan to get more people clicking. If you are on Facebook yourself, please join the group and help spread the word amo...
Posted by one click on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 06:11:00 PST

Thanks for two years of free donations

Many thanks to all of you who have clicked on the free donations buttons on the One Click @ MySpace profile since November 2, 2005.I don't have a whole page of statistics for you - in fact I don't hav...
Posted by one click on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 05:57:00 PST

What I want for one clicks birthday

Almost two years now since the first day of One Click on MySpace. The birthday belongs to this profile, not to me. I set it up on November 2, 2005. Since then there hasn't been a day without new clic...
Posted by one click on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 05:29:00 PST


This account was hacked this week so I offer sincere apologies to anyone who may have received spam that looked as though it came from here.  And also to those who were waiting to be added as fri...
Posted by one click on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 08:49:00 PST