p e a c e, love (is real, real is love), light, reading, music, meditation, communication, creating, energy, kissing, (spiritual) growth, hugging, flowers, exploring, nature (& fairies), kindness, journaling, joy, inner peace, living, personal growth, sunshine, giving, writing, knowledge, laughing, metaphysics, energy healing/natural healing, writing, sensuality, the beach, painting, feeling groovy, inspiration, stars, dolphins, piano, smiling, yoga, health and wellness, playing, travel, trees, hugging trees, crystals and gemstones, flowing, eating and living healthily (and organically), wisdom, family, taking care of the environment, indigos, crystals, and rainbows, changing the world, angels, life, meeting all these cute little kids!, lightworker, incorporating all of this stuff into my daily life and learning to trust the process of life, living my highest purpose (which is in large part to love and extend love, peace, joy, appreciation, and gratitude), my friends, meeting new and genuine people
Hmm... MY PAPA (again) ♥ Donna Eden, Doreen Virtue, Akiane, other souls marveling in these higher energies as much as I am! We are all One!
Music is the medicine of the soul. It raises ones inner being to divine peacefulness & bliss, & reveals the essence of the Universe. Harmonious sounds revitalise every atom in our physical body, inspiring the mind to produce clear, peaceful & harmonious thoughts. It changes the energetic vibration of our souls & lifts the spirit to higher levels of being. ~ By my beautiful fairy friend Lisa
Thaddeus, "The Wind" by Cat Stevens, "Perfect World" by the Theme Song Guy in The Emperor's New Groove (ha!), all kinds of groovy music, "Exactly" by Amy Steinberg, +Elijah- (and I'll play my song for you...), "Love is my Religion" by Ziggy Marley, Mitch Hedburg's Mitch All Together, Hanson, The Beatles, "Sacred Love" by Sting, George Harrison, John Lennon (all about the peace), "We Are the World" by Michael Jackson and all of his really cool friends (I LOVE this song!), "Stop" by Spice Girls, Shimshai, Manaka, Anael, music that stimulates my root chakra (like Red Hot Chili Peppers), Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli's "The Prayer," I listen to lots of music that raises my/our vibrations and elevates my frequency... and music that makes me want to dance! Music is very much a blessing! I LOVE music! :)
The best ones I've seen in a while are What the Bleep Do We Know!?, The Indigo Evolution, and The Secret (the Abraham version), Strong Enough to Break (this movie is one of my favorites ~ i am so inspired by it and by Hanson), THE US VS. JOHN LENNON, Across the Universe. The Emperor's New Groove and Elf make me smile. Of course, there is always a place (ventricle?) in my heart for movies related to music. My movie tastes tend to change with my moods. I just really enjoy movies that speak to me, that speak to my soul, that make me laugh, and give me even one more chance to appreciate everything and everyone I have! Movies are cool but there are definitely times I'd rather be outside!
Pacha: Why did I risk my life for a selfish brat like you? I was always taught that there was some good in everyone, but, oh, you proved me wrong.
Kuzco: Oh, boo-hoo. Now I feel really bad. Bad llama.
Pacha: I could've let you die out there in that jungle, and then all my problems would be over.
Kuzco: Well, that makes you ugly *and* stupid.
Pacha: Let's end this.
Kuzco: Ladies first.
HAHAHAHA! I laugh every time I read that! :D
Whose Line Is It Anyways? and Conan O'Brien
I don't watch these shows very often, but they do really make me laugh, especially Whose Line!
I truly like reading books, especially ones that interest me. Recently I have been dipping my brain into books about energy healing/medicine, angels, Divine Love, channeling, holistic healing, yoga, the chakras, soul love, ascended masters, feng-shui, and some other really cool stuff... I really enjoy Energy Medicine by Donna Eden (I read it and/or do exercises from it every day); I am so grateful for her and her book! And I think Doreen Virtue is so beautiful and so are her books! I really appreciate Louise Hay, Orin and DaBen, Donna Eden, Esther Hicks and Abraham, Neale Donald Walsh, Thich Nhat Hanh, oh, I think books are fantastic. (OM bhaisajye bhaisajye maha bhaisajya)
The wonderful books I am reading in the Present are:
1. Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham, The Law of Attraction and The Astonishing Power of Emotions (i bought myself the box collection!)
2. Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue
3. Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh
4. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
~ and i absolutely adore them! ~
Good influences/role models in my life:
* my parents
* people who celebrate life, love, peace, light, the Here and Now!
* my Self, my soul, my guides, my angels, the Voice of Love within me, Pleiadians, all of the Archangels and Ascended Masters (who I have great love and respect for), Ganesha, Jesus, the Creator GOD/DESS, Who have all defined unconditional love for me and all of Whom are assisting me in creating and re-membering Who I Really Am, all of Whom guide me in re-membering that I am Magnificence in Human Form
* Abraham
* John Lennon and Yoko Ono, for everything they have done in regards to PEACE! i respect and admire them both so much!
* Mike and Susan
* Donna Eden, Orin and DaBen (and Sanaya and Duane), Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, Lester Levenson, and everyone at Hayhouse
* Amy Steinberg
* Kids!
* You!
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