Deilfín profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Hi all Welcome, To my new page! Yes this is Delphine-Kelle If you are new or just scrolling around discovering my new design much thanks for stopping by. This is a hate free zone; anyone is welcome here on the page, all races, creeds & religions. I originally made this page to connect with like of mind & have been taken on an amazing journey in the process. My real name is Kelle, you may know me by others k,kk, kel, Lady Spirit Dolphin Dreamer, Dreamer, I am now asking to be called Delphine or Kelle, which ever you prefer is fine. I have this page set to private for my security due to some of the sensitive material for my safety. My purpose now for this page is to utilize this free space in a positive mannerism, I created a Healing Haven for all of us that is at the top of my list & pagan Myspace Group called Dreamlinkerss I hope you enjoy your time spent here and leave enlightened and enriched Delphine
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

{{{{{{{{ME & MY PAGE RULES}}}}}}}} I just wanted to make a simple note about my page's guidelines & rules. That anyone placing spam, placing inappropriate content, on the page or on the Healing Haven, in my myspace Dreamlinkers group will be deleted & reported to myspace. This also includes harassment or unauthorized uses of my friends lists & contact of my friends in an innappropiate mannerism example harrasment, use without there consent. Using unauthorized information on my page NOTE THERE IS NOTHING YOU MAY USE OR REUSE OR SHARE ON MY PAGE THIS IS NOT A PUBLIC PAGE ITS PRIVATE unless, I have it publicly stated certain material may be used off of this page. I am only here to network, help, enlighten myself, share with others & spirituality grow! I also am not here to date! NO! AND THIS MEANS NO!! I would never in my right mind meet anyone of the internet, so do not even bother to attempt this with me! SO WITH THIS STATED, PLEASE RESPECT ME & DO NOT TRY TO SEND ME NUMBERS OR ANYTHING ELSE THIS IS NOT RIGHT WHEN I SAY ON MY PAGE TO NOT DO SO!! I also would like you to have the same respect as I do for you (from you)! Please be considerate for me and my time. I will not ever bother you if I do or do not hear from you! If you honestly expect me to read all your journals, bulletins, comments, emails and respond to all of you all the time you’re on the wrong page. I have a high volume of friends there is no way in the world, I could ever keep up this. If I even had a friend list of forty this still would be a daunting task. (JUST PLEASE BE REALISTIC) {with me & my precious TIME} If you’re a friend on my page I value you as a friend. Also if you have issues about me reposting and reposting bulletins get off this page! I will repost several times when something is important NOT TO ANNOY YOU but to reach all of YOU!! Some people have such an extreme volume of friends & this is the only reason why I DO THIS! I have become more particular about whom I allow to enter the page that I pour my heart & soul onto. I feel this page has become more of a quality list & not a numbers list. So please do not feel, I am ignoring you or don’t care because I do. Sometimes you may have an email answered three months from now or maybe never. Please realize that I do have obligations other than this page. Additionally, I will not keep all of you at the top of my friends list {BLUSH} {BLUSH} if you have me there and thanks in advance, I am really attempting to network in a positive way & I tend to promote important causes on my page & useful pagan sites. I do not mean to offend or insult anyone; I am just laying out the simple guidelines for my page thanks again for reading and coming by Delphine /{{{{{{{{I WOULD LIKE TO MEET}}}}}}}}My future self, I would love to know a thing or two; myself in other lives, curious about some possible things I am repeating! Myself when I am at my best (myself when I am at my highest) (I wish) I could maintain this at all times. My soul mate, I am searching for a good pagan man, or at least a person of any form of spiritual faith accepting paganism. I hope to meet more Pagan people & spiritual people! A good drumming circle group that will be able to tolerate my drumming skills lol (SO I COULD LEARN & GROW FROM THEM). Any of my teachers at Witchschool, anyone, anyone with and open mind, people that are interesting; someone that lives life like myself free like a bird & sails like a dolphin and tries to make every minute count! Someone that will forever change me, this could be a friend or lover! Also people that I feel I know already that would be nice to meet in person Becca, Rev. Rod Dysinger, Edward Hubbard That is all for now/ {{{{{{{{welcome To the NEWS section on this page}}}}}}}} I've created this news section to post about important issues, world events, stories & excreta that I have came across & also passed along my way! If you happen to come across anything you would like to share with the pagan community on this page or anything else in general! Please feel free to send me a message; Drop a note to me with subject line “NEWS” I will always respond to messages with News or Healing Haven more promptly more than any others! I only ask that if I have not responded to your News or Healing Haven messages that you please resend (seeing this may be a myspace issue) if you hear no word from me within a week./ This video its graphic, however the point of it is VERY IMPORTANT THIS IS ABOUT A NEW FOUND IBC BREAST CANCER!! Protect yourself and those WHOM YOU LOVE.. width="425" height="350" ..Wiccan lawsuit's goal: AcceptanceBy SCOTT BAUER, Associated Press Writer Thu Dec 21, 10:35 AM ET BARNEVELD, Wis. - With an estimated 400,000 members nationwide, and a high-profile fight with the federal government over veterans' grave markers, Wiccans are moving into a more prominent place in the religious landscapeSelena Fox is leading the way.A Wiccan priestess and founder of Circle Sanctuary, a 200-acre nature center in the Wisconsin woods about 30 miles west of Madison, Fox battles for acceptance of the so-called neo-pagan religion.Though they are often equated with witches, many Wiccans reject the label because of the baggage it brings.Fox, whose graying hair flows midway down her purple dress and matching cape, exudes more hippie-esque charm than any kind of Hollywood-conjured witchery. She embraces the task of fighting discrimination against Wiccans."Spirituality should be something that lifts the spirit," she said.Fox, a 57-year-old psychotherapist, wants to make clear that Wiccans do not worship the devil or engage in Satanism. She doesn't cast spells, ride a broomstick or wear a pointy black hat.The golden rule for Wiccans is, "And it harm none, do what you will."A nature-based religion, the Wiccan faith is founded on respect for the earth, nature and the cycle of the seasons.A "yule tree," which looks identical to a Christmas tree, sits in a corner of the 100-year-old red dairy barn Fox has converted into an office, meeting room and spiritual center."We worship the divine and we do that by recognizing that the divine permeates all of life," Fox said./The highest profile fight in Wiccans' struggle for recognition is with the federal government over its refusal to allow pentacles on grave markers issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs' Department of Veterans Affairs . The pentacle, a symbol of Wiccans, is a five-pointed star representing earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Variations of it that are not part of the Wiccan belief have been used in horror movies as a sign of the devil./Last month, Americans United for Separation of Church and State sued the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on behalf of Circle Sanctuary and others arguing that the VA is violating the constitutional rights of Wiccans. Buried at Circle Sanctuary's cemetery are the remains of two soldiers — a Vietnam veteran from Ohio, and Jerome Birnbaum, a Korean War veteran. There also is a memorial to Nevada National Guard Sgt. Patrick Stewart, who was killed in Afghanistan last year. The widows of Stewart and Birnbaum are part of the lawsuit. Fox and others say not including the pentacle on the list of accepted grave marker symbols is especially maddening because the Army Chaplain handbook has listed ways to accommodate Wiccans since 1978 and about 1,800 active-duty service members identify themselves as Wiccans, according to 2005 Defense Department statistics. Fox said the VA's lack of acceptance of the pentacle points to prejudice. "I didn't want to have to sue the government to try to get the U.S. Constitution upheld," Fox said. "It's discrimination. There's no other explanation I can think of." A spokesman for the VA had no comment, citing the ongoing litigation. People are attracted to the Wiccan religion for its devotion to nature and incorporation of both male and female deities, said Nikki Bado-Fralick, an assistant professor of religion and women's studies at Iowa State University. She estimates the number of Wiccans nationwide has increased from about 40,000 in the late 1970s to around 400,000 today. /The Census Bureau based on a survey in which people self-report their religion, put the number at a more modest 134,000 as of 2001. Fox said she thinks that number is low because many Wiccans fear reporting their religion. "Oh lord, everyone thinks you worship the devil," said Joey Bunbury, a 39-year-old property manager from Madison and a Wiccan for about a decade. "People don't understand." Some Wiccans use the name good witch, pagan or neo-pagan, to describe their spirituality, but others say there's just too much of a negative connotation and prefer to be called Wiccans. "There's a misinterpretation that says if you say you're pagan or Wiccan, you're weird," said Jerrie Hildebrand, an ordained Wiccan minister living in Salem, Mass. "Most of us look like Joe or Jane America and you'd never know." Hildebrand is assistant director of the Lady Liberty League, a group headed by Fox that addresses discrimination. She said the group receives more than 100 complaints a year, and only a handful ever get amicably resolved. Complaints range from school children being told they can't wear jewelry with Wiccan symbols to workers who face harassment.Circle Sanctuary is currently one of the pagan church's supporting this cause /

My faith

To start off I would like state what I believe in …..

I believe that the divine is the ultimate unknowable it can not be forced or explained

Only experienced

I believe in karma what you give out to this world comes back to times three good & bad

I believe karma can be transformed into lifetimes

I believe in reincarnation in the form of a soul using a body as a vehicle in several lifetimes, not in a form such as trees or animals

I believe in an afterlife, I choose to call this the Summerland

I believe in old souls having karma- debt to one & another

I believe old souls find one and another in many lifetimes

I believe that animals are divine extension of the Lord Lady

I believe in living a life of service greater than oneself

I believe everything happens for a reason

I believe something’s will never make sense to us in this lifetime until

We reflect on our lives in the Summer Land {aka} the other side- Heaven

I firmly believe in the power & accuracy of Akashic Records {aka} charts

I believe that we don’t come back to this earthly plane for earthly things such as money or a career only to learn, grow, love & settle out previous lifetimes of unfinished business, lessons & karma

I believe completely in the Goddesses (in male & female form)

I believe in any religion that harms none & I do not believe my faith is the only way

I believe the divine speaks to us in many ways ( IN A WAY WE CAN BE REACHED) not just in one form, so therefore, I believe in Unitarian Views

I believe that the earth does not belong to us that WE BELONG TO THE EARTH

How do I come up with my synopsis of these beliefs? I have dreamt them in my dreams, felt them in every fiber of my being, remembered many memories of several lifetimes & mostly studied many religions not just my own.

My faith & this page

I am not going to tell you what to do here or what I don ’ t believe in. Or speak on behalf of the rest of my fellow pagans. I will talk about myself, what I practice and believe in. Originally, I joined myspace to just blog my thoughts & connect with the like mind, in the process, I have been taken on an amazing spiritual cyber space social journey in the process. I now plan to use this page in the most positive mannerism that I am capable of. I only allow positive energy in this page & I hope you leave here with positives in your hearts.

A brief biography of myself……

I have been interested in spirituality since I was about fifteen and practicing the craft for seven years. I am an Eclectic pagan; however I am becoming more interested in Correlian paganism. My interests vary & I am constantly learning new things & I feel this research will continue until death. I am grounded by uses of Reiki, stones, herbs& mediation. I have a deep interest for the history and views of Druidism, Celtic & Native American cultures. There has been a time in my life, where I have unfortunately shelved my spirituality. I am now completely whole & grounded that spirituality is back in my life. I currently reside in the Chicago land Illinois area, I am 27 years of age, & every year I’m wiser mentally & spiritually. This year recently I actually joined my first coven; its great so far, I thank the goddesses for providing me with my needs with them they all are real nice and the coven it suits my needs at the current time. I am currently at student at and my goal there is to become a third degree level. Along with this I am working on utilizing my passion & respect for animals for one of my callings professionally, as I feel that this is what I am being told & asked to do in this lifetime.

I suggest……

Any of you whom are unaware of anything spiritually in your area to check out

Yahoo groups, Msn groups, Aol groups, Google groups, Myspace Groups

Myspace or my

I was a solitary with my faith for many years. I highly suggest networking outside of myspace as it’s a very enlightening & healthy feeling to do so.

Learning from me or sharing…..

If you ’ re just curious about me or the faith I follow, and wish to question what I believe in or if any person wants help on learning on certain subjects. I love sharing feel free to contact me. I will help you out in the best way If I can. If it’s Reiki from Witchcraft to Buddhism whatever it is if I know about it I can help; if I am unaware of subject I will lead you to someplace or someone that can tell you about any subject. If you got this far thanks so much and hope to see you again Kel-Delphine

Some useful sites,,http://www.rel ,,, , , The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

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CURRENT MOON moon info


Beatles, Paul McCartney, Grateful Dead, Doors, Santana, Murmurs, Stevie Nicks, Yeah Yeahs, Tommy Petty, John Lang, Janis Joplin, Enimen about the only rapper I actually like I hate almost all rap, However some of it is okay I do have several rap artist on my list I just can not stand that kind of music that talks negative about situations and towards woman, Alanis Morrisette, Ryan Adams, Country oh anything country from new to oldies yea ha I love it, That great old oldies station umm yeah makes me happy I like all music really except rap! I can even listen to Some Beethoven once in a while I am that person who constantly switches the station and rocks in the car to almost anything IN MY CD COLLECTION OR YAHOO MUSIC MESSENGER YOU WILL HEAR EVERYTHING & ANYTHING TO COUNTRY TO PUNK TO METAL Music is an Art LOVE IT SPEAKS TO MY SOUL So I will stop here because my list would go on and on


Titanic, Notebook, Working Girl, Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, Dreamer, 13 Going on 30, Horse Whisper, Hoot, Just Friends, Practical Magick, Craft, Mean Girls, Hope Floats, Forever Young, Riding in Cars with Boys & Pretty in Pink Umm just as you can see with my music intrest I love all kinds of movies old &; new Comedy, Horror, Romance I really love them all. I own a Net Flix account I suggest anyone try out Net Flix it’s very reasonable. I pay only $19.00 a month. I can take out three movies at time & rent as many movies as I wish all month long. It justs takes me one click on my computer & they come right to my mailbox. And oh yeas they come to your house REAL FAST. Well just as you can see with my music intrest; I love all kinds of movies old & new Comedy, Horror, Romance I really love them all.


I do not watch to much TV; However, when the rare chance that I do watch television, I will be watching Charmed, (LOL) Ohhhhh yes, I loved that show! Other things Seventh Heaven, American Idol, Mad About You I love the re runs ha lol, Touched By an Angel, Will & Grace, Dharma, Opera, Montell Williams. Starting Over & I used to watch General Hospital for years but been to busy to watch it for a long time; Roseanne as you can clearly see I named some shows that are now off the air. I do not get to the TV much at all really; I have tried to wean myself off of the television. I feel books & some things on the computer enrich your mind more. My father always use to tell me, "do not watch that crap watch the learning channel." My dad he still till this day he watches everything from the History, Wise Tv &the Discovery Channels. I know now how valid my fathers point


Nurses, Teachers, Volunteers, Firefighters, Police Officers, Doctors, Counselors, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Selena Fox, Reiki Healers, Herbalists, People serving this country in Iraq, Veterans, Tori Amos, Rosie O'Donnell, Roseanne Bar

My Blog

Veggie & no animal testing stuff

  I was up searching vegetarian sites and stores & I came across some pretty interesting sites. I just thought I would pass them along to all of you.   This store has everything &nbs...
Posted by Delphine on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 03:46:00 PST


FREE PAGAN SCHOOLING JUST WANTED TO PASS THIS ALONG   Hello all I just wanted to pass this along. I myself have attempted to research many schools & be my own teacher. I just though maybe ...
Posted by Delphine on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:39:00 PST

yeppers its me Delphine formerly known as k PLEASE READ IF I SENT YOU AN ADD REQUESTS

Hi all,thank you for coming, yes this is me Delphine -K, I had so many issues with myspace & I was fed up. So if I sent you an add request, I may have just re attempted to add you as my friend fro...
Posted by Delphine on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 02:19:00 PST

Jingle Bell rock

Jingle Bell Rock   I was up trying to find new holiday music, and I could not resist. I had to pick this song, as child this one of my favorite things to do was listen and sing to Christmas music...
Posted by Delphine on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 05:13:00 PST

Hello ya its me K

Hi all,thank you for coming, yes this is me Delphine -K, I had so many issues with myspace & I was fed up. I am hoping making a new page rectifies this daunthing issue, I've had with myspace. I ha...
Posted by Delphine on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 02:27:00 PST