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Get Your Halloween Countdowni am a 30yr old wife and stay-at-home mother. i have been married for 5 yrs. and we have 3 great kids at home. a daughter who is 3, a daughter who is 9 and a son who is 17. i graduated from citizen's home high school in 1996. previous to that i went to loganville high till 4 months before i was supposed to graduate from there in 1995. needless to say, not graduating with my class was my own fault, but we learn from our mistakes
I Am A Witch I Am A Witch Body: I AM A WITCHI am many things, I am a Daughter, a Lover, and a Friend. I am a Teacher, a Student, and a Woman. I am many things, Wear many costumes, And act in many ways. Yet beneath each mask I wear, I am a Witch. I am a Priestess, I follow the Path, I follow the Old Tradition, I follow the Ways of the Wise Ones. I seek to know the God, I seek to know the Goddess, I seek to know myself. I am a Witch. Though I may only dress up, For eight sabbats a year, And thirteen esbats in turn, I am always a Witch. Though I may not always dress in black, Or leave my hair wild and free, I am still a Witch. I do not worship Satan, I've never even met him, Yet many see me as evil, And magick as a sin. I do what comes natural, What the Gods have taught me, And although it does not conform, I am still a Witch. The Goddess shows me beauty, The God has shown me life, And Earth, and Air, And Fire, and Water, Teach me what is right. And Spirit in its mystic ways, Teaches me about myself. That I am a Witch. By: Lady AmhranaiBlessed are those who dance with the wind Blessed are those who sing Blessed are those who shine from within Blessed are those who can Love Blessed are the Witches Who send Dreams and Prayers Blessed to all who Prove that they careBlessed be to the ones Who sing out with Love and Peace Blessed be to the ones Who Live to soar with their dream Blessed Be forever to those who can shine Blessed Be with the Love and the Joy to Unite(Tony Kenyon 2007) What kind of Wiccan are you?
You are a true-blue (or black) Wiccan. You know that Wicca is not a way to gain power or impress your friends. Wicca is a way to better yourself and get in touch with nature. You know that Wicca has nothing to do with the devil and doesn't exclude anyone or any religion. If you got this result without knowing anything about Wicca, maybe you should consider it. Thank you so much for taking this quiz!
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Wiccan - You are most likely to choose the wiccan path. You believe there are many different beliefs from a myriad of religions that you can use in your own ritual. You judge people by their deeds, rather than by their looks. You value friendships and are deeply religious.
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Congratulations you have achieved level 4 witch status... you have studied hard and learned well!!
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You are the World
Completion, Good Reward.
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.
The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.
What Tarot Card are You?
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Piper. You are practical, sensible and nuturing. Your a very down to earth girl. You care about your friends and family. And you r the nature goddess. Your powers are freezing time, blowing things up and being a great sister and mum.
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You are a Green Witch!You love the earth and to garden. Herbs are your main tool, and you might even be into healthy foods.
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You are a Celetic witch that practices in the open clearing in the woods at midnight. Your coven are that of powerful sorcersses bewitching others is a favorite of yours. Doing things to them when they have wronges others. Your beauty is astounding and bewitching men is common even with out a spell. Celtic Wicca Witches: Goes by the elements of the Ancient Ones and nature. They are usually healers or respect them highly. They work with plants, stones, flowers, trees, the elemental people, the gnomes and the fairies
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You scored as Samhain, You scored Samhain!!! Samhain is also known as the Third harvest and the Feast of the Dead. It is one of the two "spirit nights" each year, the other being Beltane. It is a time to remember loved ones, and of rebirth through death.
Which Wiccan Holiday is you fav.?
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.. You scored as Earth, You are the element Earth. You have strength that can daze the people around you. But watch out - when your in one of thoses moods you tend to let people know about it! But your kindness and beauty is all around, and thats what people like about you.
Are You Earth, Fire, Water Or Air?
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You scored as Goddess, You are a goddess. Your constantly helping people with their problems, but you never take time for you. You should try to take some alone time. Take a trip far away, where noone knows you. It will be good for you, because you deserve a break.
Shadow Spirit
What ancient breed are you?
created with What kind of witch are you?
You are an Earth Witch! The Material Element of Earth is at your command. You feel out of your skin when confined to the indoors but instantly feel better once your bare feet are touching the Earth you love so much. You nurture all things you feel need nurturing and don't care what people think of you for it. Blunt to the point of having no tact, you don't like to beat around the bush, no pun intended. It takes a lot to get you riled up, but Goddess help the poor soul who gets to you. They'll probably end up 6 feet under... or deeper.Common Powers:Geokinesis- the ability to move rock and metal with one's mindFlorakinesis- the ability to control trees, plants, and flowers with one's mindHealing touch- the ability to heal another person with their touchShapeshifting- the ability to take on the form and abilities of another
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WATER DRAGON: The Water Dragon is less selfish and opinionated than the other Dragons. You are more inhibited and less power-hungry. You can accept defeat without recriminations. You make a good negotiator as you know when, where, and how to apply pressure. You have a tendency to be over-optimistic and need to learn how to relinquish what is unfeasible so that you can concentrate your energies on the most rewarding endeavors.
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What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)
Earth Dragon Nature is your thing, you protect the forests with the essence of the living world. You're goal is to protect the world but with so few numbers of your kind you are failing your task. You are a powerful adversary and can causing earthquakes with a bare wink.
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