Lady Dove profile picture

Lady Dove

We all come from the goddess............................If you would like to be my friend please sen

About Me

Well a little about me, I am a hard worker, I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls. I will be 32 this year, I am a Gemini and I am pagan. I follow an eclectic pagan path. Feel free to contact me and chat about it. If your pagan and in WI give me a buzz would love to hear whats going on in the state!! And I have a wonderful mate, he is my everything and soul mate.
You scored as You have the Gift of Empathy. You have been blessed with the gift of Empathy. Even though it is a heavy burden to carry the pain of others, know this that you can help them. Though I must advise you to learn how to not take their pain upon yourself and drag you down

You have the Gift of Empathy


You have the Gift of Wisdom


You have the Gift of Discernment


You have the Gift of Perception/Aura Vision


You sadly do not recognize your gift yet


You have the Gift of a Seer

What is your gift?(PICS)
created with QuizFarm.comYour results:
You are Padme Padme 67% Princess Leia 67% Obi-Wan Kenobi 64% R2-D2 61% Luke Skywalker 59% Mace Windu 57% Yoda 57% Qui-Gon Jinn 55% C-3PO 54% Lando Calrissian 54% You try to be a good person,
but your boyfriend doesn't.
At least you look great.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Quiz
What Stone Are You?
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You are a Pagan Leader!
You are a role model in the Pagan community, and if you're not, you are well on your way! Teaching the craft, and helping those new to the path is your passion. Throwing the events and expanding peoples horizons!
Take this quiz at
Gemini - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:
Your lively, outgoing attitude attracts people to you everywhere you go.
You can talk your way into - and out of - any situation you desire.
You're adaptable enough to flirt with anyone - and people tend to fight over you.
Your negative traits:
You get easily bored in relationships, and tend to jump from person to person.
You tend to be a bit of a player - and have a high tolerance for drama in relationships.
Not the most empathetic person, you tend to tell lovers to "get over" their problems.
Your ideal partner:
Is intelligent and quick witted enough to keep you interested.
Is a bit of a shape shifter, providing you with the variety you crave.
An open minded person, who's willing to have a non-traditional relationship.
Your dating style:
Exciting. If your date shows you a new experience (like Egyptian food or scuba diving), you're very happy.
Your seduction style:
Experimental: it's rare that you try the same thing twice.
Ultra kinky - you do stuff that's not even in books yet.
Hot and cold... sometimes you're just not into the whole sex thing.
Tips for the future:
Settle down a little. Sometimes good things come with time - so don't let people go so fast.
Acknowledge that you're a player and flirt. If your mate can't live with this, find someone who can.
Give your partner a little more attention. You don't have to be a social butterfly all the time.
Best color to attract mate: Sunny yellow
Best day for a date: Wednesday What's Your Love Profile? are u truely human(pics)
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Werewolf:

The Werewolf is the symbol for Spiritual Paths. You have the soul of a wolf inside you, which makes you warm and caring to those you love.

Strengths: Protection is a number one priority, and therefore you always gaurd the ones you love and keep tight bonds with your pack mates. Loyalty is strong within yourself, and you also expect it from the ones who are close to you.

Flip Side: Even though you care for those you love deeply, if they betray you, anger races through your veins. The Werewolf, despite it's warm fun-loving personality, can also stand up for itself if need be. You would have no problem hiding your anger if something sets you off balance.

Congratulations! You have a Werewolf inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

Take this quiz !
Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What kind of spirit will you become? ( With great pic's)
You will become a Earth spirit. You are very calm and respectfull. You are looking for peace and harmony and will continue fighting for that even when you die. You love animals and they love you. Sometimes you are a bit shy but when you are used to your surroundings you are the best person people can ever get!
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What Supernatural Creature Are You?
Your a woodsy land lover! You like the natural beauty of forest and lakes! Like to be alone and do things independently!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

My Interests

Well I like all kinds of things, mostly simple pleasures in life, long walks in the woods, attending circles and ritual, picking flowers, watching my kids play.....and just relaxing!! Goddess Lilith.. width="425" height="350" ..
Buried at
Buried at PhotoCasket.comAnd I love Puzzles and heres something for you to do while your visiting my page.....

.. type=".." src="" .. .. type=".." AIM.util.createStyleSheet( "");.. .. type=".." src="".. And I have a wonderful mate, he is my everything and soul mate.
You scored as You have the Gift of Empathy. You have been blessed with the gift of Empathy. Even though it is a heavy burden to carry the pain of others, know this that you can help them. Though I must advise you to learn how to not take their pain upon yourself and drag you down

You have the Gift of Empathy


You have the Gift of Wisdom


You have the Gift of Discernment


You have the Gift of Perception/Aura Vision


You sadly do not recognize your gift yet


You have the Gift of a Seer

What is your gift?(PICS)
created with QuizFarm.comYour results:
You are Padme Padme 67% Princess Leia 67% Obi-Wan Kenobi 64% R2-D2 61% Luke Skywalker 59% Mace Windu 57% Yoda 57% Qui-Gon Jinn 55% C-3PO 54% Lando Calrissian 54% You try to be a good person,
but your boyfriend doesn't.
At least you look great.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Quiz
What Stone Are You?
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You are a Pagan Leader!

You are a role model in the Pagan community, and if you're not, you are well on your way! Teaching the craft, and helping those new to the path is your passion. Throwing the events and expanding peoples horizons!
Take this quiz at
Gemini - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:

Your lively, outgoing attitude attracts people to you everywhere you go.
You can talk your way into - and out of - any situation you desire.
You're adaptable enough to flirt with anyone - and people tend to fight over you.

Your negative traits:

You get easily bored in relationships, and tend to jump from person to person.
You tend to be a bit of a player - and have a high tolerance for drama in relationships.
Not the most empathetic person, you tend to tell lovers to "get over" their problems.

Your ideal partner:

Is intelligent and quick witted enough to keep you interested.
Is a bit of a shape shifter, providing you with the variety you crave.
An open minded person, who's willing to have a non-traditional relationship.

Your dating style:

Exciting. If your date shows you a new experience (like Egyptian food or scuba diving), you're very happy.

Your seduction style:

Experimental: it's rare that you try the same thing twice.
Ultra kinky - you do stuff that's not even in books yet.
Hot and cold... sometimes you're just not into the whole sex thing.

Tips for the future:

Settle down a little. Sometimes good things come with time - so don't let people go so fast.
Acknowledge that you're a player and flirt. If your mate can't live with this, find someone who can.
Give your partner a little more attention. You don't have to be a social butterfly all the time.

Best color to attract mate: Sunny yellow

Best day for a date: Wednesday What's Your Love Profile? are u truely human(pics)
Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]

The Werewolf:

The Werewolf is the symbol for Spiritual Paths. You have the soul of a wolf inside you, which makes you warm and caring to those you love.

Strengths: Protection is a number one priority, and therefore you always gaurd the ones you love and keep tight bonds with your pack mates. Loyalty is strong within yourself, and you also expect it from the ones who are close to you.

Flip Side: Even though you care for those you love deeply, if they betray you, anger races through your veins. The Werewolf, despite it's warm fun-loving personality, can also stand up for itself if need be. You would have no problem hiding your anger if something sets you off balance.

Congratulations! You have a Werewolf inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

Take this quiz !

Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What kind of spirit will you become? ( With great pic's)
You will become a Earth spirit. You are very calm and respectfull. You are looking for peace and harmony and will continue fighting for that even when you die. You love animals and they love you. Sometimes you are a bit shy but when you are used to your surroundings you are the best person people can ever get!
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What Supernatural Creature Are You?

Your a woodsy land lover! You like the natural beauty of forest and lakes! Like to be alone and do things independently!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

I'd like to meet:

Other pagans, people who love to read and play games - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more


I like all kinds of music I am less a fan of a genre but more a fan of a song, if I hear something i like then I like it, it doesn't matter who sings it, I like some country, some rock, some metel, some celtic, some pagan, I love Emerald Rose but just cause so far most of their songs I like. Lorenna McKinnet is very good so is Inkubus Sukkubus.
You Should Be A Taurus
What's good about you: you're stable, responsible, and loyal to those around you

What's bad about you: you're stubborn and overly cautious - change is not easy

In love: it's easy to melt your heart with traditional romantic gestures

In friendship, you're: loyal - you'll do almost anything for a friend

Your ideal job: chef, jewelry designer, or actor

Your sense of fashion: sleek, designer, and very expensive

You like to pig out on: steak and cheesecake What Sign Should You Be?
Your Element is Wood
Your power colors: green and brown

Your energy: generative

Your season: spring

Like a tree, you are always growing and changing.
And while your life is dynamic, you are firmly grounded.
You have high morals and great confidence in yourself and others.
You have a wide set of interests, and you make for intersting company. What Element Are You? - Creepy pictures, gothic death, dark layouts


well now this would be a long list, i loved the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Grew up on Star Wars, Walk the line was very good, The Da Vinci Code was Awesome!! the X-Men movies were good, the Wicker Man was a great movie DON'T go and see the remake (Nicolas Cage how could you!!!). And the list goes on..... What greek god or goddess are you?
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Goddess Lilith...


Ok well there are lots of good shows out there, Buffy the vampire slayer, Angel, Cleopatra 2525, Xena, hercules, CSI franchise, Law and Order franchise, Super Natural, Charmed, Bones, criminal Minds, Without a trace, Las Vegas and this list could go forever too.....
You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is high.
You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.
And in return, you expect the same from who you love.
Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.
Experience Level:
Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!
Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!
Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.
Your independence is low.
This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..
It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.
In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together. The Five Variable Love TestYour results:
You are Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 90% Supergirl 85% Green Lantern 75% The Flash 75% Robin 67% Iron Man 65% Hulk 55% Catwoman 45% Batman 45% Superman 45% Spider-Man 40% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...


well lets see, I love J.D Robbs books, Eve and Rourke are very compelling characters, RA Salvatore is very good, Robert Jordon, David Eddings, Dan Brown, Margaret Weiss and tracey Hickman, met them they are awesome. Nora Roberts is very good, her three sisters trilogy is awesome!
You Are A Hornbeam Tree
You are a reserved person, looking in from the outside.Naturally attractive, you take good care of your looks.You are not egoistic, and you make life as comfortable as possible.You look for kindness in others - though you are seldom happy with yourself.A bit mistrusting and unsure, you dream of being swept away by someone unusual. What is Your Celtic Horoscope? What is Your Magick Path?
WICCA - Wicca is a joyous religion springing from the kinship with nature. It is a merging with the Goddesses and Gods, the universal energies which created all in existence. It is a personal, positive celebration of life.
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You are a true nature girl!
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Um well right now I don't have a lot of heros cause well I think you need to make your own place not rely on other to go out there do it and then admire them from afar, guess my only real hero is our HPS who has been run out of towns for being wiccan, who has breast cancer, 7 kids, and a business and is a full time student, her stamina amazes me as well as her ability to give of herself almost to a fault.
You scored as Goddess. You are a goddess. Your constantly helping people with their problems, but you never take time for you. You should try to take some alone time. Take a trip far away, where noone knows you. It will be good for you, because you deserve a break.

















Shadow Spirit



What ancient breed are you?
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What Asatru Figure Are You?
EvilChairGuy / By Mydako Matari
You scored as III - The Empress. The Empress is a maternal symbol. She is the mother figure who loves, nurtures and protects. She will protect you, she will always be there when you are in trouble. When you fall over and graze your knee, the Empress will kiss it better. Yet she is not a weak figure. Her compassion is strength. If her children are threatened she will stop at nothing to protect them. If well aspected in a Tarot spread, the Empress can symbolise security, protection and unconditional love. If badly aspected it can represent over-protectiveness, fear of risk taking and refusal to face the real world.

III - The Empress


II - The High Priestess


XIX: The Sun


XI: Justice


XIII: Death


XVI: The Tower


VI: The Lovers


VIII - Strength


IV - The Emperor


0 - The Fool


I - Magician


X - Wheel of Fortune


XV: The Devil

Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
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My Blog

Mob burns 11 witch’s to death

NAIROBI, Kenya - A group of up to 300 young men have burned to death 11 people suspected of being witches and wizards in western Kenya  in some cases slitting their victims' throats or clubbing them ...
Posted by Lady Dove on Thu, 22 May 2008 03:19:00 PST

The Story of the Rainbow

The Story of the Rainbow Author Unknown Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel: all claimed that they were the best, the most important, the most useful, the favorite. GREEN said...
Posted by Lady Dove on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:32:00 PST

Balder and the Mistletoe

Balder and the Mistletoe  DawnBlack Long ago in the cold lands of the far North, Balder, the God of Light once had a dream that he was going to die. He shared this dream with his moth...
Posted by Lady Dove on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:29:00 PST

Ostara Eggs

Hey Everyone!!  I just wanted to share a really cool and natural way to dye Ostara eggs, and very cool designs!I have posted a pic of my dozen eggs I dyed this morning, my kids did another 36 las...
Posted by Lady Dove on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:54:00 PST

I am Pagan

I Am Pagan by Selena Fox I am Pagan. I am a part of the whole of Nature. The Rocks, the Animals, the Plants, the Elements, and Stars are my relatives. Other humans are my sisters and brothers, what...
Posted by Lady Dove on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 06:17:00 PST


LILITH The Lady watched the Men and Women, looking thru the eyes of a myriad of Women, children, young girls, mothers, daughters, wives, lovers....all of the Women there were in the World. And S...
Posted by Lady Dove on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:38:00 PST

The Charge of the Dark Goddess

The Charge of the Dark Goddess The Dark Goddess speaks to us, through the mouths of Lilith, Kali, Tiamet, Hekate, Nix, the Black Madonna, Nemesis and Morgaine.. I am the Darkness behind and bene...
Posted by Lady Dove on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:34:00 PST

We Are The Other People

This is one of my favorite Stories.......So I thought i would shareWe Are The Other PeopleBy Oberon (otter) Zell"Ding-dong!" goes the doorbell. Is it Avon calling? Or perhaps Ed McMahon with my th...
Posted by Lady Dove on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:30:00 PST

Celebrity Look Alikes

Posted by Lady Dove on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 08:02:00 PST

In Darkness&.

The Darkess     The light has faded The Moon has gone& It creeps upon you like a silent lover& Wrapping you in its cold embrace Its touch loving& Filling you, caressing you&. ...
Posted by Lady Dove on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 03:40:00 PST