All forms of Paganism, Wicca, Druidism, Celtic, Tarot, Spells, Occult, Ancient Wisdom, Unexplained Mysteries, Ghosts, Spirit Lore
The purpose of this page is to act as a place where people can come and learn about Wicca and the ways of Magick and paganism. I have included on this page many links I have found relating to Wicca. I hope that some or all will be useful to you.
My Space Groups and Links
WIccans of the World
Wiccan Salvation
Path of the Pagan
Pagans of My Space
Blessed Be! The Wiccan Circle
Occult Knowledge
Heresy Scripture Study
Victorian Wiccans
Dream LinkersSo you want to be a Wiccan
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I am always looking to add new links to my profile. If your favorite site is not here let me know.
Group Moderators or other pagan page owners who would like me to promote their page email me with a link.
Blessed Be.
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Blog last updated April 29th, 2007
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I have been away for a while but I am back, sort of.
I am turning this page over to Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism.
Blessed be to you all.
Live the life you have imagined.
~ Henry David Thoreau ~
Wicca is a magick based religion that draws on the ancient pagan beliefs. We are practitioners of the old ways and followers of the Gods and Goddesses of societies like the ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Celtic peoples. Some worship many gods some worship only one God or true Divine being.
Wicca is a simple religion that is very individualistic with no individual or council dictating how we should worship and how we should live our lives. Wicca is a nature based religion that means we try to live in harmony with all people and things. Wicca does not mean we are free of the strict rules of other religions. Wicca does have its basic guidelines for how to live.
As a Wiccan I follow the Wiccan Rede and believe in the Law of Return.
The Wiccan Rede is the heart of the Wiccan Religion. It is a single document that describes how we should live and worship. It is not a Bible though. It is more like simple basic operating instructions.
"And if it harm none, do what you will."
To harm none is the Rede's core essence and the ultimate guiding principle. One many religions share even if it is said differently.
Basically it means do no harm to your self or others through your thoughts, words or deeds. By being Wiccan we accept this principle. We see that all things are connected and that everything we do influences those about us. Most Wiccans also accept the Threefold Law of Return. The basic belief is what we do good or bad comes back to us threefold.
Wicca is a religion based on the Shamanic use of Magick. It is the religion of Witches. Not all witches are Wiccan and not all Wiccans practice magick and the use of spells. We do all accept though that Magick is real and a natural part of the universe.
The purpose of this page is to act as a place where people can come and learn about Wicca and the ways of Magick and paganism. I have included on this page many links I have found relating to Wicca. I hope that some or all will be useful to you.
8th House
Pagan Pages e-zine
8th House
Witches Voice
Sacred Texts Book of Shadows and other Holy Books
Pagan Pages
Grey Wing's Book of Shadows
Wiccan Way Book of Shadows
Spirit Links Wicca
Wiccan Pride
Wikipedia on Wicca
The Modern Witch
Pagan Universe
Bewitching Ways
Aeclectic Tarot
Salem Tarot
Dream Moods Dream Dictionary
Dream Dictionary
Beginners Classroom
White Wicca
Religious Tolerance
Controverscial Wicca
What is Wicca
The Church and School of Wicca
Witchcraft and Wicca
Celtic Connection
The Witches Crypt
the Inner Sanctum
Christian Answers for a New Age
Everything Under the Moon"
Celestial Wicca
Wicca Witchcraft Goes Mainstream
Children of Artemis
Wicca/Witchcraft 101
Witchcraft Australia
Spirit On Line
Lady Rhiannons
Teen Witch
More links
Christies Book of Shadows and Laughter
How to create a Book of Shadows
Bellaonline Religion and Spritituality
Halloween Witch
Wicca for the Rest of Us
A Christian Speaks on Wicca
Pagan Stories for Kids
Spells and Magic
History of the pentagram
Lady of the Earth
Order of the BardModern Witch School
My Space Groups and Links
WIccans of the World
Wiccan Salvation
Path of the Pagan
Pagans of My Space
Blessed Be! The Wiccan Circle
Occult Knowledge
Heresy Scripture Study
Victorian Wiccans
Dream LinkersSo you want to be a Wiccan
I would like to thank you for visiting my page. I hope that you found it interesting.
Please message me any questions and suggestions.
I am always looking to add new links to my profile. If your favorite site is not here let me know.
Group Moderators or other pagan page owners who would like me to promote their page email me with a link.
Blessed Be.
Click Here for
Druid's Keep MySpace Page.
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image and link as displayed below.
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About Me
I am a solitary pagan. I follow the Wiccan beliefs and I am a student of the ways of Magick. I believe that we are here to learn. I also believe that knowledge gained and not shared is wasted.
I do not seek to preach or convert people merely to make the pagan lifestyle and Wicca accessible and understandable to those curious and wanting to learn.
Merry Meet
Witches Voice
Sacred Texts Book of Shadows
Pagan Pages
Grey Wing's Book of Shadows
Wiccan Way Book of Shadows
Spirit Links Wicca
Wiccan Pride
Wikipedia on Wicca
The Modern Witch
Pagan Universe
Bewitching Ways
Aeclectic Tarot
Salem Tarot
Dream Moods Dream Dictionary
Dream Dictionary
Beginners Classroom
White Wicca
Religious Tolerance
Controverscial Wicca
What is Wicca
The Church and School of Wicca
Witchcraft and Wicca
Celtic Connection
The Witches Crypt
the Inner Sanctum
Christian Answers for a New Age
Everything Under the Moon"
Celestial Wicca
Wicca Witchcraft Goes Mainstream
Children of Artemis
Wicca/Witchcraft 101
Witchcraft Australia
Spirit On Line
Lady Rhiannons
Teen Witch
More links
Christies Book of Shadows and Laughter
How to create a Book of Shadows
Halloween Witch
Wicca for the Rest of Us
A Christian Speaks on Wicca
Pagan Stories for Kids
Spells and Magic
History of the pentagram
Lady of the Earth
Order of the Bard
Modern Witch School
Bellaonline Religion and Spritituality