Fantasy Scribbler profile picture

Fantasy Scribbler

Writing the female epic -- one book at a time.

About Me

Welcome to the World of Dreams...
First Summer's Eve has come and all elves celebrate as the black moon's shadow fades from the world. It is also Luthiel's fifteenth birthday.
With it come two extraordinary and dangerous surprises: a Wyrd Stone, its silvery heart a window into a world of dreams and nightmares, and a Blade Dancer, dreaded protector of the Faelands, who bears a dark message.
Instead of celebration, Luthiel is given a terrible choice: if she does nothing, someone she loves deeply will die. Or, to save a life, she can break the most perilous law of the Faelands and venture alone to the Vale of Mists.
If she chooses the journey, she must race Othalas -- eldest and most feared of all the werewolves -- past great black spiders who weave webs out of nightmares, through glittering mists with the power to reshape flesh, and at last into death by the teeth of the dark and ancient Vyrl, who feed on the blood of elves.
Either choice will bring death -- unless Luthiel can find the secret in her remarkable Stone, a secret that even the nightmares fear.

Nominated for the 2007-2008 Georgia Peach, Florida Teens Read, and Virginia Readers' Choice young fiction awards.
Distributed by Ingram and Baker & Taylor
ISBN: 0976422603
Currently available at
directly from the publisher (ask me for details if you're interested)
or at the following locations:
Borders (on shelves or by special order)
Barnes and Noble (on shelves or by special order)
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and at any bookseller with access to a major distributor
Here are a just a few examples:
Borders, South Coast Plaza Mall, Costa Mesa
Borders 1929 Scenic Hwy in Snellville, GA
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Prince Books, Norfolk, VA
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The Unitarian Church Bookstore, Norfolk, VA
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All copies ordered directly from the publisher will be signed by me. If you include your myspace ID, I'll write you a special note.
If you want to learn more about Luthiel and Oesha go to Luthiel's Song
In addition, the following prints of the beautiful Luthiel's Song artwork by Siya Oum are available as posters and other art at Deviantart and Cafe Press

About Me?
I guess my defining characteristic is that I don't let anything get in the way of what I love to do. I can't count the number of times I've found myself in a sticky situation simply because I followed a dream.
Such hunger for life experience has led me down a hundred paths. I've been everything from a wrestler to a choirboy, an infantry soldier to a waiter, a surfer to a snowball maker and many, many things in between.
For the past ten years, I've been working on a fantasy epic. It's about Luthiel, who to me is the very spirit of the nightingale born to a world formed in the magic of dreams. She is the female epic hero, the great lady who runs with wolves.
Luthiel's Song is her tale.
The first novel, Dreams of the Ringed Vale, is complete and in print. I've been both amazed by the response I've gotten and the book's relative success in such a short time -- as the book is now in its second printing!
A mythic history of the setting - Oesha, is also finished and I've completed the rough draft of book 2 -- War of Mists.
The magic of dreams, detailed fantasy landscapes, original fantasy races, a new alphabet, language and mystic symbolism are all now a part of this wonderful place, where the light of the great lady shines clear and cool as moonlight on a snow kissed earth.
What drives me to write? So many things! Foremost is my love of experience and adventure. But playing an equal part is my fascination with and deep love of female heroes. The cliche we often see is the brave knight rescuing the damsel in distress. What about the damsel rescuing the brave knight right back? That part of the tale is often unsung. I've seen so much of it, though, that I feel the poor damsels have been horribly misrepresented. So I've taken up the job and have decided to do my best to tell the truth about what makes women heroic, in an epic way.
Join me in my quest to tell the great lady's tale by flying her banner on your page:
And please accept my invitation to join one of the web's friendliest fantasy groups:
As ever, you have my most humble gratitude for both your kindness and your aid.
All original poems, journal entries, essays, story excerpts, titles and other written material on this profile and its related website and blog are the intellectual property of Robert Marston Fanney and are protected under International and U.S. Copyright laws. Any duplication, transmittal, or use without the express written permission of the author is unlawful and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Under no circumstances may any of this material be used commercially or be republished in print or electronic form without the assignation of publication rights by the author and proper attribution to the author. Luthiel's Song, Dark Forest Press, and The World of Oesha are, respectively, copywritten and held under trademark -- 1997-2008.

My Interests

Fantasy novels, science fiction, books, writing, elves, dragons, spirit creatures, wolves, werewolves, vampires, zombies, wraiths, ghosts, magic, runes, roleplaying, surfing, wildlife, storms (mainly hurricanes), sharks (sick fascination), human development, humanism, transhumanism, technology, renewable energy, cosmology, science, things that go BOOM!, motorcycles, fast cars, people who are different

I'd like to meet:

People who love fantasy and adventure stories. People who surf. People who feel an irresistible pull toward a far away land - Hah! Christopher Paolini - this kid is an inspiration. J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin, C.S. Lewis, L. Ron Hubbard (did this guy exist?) and so many more! Most of all, I'd like to meet those of you who love to read great books!


Everything from punk to ska, metal to hip hop, pop to classical. I love music of all kinds so long as it affects me viscerally.Here is just a small sample: Dragonforce, Metallica, The Dropkick Murpheys, The Pietasters, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Violent Fems, The Ramones, Ray Lynch, My Chemical Romance, Offspring, Poe, Enya, and Evanescence.


Lord of The Rings, Narnia, The Seven Samurai, AKIRA, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Howl's Moving Castle... Won't list them all here.


The computer has replaced it for me.


Tolkien -- Lord of the Rings, Rowling -- Harry Potter, Terry Goodkind, Robert Jordan, Tamora Pierce, Lord Dunsany, Fritz Leiber, Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett, Raymond E. Feist, Andre Norton, Ian Banks, Robert E. Howard, R.A. Salvatore, Philip Pullman, Piers Anthony, Dani Lliteras, Michael Ende, Christopher Paolini, Ray Kurzwiel, Neuromancer, A Deepness in the Sky, Stephen King, Anne McCaffrey, Usula K. LeGuin, George R.R. Martin, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlien, Kerouac, Hawethorne, Shakesphere, and far too many more to name here.Books are so much a part of my life, I can't imagine what it would be like without them. Through them we are able to experience worlds, places, times and imaginings we would never otherwise know or see. They are immortal, these bits of ink and paper - the words of persons far away or long dead can touch us through them. No wonder the art of writing has, for so long, been associated with magic.


All those women -- strong enough to be heroes, fair enough to be ladies... I have a deep love for female heroes and have been a student of their tales -- both known and lost -- for many years now.

My Blog

A video about Luthiel’s Song

Check out this video: AuthorViews: Robert Fanney ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:30:00 PST

A Writers Prayer

Dearest GodOr whatever good spiritOf worlds and blessed nothingOf blackness and starsLives yetIn this strange placeI pray for strengthTo fight the demons of my thoughtAnd to hope for a good endTo hope...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 07:33:00 PST

War of Mists Announcement

Dear Friends, As I've been receiving emails from you guys almost daily, I hope many of you are glad to hear that "The War of Mists," the second installment in the "Luthiel's Song" series, is now in it...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 07:35:00 PST

Why a female hero?

I've always had a deep love for strong female characters. When I was young, I fell in love with Snow White. I know it sounds silly but I did. Later, my respect shifted from Anderson's "Little Mermaid"...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 04:23:00 PST

Ride of the Vyrl

From out of the fortress came three riders. They were tall, taller than any elf, and the horses that bore them were eyeless giants. Their hooves were cleft -- the tips shining like knives. One was red...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 10:40:00 PST

Luthiel's Song -- the first 8 pages

LuthielTo be me is to be different, she thought as she watched them, from her place apart from them, upon the hillside.And there was much to watch. For everywhere across the Minonowe, and where she li...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 10:40:00 PST

Quote from book 2 (can you guess who?)

"What good is life if it has ended? There's no opportunity for joy in death. The day is coming, Mithorden, when survival will be the only concern and joy only a half remembered fancy."(copyright 2006,...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:13:00 PST

Beware the Blood Witch

Beware the Blood WitchWhen glimflirs golden lift and flyLike rivers run against the skyUpon the howl of rising airThe Blood Witch comes--Beware, bewareOn quiet feet she creeps in dreamsOf summer spun ...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:05:00 PST

To Adversity

You the fire,I the ore,Heating me,I transform...You the hammer,I the rod,Beating me,I strengthen...You the chill water,I the blade,Freezing me,I resolve...You the stone,I the sword,Grinding me down,I ...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 11:08:00 PST

A fair dream -- writing

A fair dream -- writing She's a fair dream -- writing, When the muse sings clear, As larks at dawn, She's fair as sunlight on seafoam. She's like the ocean, A slate when still, Cold as...
Posted by Fantasy Scribbler on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 05:12:00 PST