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Beth Fehlbaum

I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The people who read my book(s); Chris Crutcher, whose books, Ironman and Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes first inspired me to write YA fiction. Chris also graciously allowed me to use Ironman as a plot device in my book, and encouraged me to write Courage in Patience. I admire, as well, Sherman Alexie and Stephen Chbosky; Stephen King-- his book on writing is awesome and even though I don't like to read scary stories, I think he and I could have a really cool dialogue about the craft of writing; my students when they are grown, to see if they still consider me one of their most demanding teachers of all time. I'd also like to meet my great-great-great-great grandchildren, because I want to see if the curious experiment that has been my life so far has a positive impact on their lives.


I respect songwriters tremendously for their ability to weave music and words into meaningful gifts: Chuck Pyle, Eliza Gilkyson, Cat Stevens; Jackson Browne, Stephen Allen Davis,Don Henley; Nanci Griffith, Guy Clark, Stevie Ray Vaughan; Shawn Colvin, David Wilcox, Kate Wolf...


An Unfinished Life and Black Cloud (Rick Schroeder wrote & directed it & is in it-- what a talented man he is) are two of my all-time favorite movies. I also love The Shawshank Redemption; Little Miss Sunshine; Freedom Writers..


WHEN I watch TV, I try to catch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart; The Colbert Report; Monk; Psych; Law and Order Criminal Intent-- but I'll watch just about any of the Law and Order shows. Actually, I don't watch a lot of TV, because I'm usually reading or talking to my family or writing and don't pay much attention to what's on TV.


Because I love the movie, An Unfinished Life, I wanted to read Mark Spragg's novel which was, oddly enough, written AFTER the screenplay. He also wrote The Fruit of Stone-- and he is AWESOME. Anybody studying character development and dialogue NEEDS to read his stuff. I think Chris Crutcher is a YA fiction god-- it was in the discovery of his books, Ironman and Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes-- that I realized that I could write the kinds of stories that were inside of me, and people would actually "get" them. I am YA fiction junkie and student of YA writers: Just Listen, Keeping the Moon, That Summer- Sarah Dessen; Swallowing Stones- Joyce McDonald; The Outsiders- S.E. Hinton-- the woman all YA fiction writers owe an incredible debt of gratitude; Writers starting out should read Bird by Bird- Ann Lamott and On Writing:A Memoir of the Craft-Stephen King--in reading those books, I felt as if I was talking to people I'd known forever. If you wanted to know who I am in terms of religious faith and how I look at the world-- without meeting me-- you could get a pretty good idea by reading Credo, by William Sloane Coffin. My favorite quote of his is, "By-the-rule-book Christians are more impressed with God's power than His love." I love Sarah Vowell's writing, and David Sedaris' stuff makes me laugh so hard I get abdominal charlie horses. I'm currently reading On Ice, by Red Evans, Rabid, by T.K. Kenyon, and How to Know God, by Deepak Chopra, is also on my nightstand.


The five people who have taught me most what it is to love, be loved, and BELONG, right where I am, today: Daniel, Mandy, Alissa, Kristen, and MEJ; Chris Crutcher, for being brave enough to write stories for kids in a way that they can really "hear"; Martin Luther King, Jr., Cindy Sheehan (a woman who loved her child and HAD ENOUGH of being brushed off by "W" & decided to make a point. What a courageous woman. She's an uber-mom.) I hold in high esteem anybody who is brave enough to put him- or her-self "out there" to speak out against wrong; people who STEADY ON, even when on "ten miles of two-lane on a South Dakota wheat plain in the middle of a hard rain"; people who recognize others' rights to "be" and are content to COEXIST; people who recognize and are willing to voice the belief that Blindly Following Bad Leaders is NOT Patriotism, teachers who teach because to do otherwise is unimaginable; parents who DO THEIR JOB of loving their children unconditionally and keeping their children safe-- regardless of their own baggage-- NO MATTER WHAT; and people who do the right thing even when it's not easy, fun, or pretty. NOBODY SAID IT WOULD BE EASY.

My Blog

Order Courage in Patience on Amazon! p/1601641567/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=12054542 05&sr=1-1    ...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 05:33:00 PST

What’s Courage in Patience about?

Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse, releases Sept. 1, 2008! Courage in Patience a story of hope for those who have endured abuse, will be available for pre-order ...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 08:30:00 PST

Researching high school track--QUESTIONS I need answered-- Please!

In the sequel to Courage in Patience, my protagonist has joined the cross-country team. I just need some basic questions answered about what it's like to be involved in high school cross-country and/o...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:36:00 PST

Don’t Write a Poem about Rape, by Julie Buffaloe-Yoder

DON'T WRITE A POEM ABOUT RAPE by Julie Buffaloe-Yoder For the editor who told me rape is not a fresh subject (he knows who he is). Rape is a cliché. Unless it happens to you. But don't write a poem ab...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 06:17:00 PST

Death penalty for child rapists is...cruel and unusual????

Today, a good friend e-mailed me about the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to declare the death penalty for child rapists "unconstitutional", because they find it "cruel and unusual" to kill s...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 06:50:00 PST

Guest Blog- Dr. Dorothy Neddermeyer

Today I am pleased to feature Dorothy Neddermeyer, PhD, MSW, CCH, CRT, and the noted author of Protect Your Child from Sexual Abuse/Incest Perpetrators and If I'd Only Known&Sexual Abuse in or out of ...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 03:59:00 PST

Art Constellation-- amazing drawings by incest survivor

I invite you to stop by, to see Jenny's amazingly expressive drawings. The survivor of 17 years of sexual abuse, Jenny's art is crackling with emotion. Not to be m...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 07:09:00 PST

Karen Harrington Interview, Part Two

Karen Harrington Interview, Part Two We're back with Karen Harrington, author of Janeology, a novel that explores why a mother would murder her child. Janeology has received glowing reviews, and I...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 07:03:00 PST

Karen Harrington Interview, Part One

Karen Harrington Interview, Part One Karen Harrington, author of Janeology, stops by for a visit!BF: I am thrilled to welcome Karen Harrington, author of the recently released Janeology, and one o...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:52:00 PST

BOOK EXCERPT: Courage in Patience, Chapter One

(c) Beth Fehlbaum CHAPTER ONEWe go onbecause it is the hard thing to do.And we owe ourselves the difficulty.-Nikki Giovanni   My name is Ashley Asher. That’s right, go ahead, and laugh. Ap...
Posted by Beth Fehlbaum on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:59:00 PST