Greetings, and well met.
As stated above, things ain't always what they seem, for instance ...
My name is Tony Corkery and I'm an underground miner.
I have an obsessive passion for music and 3D artwork. I am the artist and owner of
I enjoy watching my kids grow and develope their music skills.
I really enjoy creating things, be it art or sculpture.
I am also the proud owner of a 2006 Limited edition Blue Tribal Rocket III (Triumph Motorcycle)
There's a lot of I's in the above statements, and that should be we's, because behind every great man is an even greater woman. I refer to my incredible wife. Whose name shall not go mentioned for fear that someone might pinch her. Love her heaps.
Why am I here? At first it was to boost up visits to my website. But Damn, I got hooked, and have met some really nice people here who share the same passions.Long Live music and the fantasy realm, be they entwined or separate.As my darling wife says ... "Have a Great Day" ...