Our Celeb Supporters and what they have to say;
Lewis Black;
Proud Hearts,
Thanks for all you do for the troops and for all the troops do for us...you are the best.
[Marine Corperal] David Thibodeaux;
Cpl. David Thibodeaux in Iraq
Proud Hearts,
Thanks for everything you guys are doing to support the troops and win the War on Terrorism. Keep up the fight. Thanks for the support. Semper Fi! - David
Add David Thibedeaux and his song to your MySpace;
David Thibodeaux's Song ~ Not Ready To End The Fight
Eddie Pence;
To all the families of Proud Hearts,
Just wanted to express my feelings of appreciation for all the work you are doing. I have two friends serving in a Iraq right now and my brother was there for a year as well, so i know first hand how hard it is on families. Keep up the good work, you're the support system that gives our military strength. Thank you so much.
Eddie Pence
3rd Echo;
First of all, a message to all the men and women who wear the uniform: thank you for serving our country, and for protecting us around the planet. Contrary to the bleak picture some folks paint and the mixed messages they send out, you are truly supported and very much loved. You guys are the TRUE rockstars. All the very best & GOD bless!
To the incredible individuals of Operation Proud Hearts: you guys are without a doubt, unequivocally the absolute goods. Those who serve and their families are very blessed to have you. Your dedication is what makes the USA the greatest country on the globe. You guys truly RAWK!! 3rd echo loves and respects OPH!
Operation Proud Hearts......Support them.....Embrace them!