Writing,Poetry,Reading,witchcraft,magick, arts, crafts, motorsports, the great outdoors, friends, going out staying home, computers, movies, music,books,just about anything that involes living life. Breaks the boredom of everyday.
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Anyone and everyone of interest. People who know what the word FRIEND means. Aren't just wanting to look popular "oh look at me i got 1 billion friends i'm so cool and hot" BLAH BLAH *sniggers* yeah whatever broom stick please ushers them out the door. No horny toads either...SO on that note "DO WHAT YOU WILT HARM NONE" BLESSED BE.
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Mix of everything, Soft Metal, Pop, Alterative, Rock, Rockabilly, Top 40, Funk, Rap,Dance, Country, Avril lavigne, Missy Higgins,Roy Orbision,Elvis,James Blunt, Tracey Chapman,Modern Talking, Bad boy blue,The living end, Green day, Dixie chicks,Foreigner,Stray Cats,shakin stevens, Billy Idol,1927,Phil collins,Rouge Traders,Rob Thomas,Pink,Bon jovi,Ameil,Stevie B,Cher,
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Homeand away, Neighbours, prison break, desperate house wives, Bam, Jackass, WWE,sitcom,ghost whisperer,house,
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Thiller,horror,new age, fairytales,folklore,stephen king, virgina andrews, ronald dahl,poetry,richard laymond
Heroes LOL
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