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Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved

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About Me

I am rebuilding my site. Still under condtruction.Real joy is always a choice you can make. Live with joy, let happiness flow out from you, and life becomes more radiant with each passing moment. -- Ralph Marston~“Figure out who you are separate from your family and the person who you are in a relationship with. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that’s the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self because with that you can do anything else.” ~Angelina Jolie.
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My LoveTo My Man John, The Love of my Life. Every thing about you takes my breath away. You are the light of my world. You glow like a city in the night, Shine like the noon day sun. Your smile graces my life and I am so Grateful for the Love you show me. I treasure each Moment we are blessed to be in one another’s company. Thank you for sharing you self, your life, your love with me. I Love you. Kisses And Hugs just for you my sexy man............ ............... ............. ....... .......... ............ .............. ......... .......... ............... ........ ...........What a REAL Man Is NOT. (1.) A Real Man does Not Give, take back, Give, take back. (2.)A Real Man does not go out and buys new tires on his brother's car with the rent/mortgage money. (3.)A Real Man does not take away from the emediate Family to Save the world. (4.)A Real Man does not threaten to sue a potential date because he didn't agree with what she writes in her blog about Dating. (5.)A Real Man does not Ever Hit a woman. (6.)A Real Man does Not put a woman down to pump his own ego. (7.)A Real Man will NEVER Drive Drunk. (8.)A Real Man does Not Rape his woman. (9.)***A REAL Man Does Not Need a Woman's Floor to Sleep on at Night! (He Should have his Own Damn Roof & Bed!!!) (10.)*** A Real Man Will Not Need A Woman to Hold On To His Money for Safe Keeping Because He Can't Save a Fucking Dime!!!!!! *** Give me time, I'll come up with more. LOL. ... ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ *** ~ ...What A REAL Man IS ~ Now Take Note: A REAL Man Gets Up Off His Ass and Provides for His Family. A Real Man has a tender side for his wife and kids. A Real Man knows how to hold his Temper in check. A Real Man will love his woman with every thing he has. A Real Man Will Consult with his wife about more than "Whats for Supper." That means finances as well. Give me time, I'll come up with more.************************************ ************************************ ************************************ ************************************I love the One who is willing to put ACTION behind sweet words of AFFIRMATION. I am selfish. I want a Man who has TIME for Me in His Life. ~>*~*>~I Love The One Who Stands Behind His Word. The One Who Loves Me Greater Than Himself. The One who will Put Nothing and no one else Above Me. The One Who wants Partnership, Companionship, and Love in return. I Love the One that Lets Me be Me, who can accept me just as I am. I have Now Found that. Thank you sweet heart for loving me just the way that I am.... ..... ........ ..... ...... ...... ... ...... ..... .....Hey, this is me... Country Girl at Heart. I'm just as comfortable in blue jeans or a dress. Gin, but dresses are only occasional. Those that know me, know I love to laugh a lot. I'm a fun lovin gal with a great smile. I'm ~ 5' 2" ~ 97lbs. ~ Blue eyes ~ I have many interests. I love outdoor activities as well as my computer time.I Love Writing Poetry, etc.,I'm a Mom, sister, daughter, artist, Dancing on my journey through life, People Builder, Friend, Passionate Lover, Wonderfully Made, Lover of Life, Echoing Laughter, Defender of Human Rights, Animal Lover, Voice Against ALL forms of Abuse............................. ..........................*Recipe How To Be a Good Friend* .................................. .................................. ..................................1 tongue that does not slander 1 heart, generous and kind 1 dash of wit 2 eyes, overlooking others faults 1 dash sunny disposition 2 ears, closed to gossip 1 mind, full of tolerance 1 large dash of smiles 2 hands extended to help others 1 dash of cheerfulness........................................ ........................................ .......................................Blend together and form into one being and serve in generous portions daily to everyone you meet. Author Unknown....... ................ ........ ........... ........ ........... ........ .......... ............The Fear of being uncomfortable is the biggest reason why people don’t make positive changes in their lives. Fear based decisions keep people stagnant so new growth is not possible....... ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ...... ......My Profile:

My Interests

"Brutality stupefies even the wise and destroys the strongest heart. ~ Ecclesiastes 7:7

Domestic violence toward women: Recognize the patterns and seek help ~Your partner apologizes and says the hurtful behavior won't happen again. But you fear it will. At times you may start to doubt your own judgment, or wonder whether you're going crazy. You may even feel like you've imagined the whole thing. But the emotional or physical pain you feel is real. If this sounds familiar, you may be the victim of domestic violence.Also called domestic abuse, intimate partner violence or battering, domestic violence occurs between people in intimate relationships. It can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse. Men are sometimes abused by female or male partners, but domestic violence is most often directed toward women. It can happen in heterosexual or lesbian relationships.Unfortunately, domestic violence against women is common. It happens to teenage girls and women of all backgrounds. As many as 4 million women suffer abuse from their husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends or intimate partners in the United States each year. Recognizing abuse: Know the signsIt may not be easy to identify abuse, especially at first. While some relationships are clearly abusive from the outset, abuse often starts subtly and gets worse over time. For example, abuse may begin with occasional hurtful comments, jealousy or controlling behavior. As it gets worse, the abuse may become more frequent, severe or violent. As the cycle of abuse worsens, your safety or the safety of your children may be in danger.You may be a victim of abuse if you're in a relationship with someone who:* Controls finances, so you have to ask for money * Looks at you or acts in ways that scare you * Acts jealous or possessive, or accuses you of being unfaithful * Tries to control how you spend your time, who you see or talk to, where you go or what you wear * Wants you to get permission to make everyday decisions * Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs * Scares you by driving recklessly * Threatens to kill him or herselfYou are very likely in an abusive relationship if you have a relationship with someone who does even one of the following:* Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, or chokes you or threatens you with violence or a weapon * Forces you to have sexual intercourse or engage in sexual acts against your will * Calls you names, insults you or puts you down * Prevents you from going to work or school * Stops you from seeing family members and friends * Hurts, or threatens to hurt you, your children or pets * Destroys your property * Controls your access to medicines * Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it * Says that his or her abusive behavior is no big deal or even denies doing it * Tries to force you to drop charges * Tries to prevent you from calling the police or seeking medical carePregnancy, children and abusePregnancy is a particularly perilous time for an abused woman. Not only is your health at risk, but also the health of your unborn child. Abuse can begin or may increase during pregnancy.Abusive relationships can also be particularly damaging to children, even if they're just witnesses. But for women in an abusive relationship, chances are much higher that their children also will be direct victims of abuse. Over half of men who abuse their female partners also abuse their children.You may worry that seeking help may further endanger you or your children, or that it may break up your family. But in the long run, seeking help when you safely can is the best way to protect your children — and yourself. An abusive relationship: It's about power and controlThough there are no typical victims of domestic violence, abusive relationships do share similar characteristics. In all cases, the abuser aims to exert power and control over his partner.Although a lot of people think domestic violence is about anger, it really isn't. Batterers do tend to take their anger out on their intimate partner. But it's not really about anger. It's about trying to instill fear and wanting to have power and control in the relationship. In an abusive relationship, the abuser may use varying tactics to gain power and control, including:* Emotional abuse. Uses put-downs, insults, criticism or name-calling to make you feel bad about yourself. * Denial and blame. Denies that the abuse occurs and shifts responsibility for the abusive behavior onto you. This may leave you confused and unsure of yourself. * Intimidation. Uses certain looks, actions or gestures to instill fear. The abuser may break things, destroy property, abuse pets or display weapons. * Coercion and threats. Threatens to hurt other family members, pets, children or self. * Power. Makes all major decisions, defines the roles in your relationship, is in charge of the home and social life, and treats you like a servant or possession.* Isolation. Limits your contact with family and friends, requires you to get permission to leave the house, doesn't allow you to work or attend school, and controls your activities and social events. The abuser may ask where you've been, track your time and whereabouts, or check the odometer on your car. * Children as pawns. Accuses you of bad parenting, threatens to take the children away, uses the children to relay messages, or threatens to report you to children's protective services. * Economic abuse. Controls finances, refuses to share money, makes you account for money spent and doesn't want you to work outside the home. The abuser may also try to sabotage your work performance by forcing you to miss work or by calling you frequently at work.Breaking the cycle: Difficult, but possible with helpDomestic violence is part of a continuing cycle that's difficult to break. If you're in an abusive situation, you may recognize this pattern:* Your abuser strikes using words or actions. * Your abuser may beg for forgiveness, offer gifts or promise to change. * Your abuser becomes tense, angry or depressed. * Your abuser repeats the abusive behavior.Typically each time the abuse occurs, it worsens, and the cycle shortens. As it gets worse, you may have a hard time doing anything about the abuse or even acknowledging it. Over time, an abusive relationship can break you down and unravel your sense of reality and self-esteem. You may begin to doubt your ability to take care of yourself. You may start to feel like the abuse is your fault, or you may even feel you deserve it.This can be paralyzing, and you may feel helpless or as though your only option is to stay in the abusive situation. It's important to recognize that you may not be in a position to resolve the situation on your own.But you can do something — and the sooner you take action the better. You may need outside help, and that's OK. Without help, the abuse will likely continue. Leaving the abusive relationship may be the only way to break the cycle.A number of government and private agencies provide resources and support to women who are abused and their children. These resources include 24-hour telephone hot lines, shelters, counseling and legal services. Many of these services are free and can provide immediate assistance. Create a safety planLeaving an abuser can be dangerous. You're the only one who knows the safest time to leave. You may know you are in an abusive relationship and realize you need to leave as soon as you safely can. Or, you may be concerned about your partner's behavior and think you may need to get out at some point in the future. Either way, being prepared can help you leave quickly if you need to. Consider taking these precautions:* Arrange a safety signal with a neighbor as an alert to call the police if necessary. * Prepare an emergency bag that includes items you'll need when you leave, such as extra clothes, important papers, money, extra keys and prescription medications. * Know exactly where you'll go and how you'll get there, even if you have to leave in the middle of the night. * Call a local women's shelter or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233 to find out about legal options and resources available to you, before you need them. * If you have school-age children, notify the school authorities or school counselor about custody arrangements and warn them about possible threats.Keep your communication privateIt isn't uncommon for an abuser to monitor mail, telephone and Internet communication. Take precautions to help maintain your privacy and safety by following these steps.Telephone conversations* Avoid making long-distance phone calls from home. Your abuser could trace the calls to find out where you're going. * Be cautious when using a cell phone. Your abuser may be able to intercept conversations using a scanner. Switch to a corded phone if you're relaying sensitive information. * Be aware of controlling use of your cell phone. Your abuser may use frequent cell phone conversations or text messages as a way to monitor and control your activities. An abuser may also check your cell phone to see who has called, or attempt to check your messages.Computer use: ~If you think your abuser is monitoring your computer use, the safest bet is to access a computer at a friend's house or at the library. If you do use a shared home computer, there are several steps you can take to help maintain your privacy:* Use a Web-based program for e-mail. Programs such as Outlook Express, Netscape Mail and Eudora store sent and received e-mails on your computer. A Web-based e-mail service is safer. Most of these services — such Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo mail — offer free e-mail accounts. * Store files on the Internet. You can store files online and access them from any computer. A few companies that offer this service are I Backup and Hyper Office. You can also store documents as attachments in e-mail programs. * Change your password often. Choose passwords that would be impossible to guess. The safest passwords contain at least six characters, both numbers and letters. Avoid easily guessed numbers and sequences. * Clear your Web-browser history. Browsers such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator keep a record of the Web pages and documents you have accessed. They also store graphics of images you look at. You can also use a program such as Absolute Shield Internet Eraser or Speed Tracks Eraser to clear your Internet records. * Clear your document history. Applications such as Word or Excel keep a record of edited documents. Don't store or edit any documents you don't want your abuser to see on a shared computer.Where to find help: ~No one deserves to be abused. If you think you may be in an abusive situation, seek help or advice as soon as you safely can. There are many resources available to help you. The first step to getting out of an abusive situation may be as easy as making one phone call. In an emergency situation, call 911, your local emergency number or your local law enforcement agency. If you aren't in immediate danger, the following resources can help:* National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE, or (800) 799-7233. Provides crisis intervention and referrals to in-state or out-of-state resources, such as women's shelters or crisis centers. * Your doctor or hospital emergency room. Treats any injuries and refers you to safe housing and other local resources. * Local women's shelter or crisis center. Typically provides 24-hour, emergency shelter for you and your children, advice on legal matters, advocacy and support services, and evaluation and monitoring of abusers. Some shelters have staff members who speak multiple languages. * Counseling or mental health center. Most communities have agencies that provide individual counseling and support groups to women in abusive relationships. Be wary of advice to seek couples or marriage counseling. This isn't appropriate for resolving problems of violence in intimate relationships. * Local court. Your district court can help you obtain a court order, which legally mandates the abuser stay away from you or face arrest. These are typically called orders for protection or restraining orders. Advocates are available in many communities to help you complete the paperwork and guide you through the court process. * Books and online resources. Learning more about how to cope with your situation and communicating with others who understand what you're going through can help you make strong choices.The Emotional Raping of humanity in need is really not Gods idea of Christian behavior.................................................... ....... ..........................................................De stiny is perhaps described as a personal thread woven into the fabric of the universe. A single thread in a Divine plan. A child born, a girl became a woman, and now reaching outside herself touching lives where ever she goes. Country and down to earth, aspires to the Alps of ones own life. Passionately attracted to the unusual in art, life, and friendships. Her greatest strength is her sensitivity. Having a deep respect for life, and a gentleness that seems to attract many to her friendship door, she strives to show goodness to all. Plenty of that good country spunk is there when needed and she will fight for the underdog......... .......... ............. ..... ....OUT DOOR ACTIVITIES: Horse-back riding, working with Llamas, and dogs, Camping, Hiking, Swimming, bird watching, The Zoo, nature center, White Water Rafting.INDOOR ACTIVITIES: Computers, Journaling, Reading for informational purposes, Reading and Writing Poetry, Talking with family and friends on the phone, Arts and Crafts.

I'd like to meet:

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Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur.Wonderful fantastic Friends. I like meeting ~FRIENDS~ from all over the world who are only interested in being friends. I am not interested in forming any romance with any one outside the USA. I have already found all the Romance I need in One Man. ~ ~ Love & Respect, Rhonda..................................................... ..................................................... .....................................................Humanit y Healing

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I Love listening to Music of all kinds.


Many...The Secret

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CSI, Boston Legal, American Idol, Next Top Model, History Chanel.


“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. “Between the Lines” master the subtle elements of fiction writing. by Jessica Page Morrell. “The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success” by Brian Tracy. “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser. “Writing Better Lyrics” by Pat Pattison.I love to read, but more for inspirational and educational purposes."You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar - "


First, God. Oprah ...Crocadile Steve Irwin. And All Those good people that realy care.

My Blog

Myspace Girl ~ A Funny Story

~You are the wind Beneath my Wings~          I'll make you Think, I'll make you laugh and cry. I'll touch your emotions like no other. I'll peel your mind away like lay...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Wed, 28 May 2008 02:14:00 PST

The Creative Life ~My Naked Soul~

  ~You are the wind Beneath my Wings~          I Will Speak, I will Write,  I will Blog as I want.  I give My Free Will to No One.    I'll mak...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST

"Ending It All"

  This poem was written by a friend of mine.  I have never been there myself, but others have. My darkest moment was when I wished I could go to sleep and never wake up.  But I never co...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:36:00 PST

Frozen Screams

~You are the wind Beneath my Wings~                  Frozen Screams     Broken and bruised Her limp body lay still. His angry voice Br...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:09:00 PST

~The Only Preying I do~ New Poem

This is coppied from my Mia Rose sight. ALT="Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign"HEIGHT="76" WIDTH="112" BORDER="1" ALIGN="MIDDLE">Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign! &n...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 01:17:00 PST

Please Read~ Important Info~ Revamping~

     Welcome To:  River Of Diamonds Speaking Out ~ Read Me & Become a V. I. P. ~.       Please Read. Important Info. I will be Revamping my Profile & Blo...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 05:20:00 PST

Remember Life

     Welcome To:  River Of Diamonds Speaking Out     ~ Read Me & Become a V. I. P. ~.         As September is right upon us I think back a year...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:10:00 PST

Love and The 4th of July

ALT="Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign"HEIGHT="76" WIDTH="112" BORDER="1" ALIGN="MIDDLE">Join th...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 04:11:00 PST

Luminesent Light ~ Poem

  Welcome To:  River Of Diamonds Speaking Out     ~ Read Me & Become a V. I. P. ~.June 23, 2007 Luminescent LightThe sun appearing softand luminescentdescends on the foot...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:01:00 PST

The Dance of Life ~ Poetry

  Welcome To:  River Of Diamonds Speaking Out     ~ Read Me & Become a V. I. P. ~.The Dance of Life Free VerseLife is continually dancing,vibrating, swaying,flowing over ...
Posted by Red Passion Flower ~ Always Loved on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:44:00 PST