Oh, wild lonely places of sweet dread delight
That call to my Children on Halloween night
In whispering wind wisps and whipporwill plight
Tickling the treetops where moonbeams alight.Come hither, ye Witches, on silver light fly!
Don't dawdle, don't saunter, don't idly stroll by!
Lift your skirts as seer gusts catch the leaves dead and dry
Rise up with the wind soaring hasty on high!Ride ye thus to the hollow in the wood dark and deep
Where all merry parted shall now merry meet.
At the time 'twas appointed that time shall ye keep
To honor me, hail me in great esbat fete.When the moon sailing bright in the dark midnight blue
Casts her spell on the landscape, reversing each hue,
And the scent of the night gives the magickal clue
To the circle make haste, give Hecate her due!Dance wild, draw the power and shape in a cone,
Till the power is thine and the will is thine own
Then hurl't to the wind that thy purpose be flown
And thy wish shall I grant on the Night of the Crone.One and all then come hither and join the great feast
Where within all are welcome: Spirit, Human, and Beast.
Give hail and farewell to the souls since deceased
Then wend thy way home 'fore the Sun tints the East.But remember, my Children, remember quite clear
The sound of my voice ringing high in your ear.
'Tis my summoning call in the owl's hoot you hear
To meet merry again on All Hallow's next year."Your mortal existence was brief and adverse.
The blind masses accuse you of excess desire,
Babble about a thousand frivolous objects,
And refuse you even the homage of a thought.
But vegetating with the mistake they completely
Die, a thousand times better still their fate."Italian--poem
Holy men tell us life is a mytery.
They embrace that concept happily.
But some mysteries bite and bark
and come to get you in the dark.A rain of shadows, a storm, a squall!
Daylight retreats; night swallows all.
If good is bright, if evil is gloom,
high evil walls the world entombs.
Now comes the end, the drear, Darkfall.Darkness devours every shining day.
Darkness demands and always has its way.
Darkness listens, watches, waits.
Darkness claims the day and celebrates.
Sometimes in silence darkness comes.
Sometimes with a gleeful banging of drums.We can embrace love; it's not too late.
Why do we sleep, instead, with hate?
Belief requires no suspension
to see that Hell is our invention.
We make Hell real; we stoke its fires.
And in its flames our hope expires.
Heaven, too, is merely our creation.
We can grant ourselves out own salvation.
All that's required is imagination.
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The witches' creed" To Konw,
to Dare,
to Will,
to keep Silent;
these are the four words of the Magus.
In order to Dare, we must Know
In order to Will, we must Dare.
We must Will to possess empire.
To reign, we must be Silent."
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