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Things Are Not What They Seem!

About Me

I'm Here For The Change...The Occuring Dimensional Shift in Human Consciousness† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †

My Interests

Music, Art, SpiritualityMindfulness, or awareness, does not mean that you should think and be conscious "I am doing this" or "I am doing that." No. Just the contrary. The moment you think "I am doing this," you become self-conscious, and then you do not live in the action, but you live in the idea "I am," and consequently your work too is spoiled.You should forget yourself completely, and lose yourself in what you do. The moment a speaker becomes self-conscious and thinks "I am addressing an audience," his speech is distributed and his trend of thought broken. But when he forgets himself in his speech, in his subject, then he is at his best, he speaks well and explains things clearly.All great work--artistic, poetic, intellectual or spiritual--is produced at those moments when its creators are lost completely in their actions, when they forget themselves altogether, and are free from self-consciousness.Imagine a life based on forgiveness of self and others ... a life based on shedding fear and accepting love ... resulting in a life of true inner peace. -------------- Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.Herein lies the peace of God.Here's some of my black and white photography, this series is called "Spiritchaser"

I'd like to meet:



Something went terribly wrong...I should have married her.


This is the real television.


channeled material from ascended beings is the information that will help us remember how to shift the consciousness on this planet


The Hathors"We are The Hathors. We come in love and with the sounding of a new dream reality for your earth. If you are ready to build the new world, we invite you to join us on a journey of the mind and heart." ~There's been a tremendous influx of extraterrestrial souls incarnating on Earth in the last 50 years. No matter how strange it seems, this phenomenon is actually part of a far greater cosmic scheme. Actually, inter-dimensional transfer of ET souls is the vanguard of a more spectacular and rare event -- Earths planetary initiation. It is for this reason, and to witness this birth, that our extraterrestrial kin has now come to call. And it is to assist this process that ET Wanderers have chosen to incarnate on the face of the planet. And so we come to the role of ET Wanderers: to receive, amplify, and transmit cosmic heart-energies to balance planetary initiation. It actually doesnít matter if these Starpeople teach, organize, go public, or even recognize their own ET identity -- their very presence constitutes a living, crystallized force that actively supports global transformation. As always, there are many levels of service, and it is up to individuals to find their own natural way.

My Blog

The Awakening of Humanity

The material world is on the brink of a planetary awakening, propelled by the personal transformation of mind from the shadows of limited constructs into the truth of being. As the awakening soul t...
Posted by Shane on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 10:37:00 PST

The Earth Is In Great Crisis

Love your enemy does not mean you deny the energy of darkness in you or anyone else. You consciously recognize the fear based distortions as the illusions and stay centered in love and light within yo...
Posted by Shane on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:32:00 PST

DNA Recoding, Reconnection, and Activation

DNA Recoding, Reconnection, and ActivationBy Joysia/Jelaila Greetings, beloved ones of Earth. I am Joysia, Chief Genetics Engineer in service to the Nibiruan Council, from the Galactic Federation, and...
Posted by Shane on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:15:00 PST

The Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation of Worlds The Galactic Federation of Worlds (GF) is a large federation of civilizations from many different planets, galaxies and universes working together for the harmonious ...
Posted by Shane on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:08:00 PST

Starseeds, Walk-ins and Lightworkers

Starseeds, Walk-ins and Lightworkers Starseeds Not everyone on earth is from earth. There are those who are here from other planets and civilizations in this and other universes. And though they walk ...
Posted by Shane on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 06:50:00 PST

What are Starseeds?

What are Starseeds? Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the aloneness and separateness that...
Posted by Shane on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 01:35:00 PST

12 Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

     There is obviously no absolute in this world. What we percieve as true, is true...for us. The world we experience as individulas is a reflection of our own consciousness. What...
Posted by Shane on Wed, 31 May 2006 05:07:00 PST