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Official "Antonia" MySpace Site

About Me

TV Presenter Astrologer Reiki Healer Spiritual DJane Music and the Stars have always been my passion. I was present when house music was born – think of the house sound as being the child from german electronic bands like Kraftwerk and Can and Detroit soul music, mixed by Detroit DJs. Hey, I've been in Detroit – now I know why some music was called garage! The whole architecture of Detroit is garage! And still this area produces great, spicy musicians like Eminem, and all my astrologer friends from Michigan are great rappers. I was in N.Y. when Junior Vasquez took the crowd of the Sound Factory on a music trip unheard before. I was there when the first deep house vinyls came out of the press. Remember "WDR Disconight" in the late 80s-early 90s? It was me, playing all those garage records until the director dumped me – too subversive! Still many fans and I have great memories about that time! Remember "Tanz House" on Tele 5? Yes, that was me, too – the first Video Djane of Germany. It was before MTV!Eventually I turned away from dancing and DJing all nite though and became a mother – the greatest dance of all! I found out that 120 bpm is the heartbeat of the unborn baby. I believe that we love raves because the noise is just like home in the womb. Baby's heartbeat, fast like techno, mom's heartbeat, slower like drum & bass, all embedded in the rush of the ever streaming blood – what a sound system! Did you know that the ear is the first sense organ that starts working and stimulating our experience only a few weeks after conception? Now you know why I chose Myspace Music to share with you!Today I work as astrologer. I travel all over Europe and USA to lecture and have fun with the international top astrologers, a crowd, just as cool and creative as the musicians. And many astrologers are musicians and artists, too! I also love to present astrology on tv and radio. BTW, I'm a Capricorn, Cancer Ascendant, Moon in Taurus.I wouldn't want to live without astrology or without music!May the stars be with you Antonia

My Interests


Member Since: 9/2/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: JAHRESHOROSKOP 2008 und mehr unter
Influences: DISCONIGHT RELOADED mit DJane Antonia

Sounds Like: Rockin' the Universe! Wanna meet 2000 crazy stargazers gathering for a Rocky Mountain high? Wanna get thrilled about the cosmic secrets of the past, present and future? Wanna meet great astrologers like Michael Lutin, Raymond Merriman, Gloria Star and Myspace-Astrologer Rick Levine? Join us in Denver in May 2008! Get a sizzling cosmic vibe from the greatest astrology gathering ever!


Record Label: Fax
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

2008 - Wie wird’s? Antonia bei Johannes B.Kerner

JBK will meine Vorhersagen vom letzten Jahr überprüfen - und wird feststellen, dass ich recht hatte, hahaha! Natürlich blicken wir auch ins neue Jahr - auch für die Wirtschaft, für Angela, für die Ste...
Posted by Antonia on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 03:59:00 PST


Ja, ich habe es getan, ich war im ersten Dschungelcamp dabei und es war heftig!Am 23.1. ab 14.00, RTL, erzähle ich mehr darüber bei Olli Geißen. Bis dahin liebe Grüße!Antonia...
Posted by Antonia on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 03:51:00 PST

Schenkverhalten der Sternzeichen

Das Schenkverhalten der Sternzeichen Sie regen sich immer wieder auf, weil Ihr Liebster erst Heiligmorgen loszieht, um Geschenke zu kaufen? Oder weil Sie immer Gutscheine kriegen, die nie eingelöst...
Posted by Antonia on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 07:19:00 PST


Antonia proudly presents: DJane booking by Nicky Zimmer! For any DJ requests please contact  Nicky [email protected]   0049-170-9606605   http//:www.mostwantedentertainment.n...
Posted by Antonia on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 10:00:00 PST

Antonias Tracks now available on i-Tunes!

SOL & ANTONIA LANGSDORF SOL (K.Shek & Ramin Naghachian) + Antonia Langsdorf"Stardust" ...
Posted by Antonia on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:02:00 PST

Promi Diner - an alle Hobbyköche:-)

Hab viel positives Feedback für mein leckeresEssen beim Promi Diner bekommen! Hier könnt Ihr die Rezepte herunterladen: pdf Und wenn kein Fernsehteam dabei...
Posted by Antonia on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:35:00 PST

Antonia in "Das Perfekte Promi Diner" auf VOX 13. Mai um 20.15

Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, uns in unserem Haus und unserer Küche zu besuchen! VOX TV, Sonntag den 13. Mai um 20.15 Ich koche ja eigentlich nie bei uns - außer gelegentlich Spaghetti für meine T...
Posted by Antonia on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:40:00 PST