NICKY ♥ profile picture



About Me

Hi friends,just a short info:
I have a big increase of new friends weekly with Nicky's Space because I work as a talent scout so it is easier for me to pass certain artists on the second Space here on myspace.
It becomes surely exciting and will give to discover always something new.
It is not makeable for me with my normal Space - I cannot go on working there on that base.
Now with meanwhile approx. 200 + profile-views daily and suitable incoming mail I had to consider a solution.
I also ask for your understanding, my nice friends here, if I cannot answer any of your greeting so fast - it is sometimes simply impossible for me. You know I think of you and I am very happy about your greetings that you send, very much!!!
I try to answer them all but it takes sometimes a little bit time.
A small supplement:
My comments are also pursued constantly by many other viewers on Nicky's Space, this is with a reason because I like to have my private friends here on that place - then not all infos are determined for the whole world.
I am glad to have you on board!
Lots of love your Nicky

My Interests

Music international...

I'd like to meet:

My friends ;-) r.h.


All mixed up


News, Discussions about Politic, Documentaries


Tatiana de Rosnay "Sarah's key"


My Family and Friends

My Blog

X-clusive Interview Nicky meets Ralf Hildenbeutel

Exclusiv-Interview Nicky meets Ralf HildenbeutelGerman & English  (PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH VERSION)  Exclusiv-Interview Nicky trifft Ralf HildenbeutelAn dieser Stelle freue ich mi...
Posted by Barbarella on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 02:07:00 PST

X-clusive Interview Nicky meets Dr. Motte

Exclusive InterviewNicky interviews Dr. MotteEnglish & German & French  (Please scroll down)For all those who have not had the privilege;Matthias Roeingh (alias Dr. Motte) is the founder...
Posted by Barbarella on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 01:58:00 PST


Um all die wahnsinnigen Momente und Erlebnisse, der vorangegangenen Jahre, auf immer festzuhalten, laden wir Euch hiermit herzlich ein, uns Eure schönsten, prickelndsten oder verrücktesten Geschichten...
Posted by Barbarella on Thu, 31 May 2007 04:06:00 PST