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Wohnen am Wasser! z.B. in Hamburg am Eilbekkanal!!
David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!
David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!David Bowie!!!
Is somebody out there, who can introduce me to him? ;)))
BOWIE of course! As I was 12 years old, I bought my first record: Life on Mars.And that is a long time ago! ;)
Das Parfum, Sex and the City, Grey..s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, 24, Harry and Sally, Capote,Sandmännchen, Benjamin Blümchen, Arielle the mermaid, Bambi, Aristocats, Peter Pan, Cinderella, SpongeBob, ...;)
boring :(
Hermann Hesse: Narziß und Goldmund, Das Glasperlenspiel, Frank Schätzing: Der Schwarm Gundela Patricia Koller: Kaktusblüten aus Absurdistan :-**
My Kids!
und hier findet ihr die Aktion:
Kinder sind tabu !