Reality Creation
40 Days & 40 Nights of Humanity
Cleansing of the Earth
Reality Creation
The Cosmic Maya
The End of Time
I Am
Spirituality vs. Religion
The Art of Allowing
Angels of the Golden Light (video)
Speak to Us of Love
The Illusion Of Dark Forces
What Will Matter
Enter the Human Angels
A Holographic Synchronistic Civilization
House of Light
Embracing the Mystery
Wake Up Call
Learning Multidimensionally
Steps to take in more Light
Outside the Ultimate Tyranny
Life is a mirror (video)
The Flower of Life part 1 & 2 (video)
End of Separation
Multi-dimensional Awakening
Memories in the free-will zone
Wave of Love (video)
To the Divine Knowers Who are Advancing Light
The Illusion of Materialism
Imagining the 10th Dimension (video)
A Singularity in Time
Divine Matrix (video)
Ancient Technology (video)
Alchemy of Ascension
Your journey is your destination
3 Dimensions of Love
Connect with the Universe
Science of the Mind (video)
46 & 2 (video)
ReEmergence of Higher Intelligence
Love Vs. Attachment
Purpose of Meditation
The Universe is Dreaming Itself Awake
United in love, We the people (video)
Inner Peace
How to Figure Stuff Out
Ascension into the I AM presence
Redefine fear
See Through All the Cells of Your Being
Attitudinal energy vibrations
Power of Consciousness
Awakening to Zero-point (video)
The Future of Mankind, Michael Tsarion (video)
Metaphysics and God
Shift Happens (video)
This is Your Life
The God Code (video)
2012 Philosophy
You Are Always Going for the Light
The End of Dualism
5 Words That Are Ruining Your Life
Spiritual Maturity
Prerequisite for 4th & 5th Dimensions
Ten Principles of Consciously Creating
Higher Light presentations (videos)
Love always wins
Whatever happened to time?
Ancient Words of Wisdom
The clarity that you have attained thus far on your journey has served to bring you to this moment. Here, at this crossroads in time and space that you regard as "today," the consciousness of humanity stands poised, an in-breath of life, awaiting the inevitable out-breath to follow. And just as the rhythm of the breath is anticipated and experienced in harmony with the rest of your life functions as a fact of your physical existence, so too is the rhythm of your awareness -- the ebb and flow of the tides of your emerging consciousness-- in harmony with the in-breath and the out-breath of Creation. The moments of clarity intensify, and then wane, over and over again. One experiences a spark of crystalline awareness and, in that exquisite moment, is convinced that clarity is there to stay. Yet, as one reaches to hold onto it, the illumination slips elusively past. And one is left to wonder whether one has actually awakened or is still wandering the back roads of the dream. In all likelihood, as the process of transformation intensifies, one is experiencing both states of being simultaneously. The process of awakening is not one in which a definitive threshold is crossed and one is then elightened, transformed, or ascended. There is much backsliding to be expected on this journey. And it is not unlikely to find yourself quite suddenly back at the beginning--in your own mind's eye. That is very much the nature of the experience. When you cease looking for the sense of connectedness and cease seeking answers outside of your own inner Source, the interim periods of separation, when your gravest doubts resurface, become fewer and father between. Ultimately, you embody that knowingness. For, you are in Oneness--in essence. And you have been so ALL along. When you make the transition from believing to knowing that basic truth, you are on your way to stabalizing the process of embodying that truth, such that you are fully aware of your interconnectedness with All Life at all times. Know that the truth you seek is within you. The answers are there before you before the question has been fully formulated. You have manifested everything needed to have everything your heart desires right now. And there is nothing standing between you and the realization of your deepest longing to reunite in Oneness with All Creation. For, you are already there. Everything that is to happen has already happened. It Is--and continues to Be--eternally. When your perception of the illusion of time/space you know as REALITY, is in harmony, energetically, with the momentum of the eternal NOW, you experience what IS. When the energies wane, you experience the illusion, once more, of the elusive state of enlightenment just out of reach. Like the rhythms of the tides, this state of awareness washes up on the shores of your consciousness, nudging you into recognition of the knowingness harbored deep within. This knowingness does not wane with the rhythms of the transformation process, but is there within the depths of your being, eternally.