Robert Shields Murdered 8/23/05
Please view his memorial page by clicking the photo below:
Robert was very intelligent, talented, and humorous. He was well respected by all who know him, and he is loved very much.
Please be aware that the entire page we had up for Richard Cartwright is still on our myspace, it has just been moved to the blog. The fight continues, and Richard wanted us all to "stand tall..fade all...keep on keepin on". Please view his blog and also please see his myspace memorial page by clicking on the photo below:
Anyone who wants to be a part of abolishing the death penalty, wants to educate themselves on the death penalty, has a loved one or friend on death row, everyone is welcome!
Please view Steven's website by clicking the below banner image. Steven is a death row inmate at the Polunsky Unit in Texas. He has a very strong innocence claim, but please understand that we cannot discuss his case because he is still in appeals and the process is very fragile. He stands up against the abuse, inhumane treatment, and refuses to let them break his will and his humanity. We have actual video from inside the unit of Steven doing a non-violent protest after the prison confiscated his personal clothing for recreation, and required him to be outdoors in 100+ degree weather in the canvas jumper. In this video you will see him gassed and taken down by a 5 man team. On the website you will also be able to read journals (blogs) that he has written from the inside for everyone to see his struggle through his eyes.
Sister Helen Prejean who is well known for her opposition of the death penalty and her many books about it, most commonly known is the book turned movie "Dead Man Walking"
Former Illinois Governor George Ryan, recently nominated for a nobel peace prize for overturning all death sentences to life in January 2003 click here .
All the amazing loved ones of victims who oppose the death penalty Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation, Inc.
And also Richard Cartwright for his strength, integrity, and solid character even with being in such a dark place.
Rest In Peace Chi-town 5-19-05