Singing, movies, candles, halloween, heavy rain and thunderstorms, winter season, Elvira Mistress of The Dark, the Michael Myers characters, laughing, hanging with friends and family, "creepy blue light", collecting porcelain dolls, comedy shows,
my 4 cats, The Addams Family learning about the paranormal and a lot more. I love everything and anything dark/horror/macabre! No, I am not a satanist...not that there is anything wrong with satanism.
Funny, crazy, obscure, different, REAL people who are not afraid to be themselves and to laugh at themselves from time to time. Life is not a dress rehearsal. This is the real deal! Come on people, have a sense of humour and some attitude! I do NOT like arrogant, stuck up people or boring ::yawn:: people. Be able to be laugh at yourself and others and have a good time with life! we go from here.....
The Gathering, Leaves Eyes, Liv Kristine, Within Temptation, After Forever, Tristania, Sirenia, OLD Theatre Of Tragedy with Liv Kristine, Doro Pesch, Pat Benatar etc....
John Carpenter's Halloween (1978), The Amityville Horror (1979), Black Christmas (1974), Dario Argento's Suspiria and Opera, Wolf Creek, House Of Wax, Grindhouse, High Tension, The Shining, Wrong Turn, Pet Sematary and SO MANY other horror films. I also love comedies such as What About Bob?, Napolean Dynamite, Mrs. Doubtfire, Office Space and the Chevy Chase 'Vacation' movies.
E.R., The Addams Family, A Haunting, Mad About You, Party Of Five, Mythbusters, Charmed, Comedy Central Presents and documentaries on ghosts, spirits and the paranormal.
Fangoria Magazine