Myspace Layouts at / black and green
Myspace Layouts at / black and green
Anyone who is like minded and interested in the things that I am into. Anyone who I can learn from. People who have great stories. Stephen King, Bruce Campbell, William Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Marilyn Monroe, Iggy Pop, Henry Rollins, Jay and Grant from TAPS, Quentin Tarantino, George Romero, Rob Zombie, David Bowie, M. Night Shymalan, Sam Raimi, Wes Anderson, Robert DeNiro, Marc Bolan, Ernest Thesinger, Tobe Hooper, Tod Browning, James Whale, Colin Clive, Elsa Lanchester, Lon Chaney, St. Germain, Bram Stoker, Sid Haig, Gunnar Hanson, Cameron Crowe, Drew Barrymore, Bela Lugosi, Mary Shelley, Boris Karloff, George Lucas, Ken Foree, Bill Moseley, Steve Irwin, Maila Nurmi, Jacques Cousteau, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, Roddy McDowell, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Johnny Cash, Alice Cooper, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, Jessie MisKelley, Elizabeth I, Princess Diana, Henry VIII and his wives, Joss Whedon, this list could go on forever.