There is a Universal energy and spirit that links each and every one of us. This connection is something we call the Universal Nexus. There are many different meanings of the word “nexus,†including connection, relation, arrangement, linkage, center and focus. All these definitions work well for the collected spirit and energy of the Universe and our relationship with this rhythm and mystery of life.
“At the heart of each of us, whatever our imperfections, there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm, a complex of wave forms and resonances, which is absolutely individual and unique, and yet which connects us to everything in the Universe,†said George Leonard, philosopher, editor and writer.
“All beings are encompassed within one all-encompassing great energy," said Mumon Ekai (1183-1260), Zen master. "So I understood from the coolness of this morning’s passing breeze.â€
If you could look close enough, if you had a highly advanced microscope, you would see that everything in the Universe is energy. If you could put your hand under that microscope, you would see it. If you could put your shirt sleeve under that same microscope, you would also see it, a mass of vibrating energy. Every object and all matter, living or not, is energy. That might be a little inconsistent with what many of us remember from science class. Most of us learned that tiny particles called atoms are the building blocks of everything, of all matter and mass.
But most scientists will tell you that all atoms are in constant motion, and that if you could look even closer through that microscope, you would see even smaller particles such as electrons, protons and neutrons, each one in some form or state of movement. All that movement and motion is energy.
Albert Einstein theorized it in 1905... E=mc2. His famous equation demonstrates that energy (E) is equivalent with matter (mass m). So thanks to Einstein and other scientists, we know that matter and energy are interchangeable, that energy really does appear to be everything. It seems that science has proven that, when you look close enough, everything in the Universe is energy.
“There’s the Universe, our galaxy, our planet, and then individuals, and then inside of this body are organ systems, then cells, then molecules, and then atoms," Said Dr. Ben Johnson, teacher and doctor. "And then there is energy. So there are a lot of levels to think about, but everything in the Universe is energy.â€
“You are energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed," said Rhonda Byrne, producer, director and author. "Energy just changes form. And that means you. The true essence of you, the pure energy of you, has always been and always will be. You can never not be.â€
Many of you have seen Rhonda Byrne's DVD "The Secret," or you may have read her book on the same subject. She says the pure essence of us, of you and me, is the energy of life, Universal energy, and that this eternal energy makes all of us spiritual beings. We are all energy and energy connects us to everything in the world, in the Universe. We are connected and linked to the one infinite power that is the Universe, and this power and energy is the focus and center of the Universe, the Universal Nexus.
“All energy vibrates at a frequency," added Byrne. "Being energy, you also vibrate at a frequency, and what determines your frequency at any time is whatever you are thinking and feeling.â€
Using a frequency based on our feelings, and whether we realize it or not, we send all our thoughts out to the Universal Nexus. Our thoughts are formulated by what we think about, what we see, what we say, what we do, and how we act and feel. Every word we speak, every action we take, and every thought we think, conscious or subconscious, affects the Universe and everything and everybody in it. Not only do we create the Universe, but the Universe creates us, affecting everybody and everything.
“Quantum mechanics confirms it," said Dr. John Hagelin, quantum physicist, educator and public policy expert. "Quantum cosmology confirms it. That the Universe essentially emerges from thought and all of this matter around us is just precipitated thought. Ultimately we are the source of the Universe.â€
“Quantum Physics really begins to point to this discovery," said Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, theoretical physicist, writer and lecturer. "It says that you can’t have a Universe without mind entering into it, and that the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived.â€
“You go to a quantum physicist and you say, ‘What creates the world?’ And he or she will say, ‘Energy.’ Well, describe energy. ‘OK, it can never be created or destroyed, it always was, always has been, everything that ever existed always exists, it’s moving into form, through form and out of form.’ You go to a theologian and ask the question, ‘What created the Universe?’ And he or she will say, ‘God.†OK, describe God. ‘Always was and always has been, never can be created or destroyed, all that ever was, always will be, always moving into form, through form and out of form.’ You see, it’s the same description, just different terminology,†James Ray added.
The Universe corresponds to our predominant thoughts and mental attitude. Like attracts like. So we attract what we think about most. We become what we think about most. But in order to attract what we want and desire, we must believe and have faith. Faith is one of the most important ingredients to the entire process. There are many ways to obtain faith, but religion is the most popular and probably the most efficient avenue.
Religions can help you find your way, but you don’t have to be religious to feel the joy and happiness of life, to fully live the life experience. The key is to become spiritual and to connect with the Universal Nexus. Although they are not absolutely necessary, religions can help inspire your soulful energies and build your spiritual power.
“Religion is one of the most important forces in the world," said Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid activist and politician. "Whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew, or a Hindu, religion is a great force, and it can help one have command of one's own morality, one's own behavior, and one's own attitude.â€
Religion can also help one have command of one’s own thoughts. What path is chosen really doesn’t matter as long as it leads to positive thought, behavior and attitude, and as long as it doesn‘t block other chosen paths.
“Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged," said Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi (1207-1273), Islamic Sufi mystic and poet.
Many define the Universe as God and believe there is only one God. If that‘s the case, then God must be one spiritual Universal power with many faces. We follow God in many different ways and call God by many different names… Mother Earth, Father Sky, God of all creation, the Great Spirit, the Universal Nexus, all is one, one is all. It doesn’t really matter what the spiritual power and energies of the Universe is called, just know, believe and have faith that it truly exists.
“What is this power I cannot say. All I know is that it exists,†said Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), inventor and scientist.
This spiritual power begins with right positive thought. Look deep inside and find what makes you happy, what makes you feel good. Find your passion, find you joy, find your bliss and live it.
“Find something that feels good, that resonates with your heart,†said Dr. John Gray, Ph.D., author.
Do the things you love and transmit your positive thoughts and visions of happiness into the Universe with all your might. At the same time, stay away from negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Don’t use negative words and remember, what you resist persists. Ask yourself often how you are feeling. If you find yourself with negative emotions, change the frequency immediately. Find something to make you smile or laugh. Look at your “Smile†album, go over your list of happy events and occasions, or find something to celebrate. Choose to celebrate life.
One of the most positive ways to celebrate is with humor. Negative thoughts cannot live in the vicinity of laughter. The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed. Start today by renting comedy classics from your video store, borrowing humorous books from the library, attending comedy clubs, watching comics on TV and exchanging jokes with family members, friends and coworkers. If you are visiting someone in the hospital, consider bringing funny greeting cards and humorous books instead of flowers. Humor is great medicine.
Laughter may be the best medicine, but love heals all. Love is the most powerful force within the Universe, so wrap every thought in love. The greater love you feel and emit, the greater spiritual power you are harnessing. When you show and feel love you are in complete and utter harmony with the Universe, with the Web of Life.
“A mystic sees beyond the illusion of separateness into the intricate Web of Life in which all things are expressions of a single whole," said Dr. Joan Borysenko, PhD, scientist, psychologist, author and inspirational speaker. "You can call this web God, the Tao, the Great Spirit, the Infinite Mystery, Mother or Father, but it can be known only as love.â€
The best way to find love and to share love, is to love yourself first. Fill up with self love, overflow with self love. What spills over surrounds you with love, enhances the feelings of love, is shared with others and attracts the love of others.
“To acquire love… fill yourself up with it until you become a magnet,†said Charles Haanel (1866-1949), author and businessman.
Love, along with gratitude and positive thought, helps you harness the spiritual power of the Universe, to manifest what it is you want and desire, to bring happiness into your life. There are three steps to help you connect to the Universal Nexus and to achieve your intentions… Asking, Believing and Receiving. You first must decide exactly what it is you want and then ask the Universe for it, ask only once. Then you must believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it is possible for you, and believe and have faith it will happen. And then to receive your desire, visualize already having it, already enjoying it, and feel good about it, feel the feelings of already having it and show appreciation for already having it. Finally, release it to the Universe, have unwavering faith and trust the Universe will figure out how to manifest it into your life.
We know, believe and have faith in the Universal Nexus, that our positive right thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions communicate our desires to the Universe, and that the Universe will deliver and manifest what we want, what we need to be happy, every time. This connection and harmony with the Universal Nexus is happiness.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony,†said Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), political and spiritual leader.
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