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Rachel's Challenge
You never know how far a little compassion can go. You just might start a chain reaction
Don't water your weeds.
~Harvey Mackay
The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.
~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
When you are inspired...dormant forces, faculties, and talents come alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.
~ Patanjali (approx. 400 B.C.)
Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world.
~Peter Drucker
In the stillness of your own Presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as the un manifested life that animates your physical form.
~Eckhart Tolle
The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal. It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals… and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.
Finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some shape or other, always exist.
- Benjamin Franklin
Were an Asiatic to ask me for a definition of Europe, I should be forced to answer him: It is that part of the world which is haunted by the incredible delusion that man was created out of nothing, and that his present birth is his first entrance into life.
- Arthur Schopenhauer, 19th century German philosopher
It's so silly. All you do is get the heck out of your body when you die. My gosh, everybody's done it thousands of times. Just because they don't remember, it doesn't mean they haven't done it.
~J D Salinger
Our normal expectations about reality are created by a social consensus. We are taught how to see and understand the world. The trick of socialization is to convince us that the descriptions we agree upon define the limits of the real world. What we call reality is only one way of seeing the world, a way that is supported by social consensus.
- Carlos Castaneda
Global Village Statistics
If we could reduce the population of the Earth to only 100 individuals while keeping the existing proportion of distribution of all the existing nations this would be the breakdown:57 people would be from Asia, 21 from Europe, 14 from Americas (North, Central, and South), 8 from Africa.52 people would be male, 46 female, 30 would be white, 70 would be of other races, 30 would be Christian, 70 of other religions, 79 heterosexuals, 21 homosexuals.6% of people would own 59% of the riches of the entire world and all 6 would be from the United States.80 people would live in unsanitary conditions, 40 would be illiterate, 50 would be hungry, 1 would be dying, 1 would be born.2 would own a computer, and 1, only 1, would be highly educated.When you look at the world from this perspective, the need for ACCEPTANCE, FORGIVENESS, and UNDERSTANDING is more than obvious.
From the teachings of Eckhart Tolle:
1. You are not your thoughts. You are the awareness behind the thoughts. Thoughts are often negative and painful, yearning for or fearing something in the future, complaining about something in the present or fearing a matter from the past. However, the thoughts are not you; they are a construct of the ego. Awareness of your thoughts without being caught up in them is the first step to freedom.
2. Only the present moment exists. That is where life is (indeed it is the only place life can truly be found). Becoming aware of the 'now' has the added benefit that it will draw your attention away from your (negative) thoughts. Use mindfulness techniques to fully appreciate your surroundings and everything you are experiencing. Look and listen intently. Give full attention to the smallest details.
3. Accept the present moment. It is resistance to the present moment that creates most of the difficulties in your life. However, acceptance does not mean that you cannot take action to rectify the situation you are in. What is important is to drop resistance so that you let the moment be, and that any action arises from deeper awareness rather than from resistance. The vast majority of pain in a person's life comes from resistance to what is.
4. Observe the pain-body. Years of conditioned thought patterns, individually and collectively, have resulted in habitual emotional reactions with an apparent personality of their own. During 'pain-body attacks' we become completely identified with this 'pain identity' and respond from its agenda—which is to create more pain for ourselves and others. Observing the pain-body is awareness itself arising—as it allows humans to separate from this unconscious identification with pain.
“In the face of adversity, uncertainty and conflicting sensory information,
I hereby pledge to remain ever mindful of the magical, infinite, loving reality
I live in. A reality that conspires tirelessly in my favor.
"I further recognize, that living within space and time, as a Creation amongst my Creations, is the ultimate Adventure, because thoughts become things, dreams come true, and all things remain forever possible.
"As a Being of Light, I hereby resolve to live, love and be happy, at all costs, no matter what, with reverence and kindness for All. So be it!â€
~ Mike Dooley
The Four Agreements
1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
~ Don Miguel Ruiz ~