World Peace Records NMRK profile picture

World Peace Records NMRK

Read more about their music and peace

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This World Peace Records web site has been seen all over the world and promotes a select few bands and musicians in the united states so far.
Music by Kelly McClain, lyrics by Kelly & Carla Taylor. NMRK won the 1st ballot vote in the Grammies in "Best song of the year" Category in 2007. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo was written for complete happiness, and dedicated to World Peace & Kosen Rufu. May it help in our journey to free this world of all the negativity that we see and hear. David Freiberg and Linda Imperial of Jefferson Starship & Quicksilver Messenger Service mastered, sang on the chorus and co-produced. Roberta Donnay, Kurt Huget on lead guitar, Daria, Ro Rigney, Teri Keyser, Bonnie Hunter performed on the chorus.
Ready for love br
Hip hop artist Jay of AcTiVe KnoCkOuTZ
This is active band out of the mid-western States. Known from their video about 9-11, Katrina and other problems around the world. Titled World War III
From the myspace website: The true Buddha-Nichiren Daishonin
I believe in a cause for the human revolution. This is a process of inner transformation that centers on the idea that the causes we make through our thoughts, words, and actions have influences that extend beyond our immediate context and affect the complexity of all life. Through undergoing our own inner revolution, we awaken to the responsibility we each have for our own circumstances and for our own environment. This inner transformation will lead us to take the actions that bring about personal fulfillment and help us to contribute to the harmony and healthy development of society. This lays in the belief that all things in the realm of humanity and nature are dependent upon each other for their existence and nothing can exist in isolation. In the 13th century, I revealed the truth hidden behind the teachings of the Lotus Sutra- Shakyamuni's highest teaching. I believe the workings of the universe are an expression of a single principle or Law- Nam-myho-renge-kyo, the title and essence of the Lotus Sutra. By putting their lives in rhythm with this Law, individuals can unlock their hidden potential- the Buddha nature- and achieve creative harmony with the environment. This Buddhism is a vehicle for individual empowerment- that is, individuals have within themselves the power to transform the inevitable sufferings of life into happiness and to be a positive influence in the community.
Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a Buddhist association with more than 12 million members in 190 countries and territories worldwide. For SGI members, Buddhism is a practical philosophy of individual empowerment and inner transformation that enables people to develop themselves and take responsibility for their lives. As lay believers and "engaged Buddhists," SGI members strive in their everyday lives to develop the ability to live with confidence, to create value in any circumstances and to contribute to the well-being of friends, family and community. The promotion of peace, culture and education is central to SGI's activities.
This myspace site is not sponsored, sanctioned, or approved by the Soka Gakkai International. It is intended do be a portal for users of the myspace community to network with each other and learn more about SGI.
KGM [email protected]
Web page by World Peace Records
[email protected]
©2008 All Rights Reserved World Peace Records

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Member Since: 3/31/2006
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Sounds Like: This video is awesome. It was created by Ex. Lt. Rita Gangwani and put on She is from India. Very moving, great pics and great meaning.

World War III by Activeknockoutz
Record Label: World Peace Records
Type of Label: None