I'd like to meet:
The Prophet Muhammad(SAW),Jesus(SAW),Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Kwame Toure (Stokely Carmichael), Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Shaykh Amadou Bamba, Marcus Garvey, John Brown
Don't Vote for Bush
*GRAPHIC WARNING*Some of the much publicized iraqi detainee abuse pictures are shown, as well as wounded knee and lynching in the american south.Towards the end of the film.
Lebanon War
War in Lebanon
Gang Violence
Gang Violence
What We Saw
Home video of the Twin Towers collapse
Worlds Largest Nuke Explosion
Nuke detonated by the Russians for testing.
Atomic Bomb Test
This is an A-Bomb or Atomic Bomb test detonated in 1953 from the atomic cannon. The yield was approximately the same as the bomb detonated over Hiroshima Japan.