George W Tom profile picture

George W Tom

The War Tom

About Me

How I Make Money from War
My Family Photo Album
My Spooky Cemetery Story

Click the Bobblehead

My Interests

War, Talking about Religion, Saying "Nucular" so that dumb people will know they can identify with me

I'd like to meet:

The question should be, who do I want to pretend I didn't meet? Like Peter the Apostle, I have denied knowing many of the people who helped me get where I am today. Ken Lay, for example. Jack Abramoff . Jeff Gannon. The list goes on and on.


I refuse to listen to any music composed or performed by artists who don't support the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive war against nations that never harmed us and didn't plan to.


United 93, The Passion of the Christ


ESPN, and sometimes Biography. The only news I watch is Fox News, but I'm not real big on watching the news. Too much opinion.


I've usually got a book with me when I'm walking from the White House to Air Force one, but I don't actually do much reading. Kind of a prop.


My daddy. My brother Jeb. Harriet Myers. Bob Novak. Sean Hannity . Others I can't mention because they've been disgraced but I still love 'em. Just can't say their names. They know who they are...(hope you're enjoying South America, Kenny Boy!)

My Blog

The Path to 911

THEPATH TO 911   For the real story of John O'Neill, click here...
Posted by George W Tom on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 08:52:00 PST

Check out my pics

I put up some good ones from my vacation last summer, which got cut a little short due to some problems they were having down in the Gulf of Mexico.
Posted by George W Tom on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 12:10:00 PST