War, Talking about Religion, Saying "Nucular" so that dumb people will know they can identify with me
The question should be, who do I want to pretend I didn't meet? Like Peter the Apostle, I have denied knowing many of the people who helped me get where I am today. Ken Lay, for example. Jack Abramoff . Jeff Gannon. The list goes on and on.
I refuse to listen to any music composed or performed by artists who don't support the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive war against nations that never harmed us and didn't plan to.
United 93, The Passion of the Christ
ESPN, and sometimes Biography. The only news I watch is Fox News, but I'm not real big on watching the news. Too much opinion.
I've usually got a book with me when I'm walking from the White House to Air Force one, but I don't actually do much reading. Kind of a prop.
My daddy. My brother Jeb. Harriet Myers. Bob Novak. Sean Hannity . Others I can't mention because they've been disgraced but I still love 'em. Just can't say their names. They know who they are...(hope you're enjoying South America, Kenny Boy!)