Politics, home technology, snowboarding, stock market and having fun with my friends.
This rug really
ties my page together;
does it not, Dude?
From left to right:
Will Hull, Aaron Kern and Chris Syn
Tell me, where did the bad man touch you...
Anything but Country
Here is a song that is completely true about my home town, it even mentions the suburb I grew up in--Sun Valley, NV
Proud of Reno - Lt. Dangle
The Matrix (for its philosophical questions), Tombstone (idn't that a peach), Good Will Hunting (I wouldn't be in the relationship I am in without its advice)
There is no spoon ..
The West Wing (too bad it was cancelled), ER (some damn good drama)
The Matrix and Philosophy, Jim Cramer's Real Money, The Grapes of Wrath, Anything by Kurt Vonnegut, good philosophy books, political books and some others I haven't thought of just yet.
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My Fiancé
she pushes me to do what I normally wouldn't do. I am ever so thankful for that and I don't think I could give back to her, what she has given me. She is the most beautiful, inspiring, and understanding person in my life. I wouldn't be who I am right now without her. How I love her so...