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the truth hurts.

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Just in the past two years, there have been two great earthquakes that have devastated populated areas and many other smaller ones that have also done great damage, the Amazon has virtually dried up, the Arctic has begun to melt, the Greenland and Antarctic ice caps have become unstable, and the weather has turned into a complex monster.What is so interesting about this is that our planet is not the only one in the solar system that appears to be affected. There have been signs of unusual weather on Saturn, and Mars appears to be experiencing polar cap decline not dissimilar to our own.Now a scientific paper has been published suggesting that increased solar activity over the past decade has resulted in the sun contributing anywhere from ten to thirty percent of the additional heat that's going into global warming.In fact, it doesn't just suggest this, it goes a long way toward proving it. This will be taken by some people to mean that we needn't bother about global warming because it's the sun's fault. But, of course, it's not ALL the sun's fault and we can and must do something about the part that's our fault. The truth is that the added impact of solar heating makes the problem incredibly urgent. This planet's whole natural process is about to go into chaos, and when it does potentially billions of us are going to die, and the most vulnerable areas are the United States, Europe and China, so we Americans cannot expect to sit on the sidelines while the rest of the world suffers for our sins.Anybody who doesn't burn to do something about the global warming problem is insane, and leaders who won't address it are in the process right now of committing the greatest crime against humanity that history has ever known.When I worked on Superstorm, there were no models that factored in increased heating from the sun. But it's there all right, and therein lies the making of a catastrophe not unlike that prophesied as the end of the age, according to Jose Arguelles, by Pacal Votan, a Mayan ruler of the sixth century A.D.I am beginning to see around me evidence that this man's prophecy was correct. Why that would be so is another matter entirely, and one that I cannot address except with speculation, but I can say that, if things keep deteriorating at the present rate, there are going to be environmental disasters of unprecedented ferocity in a few years, and I would not be surprised if they weren't upon us right around 2012.There is no question at all that an age is coming to its end right now. In the past couple of years, the problems have become so obvious that they are very hard to ignore. The sun is more active than it has been in a thousand years. The magnetic pole is showing signs of a shift. Storms are becoming more frequent and catastrophic. Human pressure on the planet's natural functioning is rapidly overwhelming its ability to stay alive. Earth is dying.And then there are the earthquakes and the subtle suggestions that great volcanic events might be impending. There are things nobody really understands, such as the hot spot east of Santa Barbara, California, and the signs of activity beneath some of the world's supervolcanoes.The earthquakes are the strangest phenomenon. Why are they happening now? Are they in some way related to solar activity? If so, it's not something that our own science understands. We even have trouble understanding if there is a connection between earthquakes that take place in close time proximity but on unrelated faults.There was a book published some years ago called Hamlet's Mill that suggested that much ancient symbolism was an attempt to warn the far future that earth every so often, perhaps on a regular cycle of about 12,500 years, went into a state of chaos.Subsequent to the publication of this book, we have come to know that there was a complex series of cataclysms on this planet around 12,500 years ago, that led to the collapse of the world's then extensive glaciation and the beginning of the interglacial in which we have spent our entire recorded history.There is all sort of evidence, commented upon by many authors, notably Rand and Rose Flem-Ath and Graham Hancock, to the effect that some sort of past civilization, advanced in ways that are hard for us to apprehend, was utterly destroyed during this time.Sea levels rose fantastically during the glacial melt, and they rose fast, increasing hundreds of feet over just a few centuries. Nowadays, we live in what would have been the highlands of that period. Gigantic stretches of land that were present in those days now are gone. And there are suggestions, here and there, that there might be inundated cities and other structures, now far from land. But underwater archaeology is in its infancy, and geology has not produced more than a rough idea of where shorlines lay during the last glaciation. Add to that the probability that earthquakes have further altered landforms, and the chances of proveably detecting any unquestionable remains of even quite a large civilization become remote.Nevertheless, in memory and in prophecy, we do have indications that this civilization was once there, and that it has tried to send warning forward.We are living in the time it identified as the next age of chaos, and we would do well to acknowledge that fact as they did in their time, in order to do what they did, which is to project some remnant of what we have accomplished and what wisdom we have gained forward into the next human age.It is fair to ask, then, what is to be done? I'm not a survivalist and I'm not going to recommend the purchase of flashlights and seeds. Time and chance will capture us all, and it will be a matter of luck and the moving finger on the wall who survives and who does not.Best that we humbly acknowledge that, somehow, the past had possession of extremely potent knowledge. It's demonstrable: Mayan texts do identify 2012 as an epochal year; and the environment is disintegrating in ways that suggest that this prediction, made over a thousand years ago by a man who didn't even have use of the wheel, is perhaps the most potent human idea formed in all of our history. If he is correct, then it's not difficult to argue that his was the best mind that ever lived, at least during this particular cycle.For nearly three million years, earth has been rocked by climactic instability. The periodic nature of ice ages suggests that the sun heats up over a vast cycle of thousands of years, causing the release of greenhouse gasses through natural means, resulting in a spike in air temperature that violently melts the ice and ushers in another interglacial when the sun suddenly changes and cools down again.This gigantic solar cycle must exist now, but it has not always existed. Actually, the earth has spent huge, unimaginably long epochs in a condition of stability unlike anything we have known across the entire history of our development. During many of these periods, there were no polar caps, and life evolved slowly, impelled by the competition for living space into the myriad of forms and survival strategies that we see around us today.For the past three million years, though, the opposite has been true. The continuous cycle of cooling and heating that the planet is now undergoing has wrought havoc in nature. The number of species has been in decline for that entire period, and has just now reached the peak of the bell curve. We will see a phenomenal dieoff in the next few years, a massive collapse in the number of life forms on the planet.The extinction event that created us, in other words, is about to challenge our very existence.It's not as if it hasn't happened before. In fact, every time there was a gigantic climate change, the primates reacted by adapting themselves anew to changed conditions. Were it not for the instability of the present situation, we would never have become an intelligent species.Now, that intelligence must be called upon again, to get us through to the next period of relative calm. During this period, we will leave behind virtually everything we now understand as civilization. The consumer society will be the first to go, a victim of overpopulation and our failure to address the need to find new energy sources early enough. With it will go the United States as superpower. We are already in the last phases of that: like the British Empire in 1910, our country is overwhelmed with debt and beginning to treat the restless in its client states with extraordinary brutality. Next will be some cataclysm, perhaps the unexpected collapse of Saudi oil or the detonation of atomic bombs in our cites or a great plague--who knows what it will be--but on the other side of it, the world will no longer be dominated by a superpower.At the same time and consequent to the fall of the superpower, will come a period of climate change so rapid that growing seasons worldwide will be disrupted at the same time that the large scale movement of food around the planet becomes problematic due to a lack of energy resources. This is likely to mean sickness and famine on a very broad scale, especially in areas that are not self sufficient in food.It's not a pretty picture, and the failure of human leadership worldwide just at the time when creative innovation at the top was most essential has condemned us to vast suffering.So, why don't I just go ahead and fall on my sword or put a gun to my head?Because I am optimistic about the future, and I have good reason to be.At the same time that all of these negative forces are gathering and arraying themselves against us like some kind of dark army of invincible soldiers with the monstrous weapons of the apocalypse, all aimed straight at our hearts, the mind of man is responding in ways that are so far beyond what we presently realize that they beggar description.However, we are on a collision course with two destinies: the planet is about to throw us off like a horse switching its tail at a persisten dobson fly, while at the same time we are on the point of making a series of phenomenal scientific breakthroughs that may finally take the mind in the direction it has been trying to go ever since we looked up and saw the stars, which is outside of the body, into the surrounding world and universe, into total knowledge, total freedom and a future so fantastic that what we will be in fifty years will be so radically different from what we are now that we will be all but unrecognizable to ourselves.If we live.This has happened before. During the latter stages of the dinosaur age, the climate entered an unstable phase as well, which lasted about three million years before a the great cataclysm that delivered the coup de grace. During this time, the number of dinosaur species gradually declined, and highly intelligent--by dinosaur standards--new species such as Struthomimus--evolved. This fast, smart little beast came about as a response to a consistently challenging climate.In modern (by geologic standards) times, the mammals responded to our own climate challenge by evolving another highly intelligent species--us. But we're a much better contender than Stuthomimus, and for a very specfic reason: we are intelligent enough and informed enough to induce further, even more rapid evolution in ourselves, and perhaps save ourselves and even our civilization, from the coming upheaval.Indeed, I don't believe that a changing environment is actually our greatest enemy. Our greatest enemy is a part of nature that lies concealed within us. It is the death wish that arises out of excessive population pressure. This death wish began to be triggered a long time ago, in the middle of the eighteenth century, when a restlessness swept europe as cities grew in population, crowding and filthiness. By the middle of the nineteenth century, there had been two major revolutions, the French in the 1780s and the upheaval of the 1840s. In the United States in the 1860s, the first war of population destruction was fought. And then, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the firing of a single bullet into the brain of an archduke in Bosnia turned on a killing machine that we had invented in the form of the European arms race that had unfolded from 1890 through 1914.That killing machine, started by that single bullet, has never since been turned off. It is directly responsible for the rise of communism and Naziism and the massive avalanche of death that they brought to this world. Indeed, I could take you, event by event, from that bullet to the latest death in Iraq and show you just how direct and unbroken that chain really is.I could take you, also, through the wicked hell of opposing ideologies that keep the machine running, and show you how a larger sense of enmity, expressed again and again as a desire to enter one utopian condition or another, has been threatening man from within even as the environment threatens us from without.But this is not a history lesson. It is about what lies ahead, because the machinery of death might at last coming to pieces, and, if it does, then the human mind is going to spring free, and there will be wonders.A confluence of scientific discoveries holds almost immeasurable promise for us. We are in the position, probably for the first time in any of the cycles we have lived through, of taking possession of our own evolution, and therefore also of the nature that now controls our lives with its dangers, its arbitrary cycles, and its indifferent casting of species after species down into death.Biological and informational technologies are about to come together in ways that are beyond startling, that suggest that we may finally leap free of the bondage of the death wish and all the silly superstitions and ideologies that flow out of it, from the myth of the good communist to the myth of the superman to the myth of the free market, to leave it all behind, and along with it the religious and social superstitions that drive our ideologies on the ash-heap of failed ideas and false gods.As our ability to create ever more dense information nodes is increasing exponentially, so also is our ability to deliver information to the brain, and to alter ourselves in ways that enable us to process it with greater efficiency.And this is only one of many areas in which science is progressing toward the exact sort of post-apocalyptic human state that has been prophesied, that we will reach superconciousness even as the world falls apart around us.It turns out that our approaching this state isn't connected with some sort of magic at all, any more than the spirit hole through which Pacal Votan said that he would speak was woven of an incomprehensible magic. Just as ordinary science is going to make the magic of the superconscious human being a reality, it was that hole that enabled archaeologists to discover Pacal Votan's tomb, and bring his existence back to light.Magic, when you understand it, is no longer magic, and we are rapidly reaching the ideal human condition, which is one in which the average person is too smart to believe in the deadly superstitions and ideologies that claw at us like evil trolls trying to prevent us from fulfilling our destiny, which is to take flight and fill the universe with human mind, human spirit and human being.If we live...
my music space is .. .................. ......................An imagination is a powerful tool. It can tint memories of the past, shade perceptions of the future so vivid that it can entice... or terrify, all depending upon how we conduct ourselves today... -- Chad William Alijia Russ. (me)
We are the stars. I don't know if you can comprehend that.
The Truth Of Our Loss Of Liberty. And history thereof.

12/21/2012: Most Terrible Day
The day of a significant pole shift, such as will occur on this next passage of the 12th Planet, is one no human on Earth will be able to ignore. For most, it will be a most terrible day.

    Those who have had no forewarning will be no worse off then those who have heard rumors but been unable to make changes in their life to prepare. In fact, having no forewarning will almost be a blessing for those unable to prepare, as in this way they will not agonize over choices made. Those who have prepared will be in a state of high anxiety, imagining the worst. Regardless of whether a human realizes what is about to happen but has been unable to take themselves to safety, or has no realization, the effect is the same. They wait for what is to come next. As we have described, this waiting can take the form of distractions such as parties or denial such as continuing with the daily routine as though everything were normal, but for most this waiting is a type of breath holding. They are in shock, from the time they realize that the Earth has stopped rotating until the pole shift, they are essentially in shock, for days.
    For those along coast lines, the hour when the Earth's crust moves along with the core to its new position is not the time of trauma until the Earth's core and crust stop. It is then that massive tidal waves roll slowly up into the coastal areas, first on one side of a body of water and then, later when the water sloshes back, on the other side. Both tides are equally as devastating. Being on high ground along a coast line is no safety factor if the water has nowhere to go, as the press of water behind the wave head will force the water up when meeting a barrier, so one is flooded anyway. Riding the wave results in being dashed against barriers, and allowing the wave to engulf one is a certain drowning, fortunately a painless death. Thus, those along the coast lines die from tidal waves, almost invariably, if they are not dead already.
    .. MEFor those inland beyond the reach of tidal waves, the earthquakes are devastating. All but the flimsiest of housing is wrenched so violently that it collapses, crushing and trapping those inside. Those inside tents or straw huts will find themselves, along with their housing, jerked sideways, but aside from scrapes and bruises, relatively unharmed. Lying on the ground during this time is in and of itself a protection, as friction along the ground prevents one from being hurled. In the cities, structures collapse, creating the scenario seen after major earthquakes in the extreme, everywhere. The injured die from lack of treatment and the living soon sicken from drinking sewage contaminated water, and with transportation blocked on all sides, starvation soon takes its toll as well...
    Those living on subducting plates that border the oceans will find themselves covered with a depth of ocean water that they cannot resist. They will surely drown. Those situated where rapid subduction occurs on areas above sea level may themselves on hot earth during the moments following a pole shift when the crust stops moving and the plates in essence slam into each other like a train whose engine suddenly comes to a stop. Here height helps, as the greater the distance from where friction between the crusts is creating heat, the better. The heat can be great enough to melt rock, as witnesses who have survived such terrifying sights attest. Volcanoes, active and inactive, will explode violently, covering the surrounding areas in raining rock and dust and superheating the air so that all life nearby is extinguished in a wink.
    Lightning and firestorms from falling walls of flaming petrochemicals, formed during the interaction of gasses with volcanic heat and continuous lightning, cannot be predicted. They can happen world wide, and as with the hurricane force winds are a factor of the atmosphere, not the land mass. Where they are rare, these firestorms are devastating, and burn all beneath the falling wall of flame in a holocaust. The horrified victims have little chance to even realize what is happening before they are engulfed and lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. As with spontaneous human combustion, the victim is unconscious during the burning process. Protection from this rare chance of devastation is best attained by sheltering under a metal roof, which will not burn.
  • In rural areas survivors find themselves dealing less with the collapse of civilization than with climate changes. At first, stores are eaten until gone, and then real concern about the inability to grow crops sets in. Will the Sun never shine through the clouds? More than any other reason, this is what causes pole shift survivors to wander - they are seeking a land where the sun shines as it used to, sure that they are simply on the wrong side of the Earth for some reason. Starvation soon has survivors eating everything in sight, chewing on old leather, eating the branches of dead trees, but still the gnawing hunger continues. Death by starvation is also relatively painless, as a stupor sets in. The mind is dulled and languor envelopes the human, who is essentially asleep when death comes.

  • Post 2012: New Geography

    After the pole shift the Earth begins rotating again, with its new poles in the same relative position to the Solar System as today. In other words, whatever part of the Earth is North, magnetically, after the shift, will become the new North Pole. The pole shift, with consequent realignment of the poles, will place the New Equator over formerly frozen lands. Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Europe will be affected by the new equator. This will not mean that these areas will be lush, right away. The temperate zones, not all that lush to begin with, will find themselves after the cataclysms in a warm state, but with little vegetation. Past cataclysms have regularly rearranged the Earth's geography and climate zones, as the Earth attests. The continents, once one large land mass, were torn apart, temperate or tropical areas suddenly freezing up and covering over with ice and snow that never melts, and frozen wastelands gradually melting and warming to sustain life once again. Mountains in mountain building areas were pushed higher and subducting plates were suddenly slid under the overplate.

    While the land rearranges the oceans slosh about but eventually settle into the lower areas. Coastal spots that had formerly been above the water line may now be under the waves, and likewise plates that had been submerged may now be dry land. How much land pokes above the waves depends on how deep and wide the ocean rifts are, but historically the land mass in total has remained the same. Continents do not disappear, but plates abutting continents or close to the ocean surface may rise and fall, depending on the plate action around the site and elsewhere around the globe. If plate action thrusts formerly submerged land out from under the sea, then the settling oceans have less area to settle into and consequently beaches worldwide may rise. Likewise, a sudden yaw in a mid-ocean rift may cause beaches worldwide to drop, but inevitably the yaw is matched by a crunch elsewhere, where land will subduct.

    After a pole shift the former poles invariably melt and soften while the new poles take on layer after layer of ice and snow. This pace is not matched, as polar cap building only stabilizes at a point where evaporation and melting at glacial edges equals the arrival of newly fallen snow after some centuries. In the meantime the Waters Rise worldwide, several hundred feet, and then recede again. This pace is gradual, so that coastal settlements have plenty of time to relocate, an exercise they find they must do repeatedly.

    My Interests


    "Those unaware are unaware of being unaware"


    YAHOO NEWs: 9-11 Was an inside job

    911 Video: Loose Change

    Operation Northwoods - What you should know

    Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?

    Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps

    Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps

    Exxpose EXXON - The MOVIE

    9-11 The Fairy Tale

    View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed

    The Martin Luther King Conspiracy

    9-11 was a LIE

    Halliburton Internal Investigation Finds Talk of Nigerian Bribes

    The Great Seal and Dollar Bill

    Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005

    Secrets of the C.I.A. - FREE video

    What Did Eisenhower Mean When He Warned of a Military Industrial Complex? Take a Look at the Carlyle Group.

    Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism

    Underground Clips

    Depleted Uranium - FREE VIDEO - BEYOND TREASON

    Bush Knew about 9-11



    9/11/01 as the media doesn't want you to see it (WARNING: Very graphic; not antiseptic)

    200+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns'

    Child sex ring that reached Bush Sr's White House.

    9-11 crash victim Barbara Olson arrested in Europe

    Executive Orders And Laws relating to National Emergencies Laws

    Click here to read the Report on the

    Starting World Wars

    More Than 2.5 Million U.S. Kids Medicated for ADHD

    A Visual Look at where your tax dollars go

    Secret Government Research, H.A.A.R.P.

    Shocking Anti-USA video - download takes 15 minutes

    The Truth about 9-11 PENTAGON VIDEO - FREE DOWNLOAD- This is a must see.



    Why You Should Resist the National ID Card

    Spotlight Documentary Codename Artichoke Secret CIA Experiments on Humans

    Army Secret Surfaces: Deadly Chemicals at Sea

    Military Explains News Propaganda in Iraq




    Americans programmed by Coorporate media




    Bush and Cheney - Anti Websites

    More evidence intelligence was fixed

    Galloway blisters U.S. on Iraq - THIS IS GREAT. PLEASE WATCH

    Child abuse movies withheld from the public despite judges demand.

    911 Coverup Movie - Brief introduction into the truth of 9-11

    Help Impeach George Bush Jr. for his warcrimes against humanity, 102,000 dead so far,

    over 200,000 wounded. ..This has to end NOW

    “The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity — much less dissent.
    “Of course, it is possible for any citizen with time to spare, and a canny eye, to work out what is actually going on, but for the many there is not time, and the network news is the only news even though it may not be news at all but only a series of flashing fictions...”
    — Gore Vidal
    The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
    “We paid $3 billion for these television stations. We will decide what the news is. The news is what we tell you it is.”
    — David Boylan
    WTVT station manager
    April 16, 1997
    The two-party system has been utterly homogenized by corrupt money. “The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity — much less dissent. “Of course, it is possible for any citizen with time to spare, and a canny eye, to work out what is actually going on, but for the many there is not time, and the network news is the only news even though it may not be news at all but only a series of flashing fictions...”
    — Gore Vidal
    The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
    “The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them.”
    — Albert Einstein
    letter to Sigmund Freud
    July 30, 1932
    “A world of unseen dictatorship is conceivable, still using the forms of democratic government.”
    — Kenneth Boulding
    University of Michigan
    quoted in The Hidden Persuaders
    “The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology.”
    — Michael Parenti
    Political scientist and author of Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media
    “The U.S. Government spends more than $400,000,000 per year to employ more than 8000 workers to create propaganda favourable to the United States. The result: 90 films per year, twelve magazines in 22 languages, and 800 hours of Voice of America programming in 37 languages with an estimated audience of 75 million listeners — all describing the ‘virtues’ of the American way.”
    — Pratkanis and Aronson
    Age of Propaganda: the everyday use and abuse of persuasion 1992
    “The CIA is not now nor has it ever been a central intelligence agency. It is the covert action arm of the President’s foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting ‘intelligence’ justifying those activities. It shapes its intelligence, even in such critical areas as Soviet nuclear weapons capability, to support presidential policy.
    “Disinformation is a large part of its covert action responsibility, and the American people are the primary target of its lies.”
    — Ralph McGehee
    former CIA intelligence analyst
    Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA
    “The [Central Intelligence] Agency has owned outright more than 240 Media operations around the world, including newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, radio and television stations, and wire services, and has partially controlled many more.”
    — Michael Parenti
    Political scientist and author of Democracy for the Few and Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media
    “The great masses of the people... more easily fall victims to a big lie than a small one.”
    — Adolf Hitler
    Mein Kampf
    “History is a lie agreed upon.”
    — Napoleon
    “Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.”
    — Mark Twain
    The Mysterious Stranger
    “The process [of mass-media deception] has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary.”
    — George Orwell
    in the book 1984
    “One of the intentions of corporate-controlled media is to instill in people a sense of disempowerment, of immobilization and paralysis. Its outcome is to turn you into good consumers. It is to keep people isolated, to feel that there is no possibility for social change.”
    — David Barsamian
    journalist and publisher
    “The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.”
    — Aldous Huxley
    “A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both.
    “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.”
    — James Madison co-author of the United States Constitution now defunct
    “Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear — kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor — with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it...”
    General Douglas Mcaurther
    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
    — H. L. Mencken
    “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.”
    — Herman Goering
    Nazi Air Force (Luftwaffe) commander at the Nuremberg Trials
    “...the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious.
    “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly... it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
    — Joseph Goebbels
    Nazi Propaganda Minister
    “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.”
    — Adolf Hitler
    “Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity... and I’m not sure about the former.”
    — Albert Einstein

    I'd like to meet:

    Jesus Christ, Leonardo Da Vince, Solomon, Harim Abiff, Credo Matwa Zulu Shaman, David Icke Author of 'The Biggest Secret', A wide number of people, credible sources , describing the present era in terms of a 'prophesied return of the gods/Anunnaki'. The notion of a 'prophesied return' in the context of the former Anunnaki presence varies in meaning according to three different perspectives. The first perspective is based simply on the idea of the gods or 'Anunnaki' physically returning to resume a prominent role in influencing human affairs and overseeing the use of resources of the planet. In such a scenario, the first wave of Anunnaki would arrive to create the favorable conditions for the anticipated return of the Anunnaki elite. This would involve the lessor Anunnaki first returning and activating the Sumerian Stargate that would be required for the return of their leaders. Presumably, this would be heralded as a sacred event that should be celebrated by all humanity. The authors, Clive Prince and Lyn Picknett, argue that there has been an identifiable chain of global events involving key religious and political actors preparing humanity for just such a return.(29) (yeah we're all anxious to have more demons and lizards roaming the earth pushing the Antichrist One World Government, New World Order agenda)
    Thus the Anunnaki operated outposts both on Earth and in Space to maintain their control over the planet. Given the strict hierarchy of authority described by Sitchin in his detailed analysis of the Anunnaki and their interactions with one another and humanity, it is likely that the Stargate would have been revered and a subject of awe by the resident Anunnaki and humanity who could only observe its operation but were not allowed to use it themselves. As such, there would have been only a limited number of Stargates around the planet, with the Sumerian Stargate being located in the most important of the ancient Sumerian cities - the most likely being the ancient capital of Uruk, home of the ancient kings, which is located in Southern Iraq. Significantly, after a 12 year lull in excavations, a team of German researchers in 2002 resumed excavations in the buried city of Uruk. Using a magnetometer which is able to detect the presence of man-made objects beneath the soil, and a powerful computer system in Germany, German geophysicists were able to map out the buried structures of the sprawling ancient capital of 5.5 km2 that was where Sumerian civilization began.

    Ancient Star War

    : Introduction
    These days I was studying and tracing the findings of the Cydonia region on Mars and that area was famous for its “Face of the Mars” and the “D&M Pyramid”. Researchers from different sources discovered that there might be an Ancient city buried underneath the sands of that area. The infrared photos that were taken by the Mars Odyssey satellite were similar to the photos taken by one of the Russian probes sent to Mars on 1989. In 1989, this Russian Mars probe took an infrared photo near Elysium region on Mars, and the photo indicating there was a complex but well-constructed lines and patches underneath the sands of that area. When comparing this photo and the Inca city in South America on Earth, researchers found striking and astonishing similarities between the two areas. It provided some evidences to support the hypothesis on the links between Freemasons and Ancient spacefarers.
    With new discoveries from the Mars Odyssey photos and data, some amateur researchers, like Richard Hoagland, suggested that there was a planet collision event happened thousands of years ago. The hypothesis was made from the craters and geology of Mars. I personally thought that the hypothesis may be conclusive and was not merely castle in the air. This also may suggest the elimination of the Ancient civilization long forgotten in our recorded history.
    Back to this essay, I thought I would introduce the recent wars in Iraq and the possible conspiracy behind this war and the hidden agenda of Freemasons. Then I will further introduce the histories of different Ancient civilizations and the links with Freemasons. Last but not least, I will introduce the possible Ancient Star Wars and the similarities among the legends of our ancestors on flood, gods, myths and stories that all pointed to the “Gods from the stars”.

    Ancient Star Wars

    : War in Iraq
    The recent war drew much attention from the media and the public. US and UK insisted attacking Iraq may arouse some questions among the minds of the public. Why ? Why did the US government insist attacking Iraq even the United Nation requested to investigate Iraq longer ? I personally linked this incident to the reestablishment and reclaim of the Babylon and the secrets on the Babel Tower.
    Recently, NASA and Australia government were investigating the possibilities in building a space elevator : an elevator that was built from the ground to the space. This move, they proclaimed, was to reduce the cost in making rockets and fuels for the propellant. Several tests had been conducted by space shuttle and scientists found that if they use C60 as the core component of this elevator, the elevator could be built with enough tension and strength to maintain its infrastructure stable. Scientists already had constructed 100 feet C60 string from the space shuttle and hung to the Earth. The tension is enough for building this structure.
    When I studied deeply on the timeline of this project, Mars discoveries and the location of the Babel Tower, I found some coincidence among these fragments that pointed to the conspiracy of the Freemasons.

    Sphinx, Pyramids and the Babel Tower

    Some people believed that the Sphinx located at the Giza Plateau was built nearly 10,000 years ago. Some hypotheses said that Sphinx and the Pyramids were built before the great flood mentioned in many tribes and scriptures around the world. In India, South America, China, Babylon, Egypt, and Bible, their legends and myths all recorded that there was a great flood happened in the ancient times, where there were only a few people left on the world from this catastrophic event.
    According to Bible, our ancestors wanted to build a tower that can reach the heaven after the flood. When they started to build this tower, God confused the people by creating different dialects among the people and they could not communicate with each other. The tower was left undone and the people started scattering around the world.
    One of the tribes, Egyptians, came to the Nile valley and started their lives. But after the flood, the knowledge in building such masonries was lost. They could only build something similar to the Giza pyramids. If you go to Egypt, you could see different kinds of pyramids scattered along the Nile River. However, only the pyramids in Giza were specially built with advanced mathematics, astrology, and prophecies in its architecture.
    In South America, you could also see different kinds of pyramids. Similar to the Giza pyramids, they were built with supreme knowledge and skills. But where were those skills ? Definitely it lost when the great flood came to this world, and the separation of men in Babel. However, one secret group knew the lost knowledge our ancestors owned, and they are the infamous Freemason.

    Reclaim of the lost knowledge – Crusade

    Some scholars suggested the first recorded appearance of Freemason was in the Bible, when King Hiram sent thousands of workers to help King Solomon to build the first temple to God. Those masons were the masters in building stone structures with mathematics and divine knowledge in it.
    With reference to myths according to Freemasons, they knew the flood would come and destroyed the world. Their scholars marked this destruction in the Sun calendar in Maya pyramid (I will also mentioned the prophesized year of the end of the world by this Mayan Sun calendar later). They also know that they have no time to create any vehicles to save all of its members, so they created two hollow pillars and put all the scrolls and records of their knowledge in these two pillars. These two pillars were later reappeared in the Temple of Solomon. Their names were Jachin and Boaz.
    When the flood came, the pillars were floated on the great waters. After the flood was ended, the pillars were rested near Spain and Portugal. Freemasons reclaimed those records and pillars by finding the information from the markings from the Giza pyramids and buildings near the Middle East (In Iraq now).
    To Be Continued......
    Someone may ask, “How can they recognize those writings ?” When we studied the writings of the ancient civilizations, we could find that they shared some similarities among the alphabets and words, like the one we found in Crete Island, Babylon, Maya, and Bolivia isles.
    The Freemasons studied those scriptures and they wanted to reclaim the knowledge their assenters owned. However, they could not rebuild the structures like Giza pyramids, because some of the knowledge could not be reclaimed. (Some were buried in Mars, and Got will explain further on this issue)
    Along the history, Freemasons were only a group of stone smiths and groups practicing something that other people did not recognize. Freemasons believed that only the selected group of people could share their knowledge. Freemasons’ influences climbed the climax when King Solomon ordered his people to build the Temple of Solomon. And then, the great man in the Freemason history, Hiram Abif, appeared.
    Hiram Abif was a clever man and he learnt much knowledge from the Freemason group. When King Solomon asked King Hiram for help, King Hiram sent this man down to the Jerusalem to build the Temple of Solomon. Among the Freemason group they believed that Hiram Abif knew the name of God and how to pronounce it correctly in order to establish the divine connection. This pronunciation was the greatest secret of mankind, and this knowledge was only achieved by King Solomon, Hiram Abif, and other prophets in Israel. Later in history, the Israeli thought that the name of God was too sacred and they did not pronounce it directly, and no one remember how to pronounce it. The name of God in Hebrew is “YHWH”. However, Some researchers claimed that the pronunciation of God is with the key vowel, “OM”, which this vowel is treated as a sacred and secret voice of the divine, like Buddhism and Hindu. (Please read Willy’s article on Carbon atom, that is a very good article)
    After the completion of the Temple of Solomon, King Solomon found that the secret of the “OM” and other divine knowledge were acquired by this Hiram Abif. In addition, King Solomon discovered that this man knew lots of hidden knowledge before the flood. So he assassinated this man and buried this man in the desert. However, before the Hiram Abif died, he wrote lots of scrolls and buried under the Temple of Solomon.
    After many years, King Solomon worshipped idols with his wife. By legend, he built a great temple for the idols under the Temple of Solomon. However, Freemasons knew that King Solomon was influenced by Masonic knowledge and tried to grasp as much knowledge of the Ancient as possible, so he moved the Ark of the Covenant to his underground temple and studied the scrolls left by Hiram Abif. Later he also added many things to those scrolls.
    Poor enough, one of his wives, Seba, stole the Ark of the Covenant to Africa and was heavily guarded it because of jealousy. She ordered her sons never return the Ark of the Covenant until a proper time and date. So the Ark was protected in Arkasumu in Euphoria now and many practices are still performing in order to remember this event.
    Why I mentioned these records ? It was because it related to the Crusades and the war in Iraq now. But before I explain the relationships between Freemasons and war in Iraq now, I should mention more on the background of Freemasons and why they need to conquer Iraq.
    After a long period of time, Israel was conquered and crushed by Babylon and other countries. The Temple of Solomon and the secrets were destroyed and buried under the sands.
    Then, Muslims emerged. They attacked and conquered the Promised Land. A secret group of people in Muslim, called Saladin, or Assassin, protected the Promised Land with their devoted heart. Freemasons afraid that they would one day discovered the secrets under the Temple. So they insisted the church at that time to form an army called “Crusades” in order to liberate Jerusalem. History said that they also wanted to open a channel of trade between the East and West. However, Crusades were not just liberated Jerusalem as they claimed, but to get the scrolls back to their bases......
    If you're wondering why Masons use the term, that's a completely different question. The term "Great Architect of the Universe" was coined by Reformation theologian John Calvin, who used it several times to refer to God in his book "Institutes of the Christian Religion". Other Calvinist churchmen soon afterward took up the term.
    It was first introduced in Freemasonry in 1724, when the Rev. James Anderson, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England, published the Fraternity's constitutions, along with his personal commentaries. Brother Anderson was a Calvinistic Presbyterian minister, and had first heard the phrase "Great Architect of the Universe" used when studying the Reformation in seminary. The appeal of this term to Masons is quite obvious, i.e., it describes God in His role as Master Builder.


    RicKeY lEE jOn$eS - sO L0nLEnY AAAaaavenuE. Any Concious Progressive MuzicK with Creativity Fourthought and Sometimes Even a message,.. about around infinity artists..




    6th and 7th Books of Moses, Apocrypha, Archko Volume, Book of Tephi, Books of Enoch, Crucifixion of Truth - Contriving to Deceive, The Song Celestial, The book of the dead, Enuma Elish, Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas (just witness), Hiram Key (book about jesus's sect of judea)and how the initiation rites of freemasonry today are those of Jesus's Rites , Lost Book of Enki , Pyramid of Fire (Lost Aztec Instructions for initiation rites for 2012, The Talmud, Underboss, Fatal Hour, The Hoffa Wars, .... if its good i read it.... if you read it in highschool i read it.... shhhjh derr i lyake foozball huh uhh uhu derRR and the Montauk Book of the Dead will clear up any questions as to dianetics and scientology.

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