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........................................................ The Holy Bible- The Holy Quran- DSM III - Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Love is Never Enough, Arron T. Beck, M.D.- Dark Ghetto, Dilemas of Social Power, Kenneth B. Clark- Black Boy, Richard Wright- Liquid Verbs, A Book of Haikus, Tamarah Ynise- The Bell Curve (1994), Charles Murray & Hernstein (Pure garbage)- Relationship Cookbook, the premeire guide for love, the healthy way.., Anthony C. Rucker -Dr. John Gray, Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus- The Zapatista Reader: Tom Hayden- Rev. Perdo Pitre, Out of Order (Nuyorican Poet)- Jean Piaget (Cognitive Psychology)- Jack Kerouac, On the Road- TS Eliot (poems)- Truman Capote, In Cold Blood- Louis Reyes Rivera, Scattered Scriptures- Illuminati, Peter McPherson- Dr. Llaila O. Afrika, "Nutricide"- Mind Pen Soul, Rebecca "Butterfly" Vaughns- Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill- The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown- Soledad Brothers, George Jackson-Men Who Hate Women & The Women Who Love Them, Dr. Susan Forward.- The Webster's Dictionary-Notes on a Hanging Judge, Stanley Crouch- Eric Erikson, Personality Theories/Personal Growth- Eric Copage, Black Pearls- Wole Soyinka, The Man Died, his classic prison writings- Patrick J. Buchanan, The Death of the West, How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization- The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano, Gosch Hammer- Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing With Power, Politics And Influence in Organizations- Socialism Past & Future, Michael Harrington etc.The Casanova Complex-The War Against Children Of Color, Psychiatry Targets Inner City Youth, Peter R. Breggin, M.D., Ginger Ross Breggin- One Drop of Blood, The American Misadventure of Race, Scott L. Malcomson - Assata Shakur: an Autobiography-The Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz- George Orwell 1984- Neon Jawbone Riot, Ron Allen- The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie- Hip Logic, Terrance Hayes- Jean Toomer, Cain - Lawrence Kohlberg, Child & Adolescent Development-The Cinderella Complex- Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse- Do Or Die, Leon Bing- TI Want My Body Back, Ron Allen- Socialism And Democracy, Hip Hop, Race, And Cultural Politics, Vol.18, No. 2, July-December 2004, Edited by Yusef Nuruddin & Victor Wallis- Elijah Anderson, Street Wise, Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community-On Death & Dying, Elizabeth Kubler Ross- Beyond The Pale Horse, William Cooper-Dont Call it Love, Patrick E. Carnes- Absence in the Palms of My Hands, Asha Bandele- Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez- The Unforseen Hand-Unlimited Power, A Black Choice Anthony Robbins & Joseph McClendon III-Awaken The Giant Within, Anthony Robbins- Les Brown, Live Your Dreams- The Second Treatise on Civil Government, John Locke- John Dewey: Philosophy of Education- Miguel Pinero, La Bodega Sold Dreams/Short Eyes (Play)/Kill, Kill, Kill & Lower Eastside poem (poems)- Jean-Paul Sartre: Philosophy & Existentialism- Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus-Dante's Divine Comedy-The Origin of The Family, Private Property, and the State, Frederick Engles- Home, Social Essays By LeRoi Jones- The Soul Of The Black Liberation Army, Julian Richardson- Allen Ginsberg (all of his poems/essays)-Thick Face, Black Heart, The Warrior Philosophy for Conquering The Challenges of Business And Life Chin-Ning Chu- Secrets of Closing the Sale: Books: Zig Ziglar by Zig Ziglar-The Last Word On The Gentle Art OF Verbal Self-Defense, Suzette Haden Elgin-365 Tao Daily Meditations, Deng Ming-Dao- The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne-Hell Angels Into The Abyss, Yves Lavigne-The Tao Of Inner Peace, Dr. Diane Drayer- Iyanla Vanzant, Up From Here, Reclaiming The Male Spirit- Ngugi, A Grain Of Wheat-The Zen of Listening, Mindful Communication In The Age of Distraction, Rebecca Z. Shafir, M.A. CCC-The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene- George Orwell, Animal Farm- Instructor's Guide For The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Paul Lauter, General Editor- McDougal, Littell Responding To Literature, American Literature- Ending the War between Black Men and Women, Love Prescription, Jeffrey Gardere, Ph.D.- A Taste of Power, A Black Women's Story, Elaine Brown- The Coup, a novel by John Updike- Ready For Revolution, The Life And Struggles of Stokely Carmichael {Kwame Ture} etc.The Art of Seduction, Robert Greene-Your Sacred Self, Making The Decision To Be Free, Dr. Wayne Dyer- How To See and Read the Aura, Ted Andrews- Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude -Anger The Misunderstood Emotion, Dr. Carol Travis- It's Your Money! The Federal Reserve Hoax, The Age of Deception (Exposed!), Simply Change To This And Save This Nation! by Wickliffe B. Vennard Sr.- Between Arab And Israeli, Lieutenant-General E.L.M. Burns- The Killing State, Capital Punishment In Law, Politics, And Culture, Edited by Austin Sarat- 20 Years of Censored News, Carl Jenson And Project Censored- Her Dream of Dreams, The Rise And Triumph of Madam C.J. Walker, Beverly Lowry- The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, Arnold Rampersad, Editor-Start and Run Your Own Record Label, Daylle Deanna Schwartz-What To Say When You Talk To Yourself, Shad Helmstetter, Ph. D.-This Business of Music A Practical Guide to the Music Industry for Publishers, Writers, Record Companies, Producers, Artists, Agents M. William Krasilovsky & Sidney Shemel-Wounded in the House of a Friend, Sonia Sanchez- Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking-At Arms Selected Poems, George Edward Tait-Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston-Selected Poems of Claude McKay with a Biographical Note by Max Eastman-No Noose Is Good Noose, Dr.Tony Medina-The Words Don't Fit In My Mouth, Jessica Care Moore-Spirit Anthems and Ancient Magic, Layding Lunmumna Kaliba-Poetry/Black Lit.:John Oliver Killens, Young Blood University of Georgia Press in Athens Georgia and Coffee House Press & Cotillion-Love And War Poems By Marvin X-Passions & Impressions, Pablo Neruda-Born Palestinian, Born Black, Suheir Hammad-Fast Cities And Objects That Burn, Sharrif Simmons-Like The Singing Coming off The Drums, Sonia Sanchez-Does your house have lions? Sonia Sanchez- Anthills Of The Savannah, Chinua Achebe-Manchild in the Promised Land, Claude Brown-James Baldwin, Another Country -James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time-Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe-James Baldwin, Go Tell It On The Mountain-If They Hollers Let Him Go, Chester Himes-The Third Generation, Chester Himes- West Side Story, Irving Shulman-The Celestine Prophesy, James Redfield-The Wretched Of The Earth, Frantz Fanon- Shake Loose My Skin, Sonia Sanchez-Pagan Operetta, Carl Hancock Rux-The Interpreters, Wole Soyinka- Sancocoho, A Book of Nuyorican Poetry, Shaggy Flores- The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran- The Autobiography of Lenny Bruce-Down Theses Mean Streets, Piri Thomas-Mumbo Jumbo, Ishmael Reed-Black Literature/General Literature:The Assassination Of The Black Male Image, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Ph.D.-To Heal A People, African Scholars Defining A New Reality Edited by Erriel Kofi Addae & Terriel D. Robberson-Life And Def, Russell Simmons with Nelson George- New World Order, Ralph Eperson- From Nigga to Gods, Akil-Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart-The Classic Slave Narratives, Henry Louis Gates Jr.- Said the Shotgun to the head, Saul Williams- Screaming From The Outskirts, Sharrif Simmons- Flowing Like A River, Raging Like a Flood, Lisa A. Smith- Louis Reyes Rivera,Scattered Scripture- The Gospel According To The New York Times, How the world's most powerful news organization shapes your mind and values, William Proctor- Che Guevara, A Revolutionary Life, Jon Lee Anderson- Century of Struggle, The Women's Rights Movement in the United States, Eleanor Flexner- Tweleve Fingers, Biography of an Anarchist, A Novel by Jo Soares- Punany, The Hip Hop Psalms, Edited by Jessica Holter- Angela Willamston,Poet on Watch- Fast Cities And Objects That Burn, Sharrif Simmons- The Chomsky Reader, Noam Chomsky, Edited by James Peck- In Defense of Mumia, Edited by S.E. Anderson and Tony Medina- Human Rights Watch, World Report, 1997- Inquiry & Expression, Martin & Ohmann- The HarperCollins Study Bible, New Revised Standard Version-Before The Mayflower, A History of Black America Lerone Bennett, Jr.- W.E.B. DuBois The Souls of Black Folks, With an intro by John Edgar Wideman- In The Matter Of Color, Race & The American Legal Process: The Colonial Period, A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. -Brothers And Keepers, John Edgar Wildeman- To Kill A Mockingbird, A Novel By Harper Lee- Race Matters, Cornel West-The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, Gates, McKay, Andrews etc. - How to Eat to Live, Elijah Muhammad- Junky, William S. Burroughs, Intro. by Allen Ginsberg- Herzog, Saul Bellow-The Cry For Justice, An Anthology of the Great Social Protest Literature of All Time, Upton Sinclair- Luc Sante, Low Life- A History of The American People (Vol 1& 2)- The Power Game, How Washington Works, Hedrick Smith- Among Others, A novel, Lois Griffith-Blueprint For Black Power, A Moral, Political and Economic Imperative for the Twenty-First Century, Dr. Amos N. Wilson -Black On Black Violence: The Psychodynamics of Black Self-Annihilation in Service of White Domination, Dr. Amos N. Wilson- The Way of the Dreamcatcher-First Word, Black Scholars Thinkers Warriors, Kwaku Person-Lynn-A Month and a Day A Detention Diary, Ken Saro- Wiwa, Nigerias Heroic Martyr-God Is Black, Naiwu Osahon- War And Peace, Leo Tolstoy-All Things Censored, Mumia Abu Jamal-Forced Into Glory, Lerone Bennett Jr.-America's Most Wanted, Shower Posse, The Most Notorious Jamaican Criminal Organization, Duane Blake- Genghis Khan and the Makings of the Modern World, Jack Weatherford- Finder Of Lost Souls, Redstrom- Post Cards of Elbarrio, Willie Perdomo- Yukio Mishima, Confessions Of A Mask-Chronicles of Black Protest, Bradford Chambers-postcardsofelbarrio, Willie Perdomo-A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess- The Idiot, Fyodor Dostoevsky-A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley- Poems That Live Forever, Selected By Hazel Felleman- Either/Or Part 1, Soren Kierkegaard- The Richest Man In Babylon, George S. Clason- Human Rights Watch, World Report, 1996- Three Days As The Crow Flies, a novel, Danny Simmons-Gwendolyn Brooks, Selected Poems- Amiri Baraka, Funk Lore-Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung- The Rose That grew From Concrete, Tupac Amar Shakur-Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison- George Frazier, Success Runs in Our Race- Hunter S. Thompson, Genreation of Swine, Gonzo Papers, Vol. 2: Tales of Shame And Degradation in the 80's- F. Scott Fitgerald, Taps at Reveille, Short Stories- Terri Woods Presents, Dutch, The First of A Trilogy- Class, Race and Black Liberation, Henry Winston- Along This Way, The Autobiography of James Weldon Johnson- Lyrical Swords, Hip Hop and Politics in the Mix, Adisa Banjoko- Outta You: Early Selfloveactivism, Khary Kimani Turner- Hunter S. Thompson, Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas, A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream- Tish Benson's Wild Like That, Good Stuff Smellin Story, A Collection- Star of the Sea, A Novel, Joseph O' Connor- The Gangs of New York, Herbert Asbury- Black Skin White Mask, Frantz Fanon- Sula A novel by Toni Morrison- Speech and Power, Volume 2, Edited by Gerald Early, The African-American Essay And Its Cultural Content From Polemics to Pulpit-Federico Garcia Lorca, Selected Verse, A Bilingual Edition, Edited by Christopher Maurer- Sam Greenlee, The Spook That Sat by the Door-Blake or The Huts of America, A Novel By Martin R. Delany, Edited By Floyd J. Miller- Ezra Pound, The Last Rower, A Political Porfile By C. David Heymann- The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni(1968-1998)- Goombata, The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and His Gang, John Cummings and Ernest Volkman- Ovid Metamorphosis, Translated by Rolfe Humpheries- The Unseen Hand, An Intro. to the Conspiratorial View of History, by Ralph Epperson- Biko The Revised Edition, Donald Woods- Winning Over Racism, Obi. O. Arwani- The Philosophy & Opinions Of Marcus Garvey, Or Africa For the Africans,Compiled by Amy Jacques Garvey- Power Quotes, Daniel B. Baker- Whose Trade Organization, A Comprehensive Guide to the WTO, Lori Wallach and Partick Woodall/Public Citizen- The Net Worth, Poetry by Bert Padell- Henry David Thoreau, Walden and Civil Disobedience- Crime and Punishment,Fyodor Dostoevsky- A Testament of Hope, The Essental Writings of Martin Luther King Jr., Edited by James M. Washington- The Zapatista Reader, Edited And with an intro. by Tom Hayden- Allen Ginsberg, Collected Poems (1947-1980)- The Cornel West Reader, Cornel West- Cane, Jean Toomer, Edited by Darwin T. Turner- At Arms, Selected Poems of George Edward Tait- The Black West, William Loren Katz- The Last Days of Louisiana Red, A novel, Ishmael Reed- Beautiful And Ugly Too, M.K. Asante, Jr.- Body Language, The Essential Secrets of Non-verbal Communication, Julius Fast- Finder Of Lost Souls, Redstorm- The Gangs of Chicago, A Sequel To The Gangs Of New York, An Informal History Of The Chicago Underworld- A Hiphop Stroy, A Novel By Heru Ptah-Discourses In Dialect, 10 New Black Poets, with intro. by Nikki Giovanni- Patrick J. Buchanan, The Death of the West,How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization- Franz Kafka, the complete stories, Foreword By John Updike- The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano, Gosch Hammer- Soul on Ice, Eldridge Clever- Socialism Past & Future, Michael Harrington- L.Brent Bozell III, Founder, Weapons of Mass Distortion, The Coming Meltdown of the Liberal Media- Essays and English Traits, Ralph Waldo Emerson with Into. & Notes- Black Wallstreet, Jay Jay Wilson, Ron Wallace- Dangerous Dossiers, Exposing the Secret War Against America's Greatest Authors, Herbert Mitgang- Noam Chompsky & Edward S. Herman, The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, The Political Economy of Human Rights: Vol. 1- The Leroi Jones/Amiri Baraka Reader, Edited By William J. Harris- Leon Harris, Upton Sinclair, American Rebel- Bum Rush the Page: A Def Poetry Jam,Edited by Tony Medina & Louis Reyes Rivera- Unequal Protection: Environment Justice & Communities of Color- Voltaire (All of his work (Candide/Zadig or Fate etc..)- A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry- How To Roll A Blunt for Dummies!, Rashawn Prince- The Art of Drowning, Billy Collins-The Chicago Crime Commission Gang Book, A detailed overview of street gangs in the Chicago metropolitan area - Unfinished Business, Afghanistan, The Middle East And Beyond-Defusing The Dangers that Threaten America's Security, Harlan Ullman- The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, A Historical Analysis of the Failure of Black Leadership, Harold Cruise-The ART OF EMCEE-ING, AN EASY TO FOLLOW STEP BY STEP GUIDE FOR THE ASPIRING HIPHOP ARTIST, Stic.Man of dead prez -African American Viewers and the Black Situation Comedy, Situation Racial Humor, Robin R. Means Coleman- Seize The Time, The Story of The Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale- Jorge Luis Borges, Collected Fiction, Translated by Andrew Hurley- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy & The Genealogy of Morals, Translated by Francis Golffing- Two Nations, Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal, Andrew Hacker, John Steinbeck,The Grapes of Wrath- The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen- Rediscovering The Harlem Renaissance and the Return of the Talented Tenth, Richard LaMonte Pierce-Out of the Sweatshop, the struggle for industrial democracy, Edited By Leon Stein-Steinbeck Centennial Edition, East of Eden, John Steinbeck- A Second Chance at Life, William H. Pew- the Art of Profitability, Adrian Slywotzky-The Whistle-Blowers, Exposing Corruption in Government & Industry, Myron Peretz Glazer & Penina Migdal Glazer- Erotique Noire, Black Erotica, Edited By Miriam Decosta-Willis, Reginald Martin, and Roseann P.Bell-Step into a World, A Global Anthology of the New Black Literature, edited by Kevin Powell- God's Trademarks, George Otis Jr.- Words to Winners of Souls, Renewing spiritual zeal in God's servants, Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)- Deterring Democracy, Noam Chomsky- The Animal Factory, Edward Bunker- Gangland, How the FBI Broke the Mob, Howard Blum- Black Ice, The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism, Dan Verton- Scratch Marks, Jeanann Verlee-The 33 Strategies of War, Robert Greene-Medical Apartheid, The Dark History Of Medical Experimentation On Black Americans From Colonial Times To The Present, Harrieta A. Washington- The Measure Of A Man, a spirtual autobiography, Sidney Poitier- Marcus A. Janson, Modern Urban-Expressionism- Black Mass, The True Story of an Unholy Alliance Between the FBI and the Irish Mob,Dick Lehr & Gerard O' Neill- The First And Second Discourses, Jean-Jacques Rousseau- Life Notes, Personal Writings By Contemporary Black Women, Edited by Patricia Bell-Scott- The Foucault Reader,An introduction to Foucault's Thought, Paul Rabinow, Editor- My Soul's High Song, The Collected Writings of Countee Cullen, Voice of The Harlem Renaissance- Rich Dad Poor Dad, What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not, Robert T. Kiyosaki-Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee, With Ossie & Ruby, In This Life Together- The Portable Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)Translated And Edited BY Samuel Putnam - Songwriting For Dummies-Tales of The Out & The Gone, Short Stories, Amiri Baraka- WISE WHY'S Y's, The Griot's Song Djeli Ya, Amiri Baraka- The Portable Steinbeck, Edited by Pascal Covici, Jr.-Gumbo For The Soul:The Recipe For Literacy In The Black Comminity,An Anthology Compiled by Beverly Black Johnson- Transbluesency, Selected Poems 1961-1995, Amiri Baraka -"And don't call me a racist!" A treasury of quotes on the past, present, and future of the color line in America selected and arranged by Ella Mazel- MURRAY KEMPTON, REBELLIONS, PERVERSITIES, AND MAIN EVENTS- Technology, Job and Your Future, THE END OF WORK, The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Mrket Era, Jeremy Rifkin, Foreword by Robert L. Heilbroner - RINGSIDE SEAT TO A REVOLUTION, An Underground Cultural History of El Paso and Juarez: 1893-1923, David Dorado Romo- MARGARET THATCHER THE DOWING STREET YEARS: 1979-1990- STUPID WHITE MEN..and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation, Michael Moore - - Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas, The Summa Theologica, The Summa Contra Gentiles, Edited with an Intro. by Anton C. Pegis- Yehuda Ofer, Operation Thunder, The Entebbe Raid, The Israelis' Own Story- The Creative Brain, The Science of Genius, Nancy C. Andreasen - A Hungry Heart, {A Memoir}, Gorden Parks - Winning the Investment Game, A guide for all Seasons, James Gipson - Robert Allen, Creating Wealthetc..
God Almighty!Sitting Bull, Winnie Mandela, Arundhati Roy, Malcolm X, Henry David Thoreau, Ho Chi Minh, Sojourner Truth, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Emma Goldman, William Blum, Jomo Kenyatta, Allen Ginsberg, Rita Mae Brown, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Alice Walker, Tariq Ali, Albert Memmi, Barbara Smith, Crazy Horse, Ramsey Clark, Simon Boli var, Angelina Grimke Weld, Eduardo Galeano, Edward Said, Sunera Thobani, Aime Cesaire, Zapatista National Liberation Army, Mark Twain, Marcus Garvey, Vandana Shiva, Kwame Nkrumah, Haile Selassie, Tecumseh, Toussaint L'Ouverture, June Jordan, Eugene Debs, Huey Newton, Bell Hooks, Hannah Arendt, James Connolly, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ward Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Bobby Sands, Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales, Leonard Peltier, Stan Goff, Assata Shakur, Maya Angelou, Kuwasi Balagoon, Toni Cade Bambara, Martin Luther King, Jr, H. "Rap" Brown, Russell Means, James Baldwin, David Walker, Immortal Technique Maria W. Stewart, John Trudell, Augusto Cesar Sandino, Rita "Bo" Brown, Susan B. Anthony, Tomás Borge MartÃnez, Thomas Paine, Sergio Méndez Arceo, Utah Phillips, José MarÃa Morelos, Grace Lee Boggs, Oscar Romero, Ralph Chaplin, William Jelani Cobb, Filiberto Ojeda Rios, Rosa Parks, Chief Atai, Miguel Hidalgo, Norman Solomon, Muhammad Ali, W.E.B. Du Bois, William Upski Wimsatt, Dick Gregory, Steve Biko, Sonia Sanchez, Frederick Douglass, Eldridge Cleaver, Paul Robeson, Vine Deloria, Chief Seattle, Harriet Tubman, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Bob Marley, Chief Joseph, Wole Soyinka, Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, Cherrà e Moraga, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Will Rogers, James W. Loewen, Luther Standing Bear, Ohiyesa, Winona LaDuke, Albert Einstein, Audre Lorde, Denis Hayes, Earth Liberation Front, Wangari Maathai, Friedrich Engels, Judi Bari, Robert Bullard, Manfred Max-Neef, Edward Abbey, Toni Morrison, Mary Daly, Julia Butterfly Hill, David Suzuki, Louise Michel, Peter Singer, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Carl Oglesby, Bernadette Devlin, Subcomandante Marcos, Mother Jones, Welfare Poets, George Jackson, Etienne de la Boetie, Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Cesar Chavez, Nelson Mandela, Albert Camus, Howard Zinn, The Coup, Karl Marx, Patrice Lumumba, Joan Baez, Mao Tse-Tung, Daniel O'Connell, Daniel Berrigan, Emma Goldman, Adrienne Rich, A. Philip Randolph, Mordechai Vanunu, Public Enemy, Mario Savio, Mario Hardy Ramirez, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Cornel West, John Brown, Fred Hampton, Michael Franti, Franz Fanon, David Gilbert, Rod Coronado, Fidel Castro, Michael Albert, Ramona Africa, Ida B. Wells, Martin Niemoller, Paul Laraque, Cynthia McKinney, Pete Seeger, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Ewuare Osayande, Guillermo Gomez-Peta, Jose Marti, Robin Morgan, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Amiri Baraka, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pedro Albizu Campos, Starhawk, Guy Fawkes, Wendell Phillips, Chinua Achebe, Yuri Kochiyama, John Africa, Helen Keller, Mikhail Bakunin, Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt, Noam Chomsky, Fela Kuti, Gloria Steinem, Heinrich Heine, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Michael Berg, Marilyn Buck, Black Hawk, Salvador Allende, George Santayana, Patrice Lumumba, Aurora Levins Morales, Harry Belafonte, Angela Davis, Michael Parenti, Geronimo, Jello Biafra, Greg Palast, Langston Hughes, Chuck D, Pablo Picasso, Joe Hill, Martin Espada, Cherrie Moraga, Woody Guthrie, Thom Yorke, Mutulu Shakur, Nikki Giovanni, Jeff Chang, Gary Delgado, Susan Sontag, Peter Tosh, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sarah Grimko, Shirley Chisholm, Bernardine Dohrn, Susan Faludi, Virginia Woolf, Mariam Makeba, Paula Giddings, Rebecca Walker, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Aung San Suu Kyi, Camille Paglia, Simone de Beauvoir, Alicia Banks, Sylvia Ray Rivera, Gloria Anzaldia, Robin Tyler, Alexander Berkman, Mother Jones, Studs Terkel, H Rap Brown, August Spies, Barbara Ehrenrei, ch Shirin Ebadi, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Kathy Kelly, John Stockwell, Desmond Tutu, David P. Richardson, Eric Alterman, Magdaleno Rose-Avila, Gary Null, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, John Edgar Wideman, Michel Foucault, Last Poets, Lenny Bruce, Shaka Sankofa, Kevin Cooper, "Zamba" Boukman Dutty, Fannie Lou Hamer, Simone Weil, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ernesto Cardenal, Medgar Evers, Chico Mendes, Chris Hedges, Randolph Bourne, Elias Rashmawi, Woody Harrelson, Smedley Butler, Tim Wise, Camilo Mejia, The Mau Mau, John Oliver Killens, Oscar Brown Jr., Dr. Khalid Muhammad etc.